11 Application No C24/0436/11/LL Former Ysgol Babanod Coed Mawr, Bangor, LL57 4TW PDF 209 KB
erection of 10 no. affordable dwellings and associated development
MEMBER: Councillor Gareth A Roberts
Additional documents:
To delegate the right to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the
application, subject to the following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping scheme together with future maintenance
4. Secure a plan/arrangements for the provision of
the affordable units e.g. occupancy criteria, timetable and arrangements to
ensure that the units are affordable now and in perpetuity.
5. Compliance with the
recommendations of the Ecological Survey, Arboricultural
Impact Assessment and the Biodiversity Improvements
6. Ensure a Welsh name for the development and for the dwellings together
with signs that advertise and promote the development.
7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on
Sundays and Bank Holidays.
8. Submission of a Construction Method Statement to the LPA to include
measures to reduce noise, dust and vibration, parking of development operators'
vehicles, loading/unloading of goods, storage of equipment on the site,
security fences, facilities to wash wheels and a recycling/waste disposal plan.
9. Relevant conditions by the Transportation Unit.
10. Agree on the external finishes for the dwellings.
11. Natural slate roofing.
12. Ensure timely provision of the play area.
13. Restrict occupancy of the Dwellings to C3 use.
Sustainable Drainage
Welsh Water
Natural Resources Wales
A proposal to erect 10 no.
affordable housing and associated developments.
Attention was drawn to the late observations form
which contained observations from the Education Department, confirming there
was adequate capacity to cope with the likely increase in pupil numbers from
this development.
a) The Development Control
Team Leader highlighted that this was a full application to erect 10 intermediate affordable
dwellings in the form of 4 two-bedroom two-storey semi-detached houses and two
terraces of 3 three-bedroom two-storey houses along with associated work on the
redundant site of the former Coed Mawr
Infants School, within a residential area and within the development boundary
of Bangor. It was explained that the proposal was a re-design of the scheme
permitted under application number C22/0525/11/LL to respond to drainage
requirements, and although there was a material change from what had already
been permitted in respect of the site's design and layout, there was no change
in the total number of units, or the tenure method compared to the previous
consent. It was considered that the application was consistent with the
previous permission and that the principle of developing 10 intermediate
affordable dwellings on this site remained acceptable.
It was added
that the design and form of the proposed dwellings reflected a traditional
design and incorporated contemporary elements within the design. Although some
trees would be lost as a result of the proposal, the
main trees that were of high quality would be preserved and it was aimed to
further landscape the site. Consequently, the visual effect of the proposal was
considered acceptable. Having debated the proposed distance between the dwellings,
the setting and orientation of the proposed dwellings in relation to the
existing houses nearby together with the existing trees and shrubs and the
proposed landscaping along the boundaries of the site, it was not believed that
the proposal would create oppressive structures or cause significant overlooking
or loss of privacy at the expense of neighbouring occupants' amenities. It was
noted that planning conditions would protect local residents'
amenities during the construction work.
b) Although he had apologised for his absence, the
Chair noted that the Local Member wished to note that he was fully supportive
of the development.
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
RESOLVED: To delegate the
right to the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with
the application.
3. Compliance with the landscaping scheme together with
future maintenance work.
4. Secure a plan/arrangements
for the provision of the affordable units e.g. occupancy criteria, timetable
and arrangements to ensure that the units are affordable now and in
5. Compliance with the recommendations of the Ecological Survey,
Arboriculture Impact Assessment and the Biodiversity
Enhancements Plan.
6. Ensure a Welsh name for the development and for the
dwellings, and the signs advertising and promoting the development.
7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all ... view the full minutes text for item 11