8.2 Appendix 1 - Approaches to Porthmadog Harbour
8.3 Appendix 2 - Personal Watercraft Registration 2011
8.4 Appendix 3 - Power Boat Registrations 2011
8.5 Appendix 4 - Comparison of Powerboats and Sailing
8.6 Appendix 5 - Mooring Statistics 2011
8.7 Appendix 6(a) - Comparison of Boat Statistics at each Harbour 2011
8.8 Appendix 6(b) - Comparison of Porthmadog Boat Statistics 2011
8.9 Appendix 7 - Porthmadog Boat List 2011
8.10 Appendix 8(a) - End of August Accounts