To consider
the application
To approve the application as
presented, subject to including the following noise and lightning conditions
submitted by the Environmental Health Department.
· The internal LAeq 15min sound
level and the LAeq 15min sound level for the 31.5, 63 and 125Hz frequency third
octave band frequencies shall not be increased within nearby residential
properties (measured with windows at the dwellings open or closed) as a result
of entertainment noise emitted from the licensed premises. For the purposes of
this condition the LAeq sound level is as defined in BS4142: 2019
· To prevent noise or vibration
emanating from the premises, doors and windows at the premises shall be kept
closed during regulated entertainment, except for access and egress.
· Should Gwynedd Council obtain
evidence that the noise condition (i) is not being adhered to during the period
when the licence remains in force; the premises owner shall carry out the
Carry out necessary noise insulation / abatement works to ensure that the
noise condition is achieved; and / or
Install a noise control device in the room/s where entertainment is held.
The noise control device shall either be of the automatic power supply cut off
type or of the noise limiting type
· Noise limiting devices, once
set, shall not be reset, or adjusted without consultation with the Pollution
Environmental Health Officers, Gwynedd Council.
· The disposal of waste bottles
and cans into containers outside of the building subject to the license is
prohibited between 22:00 - 08:00. Empty bottles shall be stored in a lidded
skip / bin within the cartilage of the premises prior to collection.
· Music shall not be permitted
to be played outside the establishment.
· Internal and external lighting
provided for the purpose of customer and staff safety, and for the security of
the premises shall be positioned so as not to cause nuisance to neighbouring or
adjoining properties.
Additional conditions to
· A report shall be submitted to
the Council detailing the potential for noise from amplified music at the
premises from affecting neighbouring noise sensitive properties on Stryd Y
Farchnad, the High Street, Caernarfon, and the flats above the premise.
· If the assessment indicates
that noise from the premises is likely to affect neighbouring noise sensitive
properties, then it shall include a detailed scheme of noise mitigation
measures to show that nuisance will not be caused to the occupiers of
neighbouring noise sensitive properties by noise from the licensed premises.
· All recommended works shall be
completed prior to the commencement of the premises license and the Licensing
Authority is to be notified at least 5 days in advance of the works being
completed and the premises being used.
· A noise limiter will be
installed to control and measure noise
· The additional measures submitted in
part M of the application, as conditions on the licence.
Others invited:
Non Edwards –
Siân Astley – Applicant's Business Partner
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Licensing
Department's Report
It was noted that the
Licensing Authority Officers had sufficient evidence that the application had
been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003
and the relevant regulations. Reference was made to the measures recommended by
the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it was highlighted that
these measures would be included on the licence.
In the absence of
the Public Protection Officer, the Licensing Manager reiterated that since the
publication of the Sub-committee agenda, a noise assessment had been received
and the officer now recommended approval of the application subject to including
the noise and light conditions submitted by the Environmental Health
In considering the application, the following
procedure was followed:-
Members of the Sub-committee to be given an
opportunity to ask questions of the Council’s representative.
At the Chair’s discretion, the applicant or his
representative to ask questions to the Council’s representative.
The applicant and / or his representative to be
invited to expand on the application and to call witnesses
Members of the Sub-committee to be given the
opportunity to ask questions of the applicant and / or his representative
At the Chair's discretion, the Council’s
representative to ask questions to the applicant or his representative
Every Consultee to be invited to support any
written representations
The Council's representative and the applicant or
his representative to be given the opportunity to summarise their case.
In response to a question about the Public
Protection Department's handling of a planning application for the property to
be used as a pub, and that adequate considerations had not been given to noise
control, the Legal Officer noted that while noise was a relevant matter to the
planning and licensing system it was the licensing context that needed to be
considered here.
ch) Elaborating on the application, the
applicant stated:
That it was intended to play background music –
nothing noisy. That there was no intention to play live music every day –
perhaps once every two weeks.
· The premises had opened temporarily during the Caernarfon Food Festival and it had emerged at the time that ... view the full minutes text for item 4