8 Application No C23/0556/19/LL Land At Cae Stanley, Bontnewydd, LL55 2UH PDF 388 KB
of 21 residential units comprising of 6 one- bedroom flats, 12 two-bedroom
flats and 3 three-bedroom houses, with associated landscaping and vehicular
MEMBER: Councillor Menna Trenholme
Additional documents:
1. The proposal is contrary to the requirements of Policies PS 17, TAI 1 and
TAI 8 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Joint Local Development Plan (2017) as it is
considered that the applicant has not submitted sufficient evidence with the
application to convince the Local Planning Authority that there is a need for
additional one- and two-bedroom flats in Bontnewydd considering that this
proposal exceeds the indicative figure noted in the Plan and would create an
imbalance in the type and mix of small units within the village, and no
evidence has been received that the proposal would respond positively to the
needs of the local community.
2. Evidence was not received about the need for the number of dwellings and
up-to-date information within the Welsh Language Assessment to be able to
assess whether the proposal meets the requirements of criterion 1c of Policy
PS1 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan which requires a
Welsh Language statement to demonstrate how proposed developments would
protect, promote and strengthen the Welsh Language. On this basis, the Local Planning Authority
is not convinced that the proposal would not have a negative impact on the
Welsh language in the plan area.
3. The site lies within an area at risk of surface water flooding, and
because sufficient information was not submitted with the Flood Consequence
Assessment including a Water Conservation Statement which would have considered
the safe development of the site and demonstrated that the proposed development
would not displace surface water towards other properties, it is not believed
that the proposal is acceptable based on flood risk and that it is,
consequently, contrary to criterion 8 of policy PS 5, criterion 7 of policy
PCYFF 2, criterion 6 of policy PCYFF 3, criterion 4 of policy PS 6, policy
PCYFF 6 together with the instruction provided in paragraph 11.1 of Technical
Advice Note 15.
4. Insufficient information has been submitted as part of the application
for assessing the impact of the proposal on the Special Area of Conservation,
protected species and wildlife on the site. No Green Infrastructure Statement
was submitted either, therefore the proposal is contrary to the requirements of
policies PS19 and AMG 5 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development
Plan (2011-2026) which protect species and wildlife along with the requirements
within Chapter 6, Edition 12 of Planning Policy Wales.
5. The proposal is contrary to policy ISA 5 and the SPG for open spaces as
there is no justification for the lack of provision of open spaces within the
development while also taking account of the lack of evidence of the need for
the number of dwellings and the high development density.
Development of 21
residential units comprising 6 one-bedroom apartments, 12 two-bedroom
apartments and 3 three-bedroom dwellings along with associated landscaping and
a new vehicular entrance.
a) The Development Control Officer highlighted that the site was located
within the development boundary of Bontnewydd and was designated for 10
dwelling-units within the LDP.
In the context of the principle of the development, the developer's
intention was to provide 21 new units. It was suggested that the provision of
an additional 11 units was significantly higher than the 10 units set out in
the development plan policies for this site in Bontnewydd. To this end, it was
reported that justification was needed with the application outlining how the
proposal for an additional 11 units would meet the needs of the local
In terms of assessing the element of affordable housing on the site,
there had been considerable uncertainty by the developer during the
application. Initially, he had intended to provide 100% of affordable housing,
but the scheme was then changed to 50% affordable housing, and by today the
plan was to provide 30% affordable housing which was 6 affordable units on the
site. It was added that the applicant had not provided an open market valuation
for the site nor for affordable units at an intermediate level. It was also
noted that no valid information had been submitted to prove the need for one-
and two-bedroom affordable (intermediate) flats within the village of
Bontnewydd. Based on the lack of information, it had been very difficult for
officers of the Council's Housing Unit to assess the true affordability of the
residential units for the site.
Considering the discrepancies and the invalidity of the information
submitted by the applicant, neither the Local Planning Authority nor the
Housing Strategic Unit were convinced that the applicant had justified the
provision of 11 additional residential units within the scheme or that the mix
of 18 residential units as one- and two-bedroom flats were truly needed. As a
result, the proposal was not considered to meet the needs of the local community in accordance with the LDP's
housing policies.
In respect of visual amenities, it was reported that the area was mainly
residential, and that the proposal in terms of its scale and setting was
acceptable. Regarding design, it was noted that initial discussions had
identified concern about movement / mobility within and across the site along
with the site's accessibility for wheelchair users, because of varying levels
across the site and the fact that no disabled parking spaces had been
designated. The department had enquired about the treatment and cross-section
levels of the northern boundary abutting the river, with the retaining wall
extending along the northern boundary. It was recognised that there were
concerns about the design and the lack of information regarding the levels and
treatment of the northern boundary, and had other elements of the application
been acceptable, further discussions or the imposing of conditions could have
resolved these concerns.
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