Decision Maker: Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That Councillors Dawn Jones and Gwynfor Owen (who have a connection
with the autism field) submit applications for dispensations to allow them to
represent the Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee on the Autism Plan Task
and Finish Group.
2. To ask the Standards
Committee to convene a special meeting to consider applications for
dispensations from Councillors Dawn Jones and Gwynfor Owen.
3. To elect
Councillors Cai Larsen and Beth Lawton as reserve members to represent the
Committee on the Task and Finish Group.
Publication date: 09/11/2023
Date of decision: 09/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 09/11/2023 - Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee
Accompanying Documents: