11 Application No C23/0850/16/LL Parth 7 Parc Bryn Cegin, Llandygai, Gwynedd PDF 145 KB
Construction of new
industrial units
Local Member:
Councillor Dafydd Meurig
to relevant background documents
Additional documents:
1. Commencement time
2. Development must be in accordance with
the plans
3. All materials to be
4. Submission of a
Biodiversity Enhancement Plan prior to the commencement of the development
5. Landscaping scheme
6. Welsh Water Condition
7. Highways Conditions
8. Permitted use of
buildings for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 only
9. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual
10. Opening Hours: 08:00 to
18:00 Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday and
Bank Holidays
Welsh Water
Land Drainage Unit
Construction of new industrial units.
Attention was drawn to the late observations form that
highlighted that a Welsh Language Statement had now been submitted – this went
beyond the statutory requirement.
The Planning Manager highlighted that it was a full application for a new building to include four
business units on one of the vacant plots within Bryn Cegin
Business Park, Llandygai with a view to developing
the site for uses within use class B2 (General Industrial) which was in
accordance with the permission for the estate as a whole.
Access to the site
would be provided via the existing vehicular entrance which provided access
from the inner road that served the wider Parc Bryn Cegin
site and it was proposed to provide hard-standings for
parking and turning in front of each unit.
It was explained
that the application site was located outside the development boundary of the
Sub-regional Centre of Bangor as defined in the LDP, however, it was part of a
site protected as a Strategic Regional Business Site. It was reiterated
that Policy PCYFF 1 of the LDP encouraged the refusal of developments outside
development boundaries unless they were in accordance with other local or
national planning policies. In this case, when
considering its designation as a Business Site in the LDP, there was
appropriate justification to approve such developments at this location.
It was noted that
in the context of access the development would use a road network designed for
the industrial estate and therefore the existing infrastructure was designed to
cope with similar transport levels to what had been envisaged. The site could
be managed by means of conditions.
The proposal was
not considered to be contrary to any material planning policy within the LDP
and the proposed development was appropriate for the site, it complied with the
relevant policies and was likely to be of strategic importance to the county as
a starting point for business developments on the site. Having taken all material planning
considerations into account it was not considered that the proposal would be
likely to cause unacceptable adverse effects to nearby residents or the
community in general.
It was proposed and seconded to approve the
RESOLVED To delegate powers to the Assistant Head of Environment
Department to approve the application subject to completing discussions
regarding archaeology as well as relevant planning conditions relating to:
1. Commencement time
2. Development must be in
accordance with the plans
3. All materials to be
4. Submission
of a Biodiversity Enhancement Plan prior to the commencement of the development
5. Landscaping scheme
6. Welsh Water Condition
7. Highways Conditions
8. Permitted
use of buildings for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 only
9. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual
10. Opening
Hours: 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday and not at all
on Sunday and Bank Holidays
1. Welsh Water
2. Land Drainage Unit