Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations) to present the report.
Additional documents:
1. To consider and note the
Quarter 3 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
2. To approve the submission of
the Quarter 3 Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well
as the local authority scrutiny committees.
The report was submitted by the Head of Operations
with support from the Digital Programme Manager, Land and Property Programme
Manager and the Energy Programme Manager.
1. To consider and note the
Quarter 3 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
approve the submission of the Quarter 3 Performance Report to Welsh Government
and UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny committees.
Quarterly reporting on progress against the North Wales Growth Deal is
one of the requirements of the Final Deal Agreement. Following consideration by
the NWEAB, the reports would be shared with the Welsh Government, UK Government and the local authority scrutiny committees.
There was a presentation on a number of Quarter 3 highlights including:
It was reported that a Gateway
2 review for the '4G+' Key Sites and Connected Corridors project had been
carried out in November with inspectors providing an 'Amber-Green'
assessment with several recommendations as usual. It was noted that the Digital
Programme Manager was working to address these recommendations before
submitting the outline business case for consideration by the Portfolio Board
and the Economic Ambition Board this year.
It was explained that three
Shared Prosperity Fund projects were due to run this year so that Local
Authorities could find ways to improve 4G mobile coverage in their regions. It
was noted that the work also offered support for local businesses to understand
options for adopting new digital technologies for the future.
It was discussed that a number of outline business cases were currently underway
and the full business cases would be submitted to the Board when timely.
Pride was shown that two new
members of staff had been appointed to assist as Energy Project Officer and
Energy Project Manager. These appointments would help to ensure projects
continued to be delivered in a timely manner.
An update was provided on a number of Land and Property projects including Warren
Hall, Western Gateway, Holyhead Gate, Parc Bryn Cegin,
Kinmel Studios and Wrexham Gateway.
It was recognised that
planning issues remained a significant risk to Agri-food and Tourism projects at the moment. It was also noted that a Task and Finish
group had been set up to examine the agriculture and horticulture gap in the
Growth Deal. It was explained that they had commissioned research looking at
food supply and demand in the region through collaboration with Local
Authorities and the Welsh Government.
Reference was made to the
Portfolio Risk Register stating that the risk of the Economic Context had
increased this quarter. It was explained that the risk had been updated
following the wars in the Middle East at present, as it could affect the costs
of supplying goods. It was also explained that Delay risk had reduced this quarter
as a number of outline and full business cases had
been approved by the Board. Despite this, it was noted, that it was still a
significant risk and was being overseen.
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