Apologies were received from:-
Councillor Mark
Pritchard (Wrexham County Borough Council) (Vice Chair)
Professor Edmund Burke
(Bangor University) with Chris Drew deputising;
Professor Joe Yates
(University of Wrexham)
Yana Williams (Coleg
Aled Jones-Griffith
(Grŵp Llandrillo Menai)
Neal Cockerton
(Flintshire County Council) with Andrew Farrow deputising;
Dafydd Gibbard (Cyngor
Gwynedd) with Llyr Beaumont Jones deputising.
· Gareth Ashman and Susan Concoran (UK Government Observers) with John
Hawkins deputising.
The Chair welcomed the deputies to the meeting.
Robyn Lovelock (Growth Deal Programme Manager) was
thanked for her significant contribution to the work of the Ambition Board over
several years, as she attended her last meeting. Good wishes were expressed to
her for the future.
Expressions of good wishes were shared to Llinos Medi
(former Leader of Anglesey County Council) after her recent success at the
General Election. She was thanked for her contribution to the Board during her
tenure as Councillor and was wished every success in the future.