Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
Decision Maker: Care Scrutiny Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Care Scrutiny Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
1. To agree to the principle of further
research on amending the charging for care policy.
2. Request a
more detailed report to include the exact figures to be charged and the
charging framework.
Decision Maker: Care Scrutiny Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Care Scrutiny Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
To accept the report, and:
concern about the waiting lists for domiciliary care in some areas of the
data regarding waiting lists across the County in order to facilitate
comparison between areas.
the Cabinet Member to update the Committee on the work of the Domiciliary Care
Project to include information about reducing costs and improving the quality
of data.
Decision Maker: Care Scrutiny Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Care Scrutiny Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
To accept the report, noting the observations made
during the discussion.
concern that the provision is not consistent across the Council, and emphasise
the importance of providing respite to unpaid carers.
Request a further report on the review of Transport
Policy and the review of Day Care to enable Members to provide timely input.
Decision Maker: Care Scrutiny Committee
Made at meeting: 26/09/2024 - Care Scrutiny Committee
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
To accept the report, noting the observations made during the discussion.
Decision Maker: North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Decision published: 20/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
To approve the Full Business
Case for the Tourism Talent Network project.
To authorise the Portfolio
Director, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair, Section 151 Officer and
Monitoring Officer to agree and enter into a funding agreement with Grŵp
Llandrillo Menai for the delivery of the project, on the basis that Grŵp
Llandrillo Menai satisfactorily addresses the 'outstanding issues' set out in
section 7.1 of the report.
3. To
delegate final approval of the remaining procurement in Phase 1 to the
Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair, Section 151
Officer and Monitoring Officer where expenditures and benefits are within the
parameters of the Full Business Case presented.
4. To
delegate authority to the Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair,
Vice Chair, Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to approve the
subsequent Business Justification Case for Phase 2 of the project, the fourth
spoke, where expenditure and benefits are within the parameters of the Full
Business Case presented.
Decision Maker: North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Decision published: 20/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
1. To
approve the Outline Business Case for the Advanced Wireless project subject to
Welsh Government and UK Government approval of the assurance process
undertaken, subject to the Portfolio Management Office addressing the
outstanding issues set out in Section 7 of the report, and request that a Full
Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider.
2. To
delegate to the Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair and Vice
Chair, final approval of the procurement specification and social value
criteria prior to project funders commencing procurement.
3. To
authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Host Authority
Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms in accordance
with this report for approval by the NWEAB as a basis for the final funding
arrangements for the project which will form the basis of the Grant Offer
Letter which will be agreed by the Board at the Full Business Case stage.
Decision Maker: North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Decision published: 20/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
accept the Audit Wales report which highlighted the NWEAB's Audit Plan for
Decision Maker: North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Made at meeting: 20/09/2024 - North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Decision published: 20/09/2024
Effective from: 20/09/2024
1. To
note and accept the NWEAB's end of August 2024 revenue review.
2. To
note and accept the NWEAB’s reserves update.
3. To
agree the NWEAB’s revised capital expenditure profile.