Dewi Morgan
(CJC Head of Finance (Statutory Finance Officer) and Sian Pugh (CHC Assistant
Head of Finance) to present the report.
Additional documents:
To accept the Corporate
Joint Committee's projected expenditure for 2024/25 as submitted in Appendix 1.
The report was presented by Sian Pugh, Assistant Head
of Finance.
RESOLVED to accept the Corporate Joint Committee's
projected expenditure for 2024/25 as submitted in Appendix 1.
The August 2024 financial
review was submitted, and a table corresponding to Appendix 1 of the report was
shown. It was explained that the budget was shown on the left-hand side and an
outlook of the situation to the end of the financial year on the right-hand
side, with the final column showing the over/under-spend per heading.
It was noted, based
on the information currently available, that a net underspend of £200,000 was
forecast by the end of the financial year. An underspend of £289,000 was projected against the Employees heading. It was noted that
the anticipated expenditure included the costs of the Chief Executive's
secondment, the support of the Executive Assistant plus the secondment costs of
the Implementation Programme Manager, one planning position and a part-time
Language Officer.
It was explained that although a net overspend of
£54,000 was indicated against the supplies and services heading, the net
position was a £26,000 underspend after taking into account the grant income
from the Welsh Government which funds the overspend on the external consultants
It was reported that the underspend on the legal
heading would be used to fund part of the overspend on the legal costs shown
under Set-up Costs. The £83,000 expenditure on legal under this heading
included the costs of an external law firm as well as two legal consultants who
had been commissioned to provide specialist advice and support on the
establishment of the Joint Committee. It was added that there was also
expenditure of £103,000 on external consultants which related to the CJC's
project management costs.
It was noted that there was a £100,000 expenditure on
the Investment Zones, and it was hoped that this would be funded from the
administration allowance of the Government's Investment Zone grant, but without
formal confirmation, both Wrexham and Flintshire County Councils have between
them underwritten £50,000 of this expenditure with the remaining £50,000 to be
funded from the CJC's reserve.
The members gave thanks for the report. Further
clarification was sought on the £54,000 overspend against the supplies and
services heading. It was explained that the £54,000 included £81,000 of
overspending on external consultants – this expenditure related to a grant that
had been approved last year. In the income part we see the £81,000 Welsh
Government grant which funded it, which then boils down to an underspend of