To present
Audit Wales’ report.
To accept
and approve the Audit Plan 2023.
The report was presented, noting that the
Audit Plan and the accounts are not usually presented in the same meeting, but
as the last Joint Committee meeting was postponed the Audit Plan is presented
in this meeting. It was explained that the plan looks slightly different to
those prepared by Audit Wales in the past, and that this is due to changes in
international auditing standards. The Joint Committee was reminded that not one
audit can provide absolute assurance that the statement of accounts is accurate
and that auditors adopt a concept of materiality.
It was noted that due to the changes to
international auditing standards auditors now have to
do much more work on the risks, and attention was drawn to the risks discussed
in the report. It was explained that the risk of management override is present
in all entities and is therefore present in all audit plans in Wales, and that
the auditors have no reason to believe that this is occurring in the GwE
accounts. It was noted that the second risk is also general in nature and is
therefore included in the majority of audit plans. In
addition, it was explained that the third risk has been included due to
amendments made to 22/23 accounts in the context of accounting
treatment of grant funding.
Attention was drawn to the
fee raised for the work undertaken, noting it is approximately 15% higher than
last year's fee due to inflation and changes in audit arrangements.
One member asked about the pension fund and
whether GwE is in a situation to withdraw money from the fund. In response, it
was confirmed that the fund is a separate entity to any of the authorities and
the Joint Committee, and that it is revalued every 3 years. It was explained
that the most recent revaluation occurred in April 2023, and as the funding
level of the Gwynedd Pension Fund is healthy the contributions of employees
were reduced overall. It was confirmed that withdrawal of funds is not part of
Gwynedd Pension Fund policy and that contributions are reduced instead.
To accept and approve the
2023 Audit Plan