To consider
the report
Submitted – the report of the Pensions Manager updating the Board on the work being
done in response
to the McCloud case. Members were reminded
that when the public sector pension schemes were reformed
in 2014 and 2015, safeguarding measures were introduced for older members
to ensure that the amendments would not have a negative effect on their
pensions. Nevertheless, in December 2018, the Court of Appeal declared that some
members had suffered discrimination as the protections
did not apply to them. Consequently, the Government had
to consider giving protection to younger members which was equal to the basic protection provided to older members in
order to remove the discrimination.
The work of removing the 'discrimination' was referred to
as the McCloud Project and although it was accepted that it would be a substantial project for the Fund and its
employers, with very little change
in the value of member benefits at the end of the project, this was an excellent opportunity
to ensure that correct and current
data was recorded on the Pensions Dashboard.
When collaborating with Hymans Robertson it was reported that approximately 11,500 members of the Fund were affected by the McCloud case and
that there would be a need to implement some kind of review on them. Following a request for information
by 22 Fund employers, it
was reported that the information that had already come to hand was in a good
It was reiterated that the work was specialist and that experienced
staff was needed to undertake
the work for accuracy. In January
2022, expenditure for 3 temporary posts was approved in order
to assist with the work, but with
staff recruitment being a challenge to funds across the UK, it was noted that two of the posts remained unfilled. Nevertheless, following recent re-advertisement, it was reported
that 12 applications had been received and
that this was encouraging. Despite the situation with the posts, it was reported that the work had started well and that the Pensions Department was confident, with the collaboration of the employer, that the work could be completed
successfully, once a full team was in
Gratitude was expressed for the report.
During the ensuing discussion,
the following observations were noted
Welcomed the number of applications for the post
The team was thanked for its
work – despite the praiseworthy commitment, the work on the McCloud
project would not bring benefits to many.
RESOLVED to accept the information