Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
RESOLVED: To approve the
application subject to the following conditions:
1. Development to commence
within 12 months of permission date.
2. Development permitted to
cease within 5 years of notification of commencement. The development hereby
permitted shall cease immediately in the event of early or premature cessation
of the winning and working of minerals at the site (Chwarel Garth).
3. In accordance with the
plans and submitted details.
4. Nothing other than inert
waste excavation material from the SVIP development shall be imported to the
5. Operator/developer shall
provide log of material imported to the LPA within 10 days of request
(information to contain origin, tonnage, description of material, date and
times of movement and fate).
6. Restriction of relevant
GPDO rights for buildings, structures, private ways, floodlighting, fencing
7. Mark boundary of permitted
area prior to commencement.
8. Biodiversity enhancement
agreed prior to commencement.
9. Copy of determination and
approved plans to be shown at the Garth Quarry site office.
10. Hours of working (to match
mineral permission).
11. Oil, fuel and chemical
storage on impervious bases and bunded.
12. Monitor site for presence
of non-native invasive species.
13. Noise level restrictions
(specific levels to match mineral permission).
14. Noise levels restrictions
for temporary operations (specific levels to match mineral permission).
15. Annual noise
16. Vehicles, plant and
machinery to operate within maximum noise emission levels of manufacturer
specification and not operated without appropriate sound deadening screens,
casework, enclosures and silencers.
17. ‘White noise’ reversing
alarms for mobile plant and vehicles.
18. Dust mitigation measures
carried out in accordance with condition 23 of Mineral Planning Permission
19. Surface of site access to
county highway to kept clean and no mud/debris to be deposited on highway.
20. Environmental log of dust
complaints kept and to be made available to the LPA within 14 days of request.
21. The import of inert waste
material shall be restricted to the use of the existing dedicated haul routes.
22. Loaded vehicles leaving
site to be sheeted or treated to avoid emission of dust (for material under
23. Condition to retain
bilingual signage for the duration of the development.
24. Lighting scheme to avoid
any effects on bat flight paths.
25. Pollution Prevention Plan
to ensure that all measures are taken to avoid any pollution entering
watercourses and the Glaslyn.
26. Biodiversity improvement measures.
27. Monitoring and control of
invasive plant species during the permit period.
Publication date: 13/01/2025
Date of decision: 13/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 13/01/2025 - Planning Committee
Accompanying Documents: