9 Application No C24/0385/18/AC Rhes Fictoria Stryd Fawr, Deiniolen, Gwynedd, LL55 3LT PDF 199 KB
of condition 2 of planning permission C20/0485/18/AC
(amendment to planning permission ref. C17/0438/18/LL for residential
development) to allow a further three years for the approval of
reserved matters
MEMBER: Councillor Elfed Williams
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: To approve the application subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement
of the work.
2. Submitting
reserved matters.
3. Materials
and finishes (including natural slate for the roofs).
4. Access
and parking.
5. Landscaping.
6. Removal
of permitted development rights for the affordable houses.
7. Welsh
Water conditions relating to safeguarding the sewers.
8. Conditions
of Natural Resources Wales regarding land and surface water draining.
9. Update
the conditions regarding mitigation measures of the ecological assessment.
10. Agree
on details regarding Welsh names for the development together with advertising
signage informing and promoting the development
11. Restrict
the use to C3 use class residential dwellings
Need to submit a sustainable drainage system application to be agreed with the
condition 2 of planning permission C20/0485/18/AC (amendment to planning
permission number C17/0438/18/LL for a residential development) to allow a
further three years for the approval of reserved matters.
a) The Development
Control Team Leader highlighted that this was a full application to vary
condition 2 of a previous planning permission to extend the time given to
submit a reserved matters application on the original outline permission in
2009. It was explained that the application did not relate to the reserved
It was reported that the
proposal continued to involve developing the site for 27 houses which included
5 affordable houses for general local need (a mixture of social and
intermediate houses), creating a new entrance as well as providing an amenity
space. It was reiterated that the original application was subject to the 106
legal agreement to provide the element of affordable housing and this aspect
would not need to be updated as its content continued to be valid. It was
reiterated that the principle of developing the site for a residential
development had already been accepted under the original outline application in
2009, as well as follow-up applications approved to extend the period of 3
years every time and the latest permission continued on the site and
established the principle of this latest application. The importance of
considering, whether the planning situation or circumstances had changed since
the previous applications was outlined.
In the context of the application site, it was
explained that the field was a 0.8 hectare agricultural field which was served
by the agricultural entrance from the class 3 county road, and since the last
planning permission, the application had been formally included within the
World Heritage Site. It was noted that the site continued to be within the
Deiniolen development boundary and had been designated for housing; it
contributed towards the indicative supply level for the village and the
information submitted as part of the application. A Housing Mix Statement was
submitted which confirmed that the proposed housing mix addressed the need
identified within the Gwynedd Housing Need Assessment, as well as an assessment
for the village of Deiniolen. It was explained that the western side of the
site had been earmarked for biodiversity enhancement space and to reduce
surface water run-off to justify lower than usual density for this site.
Attention was drawn to the
fact that the applicant had noted that it was not possible to develop the site
within the period of the current permission, and that being as a result of
Covid and the economic climate. It was highlighted that there was no long-term
barrier that would prevent the development from moving forward, and therefore,
accepting the application would extend the planning permission less than a year
after the final date of the LDP and that extending the period was therefore
The Members were reminded that a brief plan of the proposed site had been included with the application and the design and layout of the houses would ... view the full minutes text for item 9