6 Application No C24/0363/17/LL Land Adjacent To Bryn Llifon, Carmel, LL54 7RW PDF 245 KB
Erection of an affordable dwelling together with a new vehicular
access onto the Public highway
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Arwyn Herald Roberts
Additional documents:
To approve contrary to the recommendation
5 years
In accordance with the plans
Withdrawal of permitted rights and
C3 use only
Section 106 Affordable Housing
Landscaping and land drainage and
boundary details,
Biodiversity condition/biodiversity
A Welsh name for the property.
Planning Manager explained that this was an application to erect one
single-storey house sited on a section of an open field outside but abutting the development boundary of the village of Carmel.
It was reported,
in terms of the principle of the development, that figures indicated that there was
currently capacity in Carmel for this development, however the site was outside
the development boundary, and it was
necessary to ensure that the proposal satisfied policy TAI 16 that is material
to rural exception sites. It was added that
sufficient information had been submitted as part of the application to accept that there was a
proven local need for affordable housing that cannot be delivered within a
reasonable timescale on a market site within the development boundary. An open
market valuation was received for the house shows that indicated that a discount of
40% could be imposed should the application be approved.
In the context
of the dwelling's dimensions, it would measure
approximately 89 square metres with a living/dining room, two bedrooms, an
office together with a 20 square metre garage. Based on the additional
information received from the agent explaining that the applicants were a young
couple who intend to bring up a family in the near future, and this home would
enable them to stay in Carmel, it was considered reasonable to support a house
of this size as it would ensure that the dwelling would meet the needs of the
current applicants and in the future. It was noted that it was not substantially contrary to the guidance in
the affordable housing planning guidance in terms of the size of affordable
In the context
of the dwelling's design it was considered that the design and the materials were fairly standard and appeared to be
acceptable. However, it was highlighted that policy TAI 16 requires proposals
to form a reasonable extension to the settlement. It was noted that the site
abuts the development boundary, the proposal involved erecting a new house in an
open field with a new access track 40m away from the highway. I was reiterated
that the boundary of the Bryn Llifon property (which is by the side of the new access) created a
natural boundary for the village and that property was close to and faced the
highway. As it was proposed to locate the house away from the highway and far behind the Bryn Llifon development line, it was considered that it did not follow
the village's natural development pattern. Reference was also made to the plot
at Mount Pleasant Terrace located away from the site and separated by an access track and
garden areas with a variety of garden buildings such as sheds and garages. It
was considered that the plot lies separate to the built form where the site
would be visible from the proposed access, it was not considered that the
dwelling would be seen in the same context as the terraced houses.
In the context of ... view the full minutes text for item 6