The Chair shall propose that the press and public be excluded
from the meeting during the discussions on the following items due to the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule
12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Information relating to the financial or
business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that
There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in relation
to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also
acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial and
commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be
discussed without being publicised. The reports deal specifically with financial
and business matters and related discussions. Publication of such commercially
sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and
the Councils and undermine the confidence of other Growth Deal participants in
sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary to the
wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome.
RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the
meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure
of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of the Local
Government Act 1972 - information about the financial or business transactions
of any specific person (including the authority that retains that information).
There was an acknowledged
public interest in being open about the use of public resources and related
financial issues. It is recognised, however, that there were occasions in order to protect public financial and commercial
interests, where such information must be discussed without being publicised.
The reports related specifically to financial and business matters and related
discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could
adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the
confidence of other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information
for consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of
securing the best overall outcome.