Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations) and Dafydd Jones (Agri-food and Tourism
Project Manager) to present the report.
1. To
approve the Final Business Case for
the Cydnerth project which is subject
to Menter Môn Morlais Ltd addressing the outstanding issues set out in the report.
2. To
authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation
with the Chair, Vice Chair, Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer to agree and enter into a funding
agreement with Menter Môn
Morlais Ltd for the delivery
of the project.
3. To
note that the proposed funding model for the project is a 100% commercial
loan and approve that, once the cost of loan payments for
the loan element has been paid off,
the interest from the loan is allocated to a reserve fund to be used to fund the Portfolio Management Office in the coming years.
To request an update
report on the project's progress in 6 months with
further details of fees, budgets and timescales.