To notify
the committee of any complaints received.
Gwenllian Williams.
To accept the
To accept the
The Language advisor presented her report on the
latest information on complaints and examples of success in promoting the use
of the Welsh Language and good practice within Council Services. She
highlighted the following main points during her presentation:-
Current circumstances had made it difficult to
maintain some services, such as virtual meetings and committees due to the lack
of a translation function on Teams.
However, by now the Council was using Zoom to provide simultaneous translation.
She explained that the current period had facilitated
the development of staff skills, for example, there had been an increase in the
numbers of staff learning Welsh and taking advantage of training courses.
She referred specifically to Byw'n
Iach staff who had, in the past, proved difficult to
reach in relation to skills development.
In relation to complaints about compliance with the
Standards, it was reported there had been no formal complaints, although some
enquiries had been received, and those matter had been resolved quickly with no
further action.
In relation to the language policy, two complaints had
been received, one had been resolved quickly, and the other was more complex as
the complaint related to the availability of the language of choice on a
technical device.
were given an opportunity to ask questions and offer their brief observations
on the report. As time did not allow
giving full consideration to the report, members were invited to contact the
Language unit if they had any further questions or observations.