Iwan Evans
(Monitoring Officer) to present the report.
Additional documents:
To note the Determination of the Independent
Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW).
To adopt an hourly rate for the payment of claims by
lay members.
The report was presented by Iwan Evans, Monitoring Officer.
To note the Determination[MGJ(1] of the Independent
Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW).
2. To adopt an hourly rate for the payment of claims by lay members.
The report was presented, with the aim of updating the Members on the
decision by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in respect of
remuneration for lay members of the Corporate Joint Committee. The officer
noted that the report closed the gap in moving to establish a Standards
Sub-committee and a Governance and Audit Sub-committee within the CJC. He
highlighted that the report recommended adopting a system of paying an hourly
rate to lay members rather than payment in blocks of four hours.
Concern was expressed about how attractive these arrangements would be
in reality when attempting to attract a third of members to sit on the
Governance and Audit Sub-committee, given how short some of the Committee
meetings were.
Everyone was thanked for their contributions, noting that the meeting
had been an important step in formalising the work of the Corporate Joint