To consider
a verbal report on the above.
The Forum was reminded of the change in the Additional
Allocation Minimum Staffing Protection Policy in order
to reduce the protection allocation to be equivalent to
the balances element over 5% of the last year published (balances at the end of 2014-15 in relation to the protection allocation 2016-17).
Letters were sent to schools with a surplus over the threshold and they
were invited to submit an application
not to reduce the staffing minimum protection for 2016/17. By the Forum date
11 applications had been received with one
late application that had not been processed. Out of the 11: 5 schools will receive
full protection back with the majority
of the funding used for staffing (namely
Head/Teacher in each school).
In response to the above, the Cabinet Member for Resources noted
his discontent that the situation was not acceptable bearing in mind
that all Council Services had to comply
with their allocated budgets. He added that they should
be firm with the schools and a significant
improvement was expected in school balances
next year. It was noted that there
was a need for every catchment-area to face the reality of the situation with the need to hurry up
with the organisation of schools.
The Cabinet Member for Education
voiced the same concern and discontent
with the situation and it was difficult
for him in
Cabinet meetings to argue
the case of the Schools
Service in terms of financial cuts bearing in mind
that some schools had fairly substantial sums in balances. It was suggested that the Cabinet Member should express
the Forum's discontent at a
meeting of GYDCA regarding
the use of balances and to implore them to use them
in order to alleviate the situation for next year.
Resolved: (a)
To accept and note the above.
(b) To approve that the Cabinet Member for Education
conveys the Forum's concern regarding the use of balances and to encourage them to reduce them by next