Jones, AONB Officer to give a report on the Dark Sky Designation.
to defer this matter for further consultation. Some Members of the
Joint Committee wished to receive more information before supporting the
application to the IDA for Dark Sky Park designation for the Llŷn AONB.
It was agreed that the Llŷn AONB Officer
would arrange a virtual meeting at the beginning of the year and invite all
Community Councils within the AONB to ensure further consultation on the
subject and to give Community Councils the opportunity to ask questions. It was
noted that the Llŷn AONB Officer would forward a
presentation to the Community Councils; arrangements will be made for an
Officer to contact the Clerks of the Community Councils.
The Joint
Committee was provided with a summary of the Llŷn
AONB Officer's report, and was requested to support the recommendation to support an application
to the IDA (International Dark Sky
Association) for a Dark Skies Park status for the area.
It was reported
that discussions had already taken place
between the Unit's staff and the IDA's staff, who were very
supportive of the intention
to submit an application for dark skies status
for the Llŷn AONB. It was considered
that this area had a strong case for receiving
the designation. The IDA was of the opinion that an
International Dark Sky Park
status rather than a Community
status would be more appropriate for this area, and
would be a better reflection of the quality of this dark sky.
It was added that the application would be submitted next year if the Joint
Committee was supportive.
During the discussion, members
raised the following matters:-
It was noted that some of the Community/Town Councils were uncertain about supporting the application. It was reported that women in particular
tended to be wary of the darkness when walking
at night, and that many of the concerns stemmed from this.
AONB Service Officer was asked
to attend a Meeting of
Nefyn Town Council, and other Community Councils, to give a presentation to members and alleviate their
fears. It was believed that there was scope for a further
discussion on this matter.
A Member said that he
was not in favour of the application
due to safety reasons, and concerns
that the designation would be used as a reason not to proceed with some matters,
such as the provision of
more road lighting.
- Additionally, there were concerns regarding
farms; it was argued that farms needed
brighter lighting due to the fact that work took
place there at night.
- A
question was asked about the difference between a Dark Sky Community and
Some members of the Joint Committee wished to support this application;
it was noted that the purpose of the designation was to
ensure that lighting was available in the places where it was needed, and to reduce light wastage
and pollution.
It was argued that this area
was suitable for the
project, and that many people enjoyed
star-gazing in the area.
It was proposed to defer the matter in order to undertake further consultation.
In response,
the following was noted:
There was no intention to switch off street
lights. Rather, it was intended
to promote, educate, hold events and
use best practice, e.g. direct lights downwards,
use lighting that was less bright.
- Dark Sky Park status was more prestigious than Community status as they were larger in size and fewer in number. It was ... view the full minutes text for item 8