To consider
a verbal report on the above.
The Senior Manager Education Resources Services reported that the Council had a photocopy lease agreement with Konica Minolta
and it was suggested that schools could be part of the Council's central arrangements. Heads were encouraged
to contact Judith Ann
Williams, Assistant Leader
Support Services to discuss the details. However, schools should be mindful of the terms of the existing agreement they have in
case there might be a cost to withdraw from any contract that may be too
large to justify any change in
contract for now.
response to an enquiry regarding how competitive was the Konica Minolta agreement, it was recommended that Heads should make
enquiries regarding the Council's terms and consider the advantages/disadvantages of being part of a central contract.
was further explained that schools would
not receive individual invoices as the centre would receive
one invoice and it as
assured that the Council would make no
profit from the agreement.
Resolved: To accept
and note the above.