7 Application No C22/0242/34/LL Land by Penlon, Clynnog Fawr, LL54 5PE PDF 346 KB
Construct a new dwelling along with new parking area
Councillor Dafydd Davies
to relevant background documents
Additional documents:
DECISION: To refuse
The proposal, due to its size and setting is contrary
to the requirements of policies PCYFF 3 and TAI 4 of the LDP. It is considered that
the proposal would be contrary to the development pattern due to the lack of
curtilage /open area around the house.
It is not considered that the proposal will add to or improve the
character and appearance of the site and there would be a loss of an open space
between existing dwellings that will damage the appearance and character of the
streetscape and the conservation area.
It is considered that the proposal is contrary to the
requirements of policies PS19, PS20, AT 1 and AMG 1 of the LDP as the proposal
would not, due to the loss of an open space as well as the size and appearance
of the house, safeguard or improve the setting and appearance of the
conservation area or the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the important
views in and out of the area.
Construction of new house and parking spaces
The application had been deferred at the Planning
Committee in July in order to undertake a site visit.
Some of the Members had visited the site on
02/09/22 in order to familiarise themselves with the layout and context of the
proposal within the local environment.
Attention was drawn to the late observations form.
The Development Control Officer highlighted that this was a full
application to erect a two-storey house on a plot of land near Pen Lôn, in
front of dwellings known as Y Ficerdy and Clynnog House, with the Tŷ Isaf
and Court Cottages residential dwellings to the rear of the site, within the
Clynnog Fawr residential area and development boundary. Here there is also a
rear access to Beuno Sant Church, which is also being used by the five existing
nearby dwellings. It was noted that the site was located immediately adjacent
to Listed Buildings, located within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
(AONB) and within a Conservation Area, and although a number of observations
were received in relation to parking and turning spaces, the Transportation
Unit did not have an objection.
The application was submitted to the Planning Committee at the request
of the local member.
considered all relevant matters, including local and national policies and
guidance and the observations received, it was highlighted that it could not be
recommended to approve the application due to the failure to satisfy the
requirements of the LDP's TAI policies, relating to the suitability of the
development to comply with the character of the settlement in terms of its size
and scale and that there was a need to protect the open plot from
over-development in order to safeguard the appearance and character of the
local conservation area.
b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
Reasons: A
person's right to build a house and live in their home area; Clynnog was a
parish and not just the Church; the design was acceptable - it was a matter of
opinion; The Transportation Unit and AONB did not have any objection.
In response to the proposal and the comment that the Community Council
supported a home for a local family, the Assistant Head of Planning and
Environment Department noted that the house in question was an open market
house and that it would not be possible to restrict who would be able to live
ch) During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by Members:
That the design was too modern, was inappropriate and stood out in this
That it would affect the church - unsuitable for its location.
The design was a matter of opinion - empty land in the centre of the
That the land was in the ownership of a local person who wished to
return to live in the village.
policies protect people or buildings? Was priority given to the importance of
the church or keeping people local?
· The design ... view the full minutes text for item 7