Gwesty Dolbadarn, Stryd Fawr, Llanberis, Gwynedd LL55 4SU
To consider
the above application
Reason: Insufficient
regulatory measures to comply with the licensing objectives
· Sarah Hopwood Representing
the Applicant
· Arwel Huw Thomas Cyngor
Gwynedd Planning Service
· Louise Woodfine Public
· Moira Duell Pari Environmental
Health, Cyngor Gwynedd
· Elizabeth Williams North
Wales Police
Apologies were received from residents who had
submitted observations - Lesley Wilson, Adrian Roberts, Dylan Davies and Dylan
Wyn Jones.
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Licensing
Department's Report
Submitted – the report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application to vary a premises licence for Gwesty Dolbadarn, High Street, Llanberis. The application was submitted to vary the premises licence to include the sale of alcohol from the garden outside the hotel, separated by an entrance junction.
It was noted that the
Licensing Authority Officers had sufficient evidence that the application had
been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003
and the relevant regulations. Reference was made to the measures recommended by
the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it was highlighted that
these measures would be included on the licence.
She drew attention
to the responses that had been received during the consultation period.
· A number of nearby residents objected to the application and highlighted concerns regarding several cases of public order offences that had recently occurred in the area; concerns regarding the lack of CCTV provision and poor lighting that was likely to increase the likelihood of criminal activity and disorder with an extension; concerns regarding the welfare of people staying in the Hotel with alcohol dependency issues, as the availability of alcohol at the premises would increase temptation.
· The Planning Service objected the application as there was insufficient information regarding whether the unit was mobile or not; with the unit situated on the site for a number of months perhaps planning permission would be required; concerns regarding the proposed location of the unit, as the plan indicated that the location was beyond the public house's curtilage.
· The Public Health Service, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board had submitted observations to oppose in the context of the licensing aims to protect children from harm and public safety and the risks associated with the sale of alcohol close to a property that provided temporary accommodation to homeless persons.
· Public Protection (Pollution Control) objected on the grounds of insufficient measures to control public nuisance with complaints being received regarding cooking odours.
· North Wales Police did not object the application; however, they required amendments to the present licence conditions as there was room for improvement as some conditions had dated and/or had been duplicated according to the law or were inevitable.
The Officer recommended that the Sub-committee carefully considered all
the objections received, prior to coming to a decision based on the opinion
that the applicant could comply with the licensing objectives or otherwise, and
the 2003 Licensing Act.
In considering the application, the following
procedure was followed:-
· Members of the Sub-committee to be given an opportunity to ask questions of the Council’s representative.
· At the Chair’s discretion, the applicant or his representative ... view the full minutes text for item 4