Robyn Lovelock, Agri-food and Tourism Programme
Manager, to present the report (which has
been circulated to Board Members only).
1. That the
Board approve the Full Business Case for the Enterprise Engineering and Optic
Centre project reflecting the approved change requests at OBC stage and
authorise the Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair, Section 151
Officer and the Monitoring Officer to agree and enter into a funding agreement
with Wrexham University for the delivery of the project, on the basis of
Wrexham University addressing the outstanding issues set out in section 7 of
the report.
2. That the Board note that the later
phases of the project will be subject to Wrexham University producing a Business
Justification Case for each expenditure phase.
3. That the Board delegate to the
Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair, Section 151 Officer and
Monitoring Officer authority to approve the subsequent Business Justification
Cases for the later phases of the project where expenditure and benefits are
within the parameters of the Full Business Case presented.
The report was submitted by Robyn Lovelock, Growth
Deal Programme Manager.
1. That the Board approve the Full Business Case for the Enterprise
Engineering and Optic Centre project reflecting the approved change requests at
OBC stage and authorise the Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair,
Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer to agree and enter into a
funding agreement with Wrexham University for the delivery of the project, on
the basis of Wrexham University addressing the outstanding issues set out in
section 7 of the report.
2. That the Board note that the later phases of the project will
be subject to Wrexham University producing a Business Justification Case for
each expenditure phase.
3. That the Board delegate to the Portfolio Director, in
consultation with the Chair, Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer
authority to approve the subsequent Business Justification Cases for the later
phases of the project where expenditure and benefits are within the parameters
of the Full Business Case presented.
To seek the Board’s
approval of the Full Business Case for the Enterprise Engineering and Optic
Centre Project.
The Board approved the
Outline Business Case for the project on the 29 April 2022 along with a change
request covering a reduction in match funding for the project. The project subsequently received the
approval of the assurance process from Welsh Government. This enabled Wrexham University to progress
with the procurement phase and development of the Full Business Case.
Wrexham University have now
completed the procurement for phase 1 of the project and are now presenting to
the Board, a Full Business Case for a final investment decision.
The item was discussed.