Decision status: Approved
Is Allweddol decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To accept the report on the end of November 2022
review of the Revenue Budget and consider the latest financial situation
regarding the budgets of each department / service.
To approve the transfer of £3.188 million of
underspend on Corporate budgets to the Council's Financial Strategy Reserve.
To recommend that the procedure in terms of using
funds to fund the financial deficit at the time will be:
firstly, use School Balances to fund the additional
costs of inflation on the salaries of teachers, assistants, administrative
staff and electricity which is above the budget level in the schools.
secondly, use the Council Tax Premium Fund to fund the
additional pressure in the Homelessness field.
finally, use the post-Covid recovery arrangements fund
established to fund the associated financial challenges that face the Council.
Publication date: 24/01/2023
Date of decision: 24/01/2023
Decided at meeting: 24/01/2023 - The Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: