To consider that
appropriate arrangements are in place in order to ensure that the improvement proposals
that arise from external audit reports are implemented.
Additional documents:
Members were reminded that the item was to be considered as a governing role
and not as a scrutiny role with a request that the Committee should be
satisfied that there were appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that
improvement proposals arising from external audits should be realised.
It was noted that the work of responding to most of the improvement
proposals was continuous work and that the Governance Group chaired by the
Corporate Director had been addressing the improvement proposals and the
progress of the recommendations. It was reiterated, in relation to those proposals
where the conclusion noted 'completed', that these categories, following
feedback from the Committee, had now been separated into two parts to reflect
whether the recommendations had been realised or if they were ongoing work for
the department.
Gratitude was expressed for the report.
During the ensuing discussion, the following
observation was noted:
That a number of
reports were likely to return.
In response to an observation that there was a slippage to the Human
Resources Information System Report, although there was a clear slippage, it
was noted that the report states that it is anticipated that the work programme
of responding to the recommendations would be completed by the end of March
2024. On a local level, it was added that an officer would be appointed to
examine the actions and that a 'managers' response' document would be prepared
to ensure Council ownership of the work; on a national level, an officer would
be identified if relevant.
RESOLVED to accept the report.