Decision Maker: North Wales Corporate Joint Committee
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the proposed Terms of Reference in appendix 1 of the report
for the Economic Well-being Sub-committee.
To approve the commissioning of the Legal, Democratic, Finance, IT, HR,
Learning and Development, Health and Safety, and Translation services by way of
a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Cyngor Gwynedd within the approved
To agree to delegate authority to the CJC's Interim Chief Executive and
in accordance with this report, and in consultation with the Chair and
Vice-chair, to agree and conclude a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the
services in 2.2 above with Cyngor Gwynedd.
Publication date: 17/01/2025
Date of decision: 17/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 17/01/2025 - North Wales Corporate Joint Committee
Accompanying Documents: