Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Annes Siôn 01286 679490
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Croesawyd
Aelodau’r Cabinet a Swyddogion i’r cyfarfod. Ni
dderbyniwyd unrhyw ymddiheuriadau. |
DATGANIAD BUDDIANT PERSONOL Additional documents: Minutes: Derbyniwyd ddatganiad o
fuddiant personol ar gyfer Eitem 8: Prydlesu Canolfan Cefnfaes i Bartneriaeth Ogwen
gan Cyng. Dafydd Meurig gan ei fod yn Gadeirydd Bartneriaeth Ogwen a Cyng.
Catrin Wager gan ei bod yn cael ei chyflogi gan Bartneriaeth Ogwen, roedd y
ddau fuddiant yn rhagfarnu a bu i’r ddau adael y cyfarfod ar gyfer y
drafodaeth. Derbyniwyd
datganiad o fuddiant personol gan y Cynghorwyr a Swyddogion canlynol ar gyfer
Eitem 9: Dyfrig Siencyn, Craig ab Iago, Nia Jeffreys, Dilwyn Morgan, Gareth
Thomas, Ioan Thomas, Catrin Wager, Cemlyn Williams a Dafydd Gibbard gan fod
ganddynt blant neu wyrion / wyresau yn derbyn cinio ysgol o fewn y sir. Nid
oedd yn fuddiant a oedd yn rhagfarnu a nid oedd angen iddynt adael ar gyfer y
drafodaeth. |
URGENT MATTERS Additional documents: Minutes: Nid oedd
unrhyw faterion brys. |
MATTERS ARISING FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Additional documents: Minutes: Nid oedd unrhyw fater yn codi o drosolwg a chraffu. |
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 18 JANUARY 2022 PDF 248 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January
2022 as a true record. |
Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Ioan Thomas Additional documents:
Decision: To recommend to the Council (at its
meeting on 3 March 2022): 1. To set a budget of £295,232,820 for
2022/23, to be funded by £213,210,400 of Government Grant and £82,022,420 of
Council Tax income, with an increase of 2.95%. 2.
establish a capital programme of £59,074,980 in 2022/23, to be funded from the
sources noted in Appendix 4 of the report. Minutes: The item was presented by Cllr Ioan Thomas RESOLVED To recommend to
the Council (at its meeting on 3 March 2022): 1. To set a budget of £295,232,820 for 2022/23, to be
funded by £213,210,400 of Government Grant and £82,022,420 of Council Tax
income, with an increase of 2.95%. 2. To establish a capital programme of £59,074,980 in
2022/23, to be funded from the sources noted in Appendix 4 of the report. DISCUSSION The report was presented and the decision was noted. It was explained
that Welsh Government would announce the final grant settlement for local
authorities on 2 March. It was noted that the Council had received a draft
grant increase for 2022/23 which was a significant increase on what had been
received in previous years. It was noted that the grant increase was of 8.8%,
equivalent to an £18.1m. It was noted that, despite this year's reasonable settlement, there
were a number of factors that would create additional spending pressures on services
in 2022/23. It was explained that, as well as addressing inflation rate, there
was an opportunity to deal with wider expenditure pressures, including getting
to grips with continued costs stemming from Covid-19 and cancelling or delaying
savings schemes that it was not practicable to realise in 2022/23. It was noted
that additional expenditure requirements considered totalled £20.2m and
attention was drawn particularly to four headings of increases. The first was salary inflation of £8.5m, and it was noted that the
budget set aside an estimated increase of 4% in the 2022/23 pay agreement for
the whole workforce and it was noted that an increase of 1.25% in National
Insurance contributions would become effective in April 2022. Secondly was
Other Inflation, and it was explained that the amount included provision for
the impact of the 'living wage' on costs and fees payable to private suppliers
together with inflationary increases on fuel and energy budgets and prices
following re-tendering. The third was Pressure on Services, and it
was recommended that bids worth £6.7m for additional permanent resources
submitted by Council departments to meet inevitable pressures on their services
were approved. In addition to the permanent bids, it was also recommended that
'one-off' bids worth £6.2m to be funded from the Transformation Fund were
approved. The fourth was Covid-19 pressures of £1.4m. It was stated that, since
April 2020, the Government had compensated local authorities for the additional
costs of the pandemic from the Hardship Fund. However, the Government had
stated unequivocally that this support would cease at the end of March 2022 and
local authorities would be expected to fund any additional costs or loss of
income due to the pandemic thereafter. It was not anticipated that the £1.4m
would be sufficient in itself but other funds were available within the Council
to assist, such as the Covid Recovery Fund
established when closing the accounts in 2020/21. It was stated in relation to savings schemes, that the Council had realised £32.8m of savings schemes since 2015/16. As a ... view the full minutes text for item 6. Awdur: Dewi Aeron Morgan |
NORTH WALES POPULATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT DRAFT REPORT 2022 PDF 263 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Dafydd Meurig Additional documents:
Decision: To recommend to the Full Council
that it approves the North Wales Population Needs Assessment 2022. Minutes: The item was presented by Cllr Dafydd Meurig RESOLVED To recommend to the Full Council
that it approves the North Wales Population Needs Assessment 2022. DISCUSSION The report was submitted noting that it provided an overview of the
assessment for this year. It was explained that the report had been discussed
at the Scrutiny Committee and it was added that it would be submitted to the
Full Council in March. It was noted that the report had been created in
response to the requirements of the Social Services Act (Wales 2014). It was
explained that, as it was a statutory requirement, the timeframe was extremely
tight and staff were thanked for their work to ensure that it was completed. It
was explained that the assessment was created regionally with the six Local
Authorities and the Health Board involved in the process. It was noted that the structure of the report was a general one as it
was a regional report. Nevertheless, it was stated that some specific elements
were key to Gwynedd. It was noted that much work would stem from the report and
that work would be done at a local level in order to create a specific
assessment for Gwynedd which would be submitted in December 2022, hopefully. The Project Team Manager added that the report was general and that the
team would undertake more detailed work on the needs of Gwynedd in order to
have a real understanding of people's needs in their communities. It was noted
that further work of looking at the market would stem from this work in order
to see whether the market had the capacity to meet the needs seen in the
report. The Assistant Head - Adults Department noted that this piece of work
would be continuous and the information would need to be kept current in order
to have an understanding of where the gaps were. It
was noted that the timetable had been extremely challenging during the
pandemic. Observations arising from the discussion ¾ The member was thanked for the report and
attention was drawn to the fact that the report acknowledged the high number of
children with long-term illness, stressing the obesity was a major problem. ¾ With the Gwynedd Mental Well-being being
the highest across north Wales, it was asked whether this was a good or a bad
thing. It was noted that it was positive news but this highlighted the need for
it to be worded more clearly. ¾
staff were thanked for undertaking
the work in such a challenging time, including regional staff who had brought all the information
together. It was explained that the report would be used to work in fields
where it was not possible to resolve
matters locally. Awdur: Rhion Glyn |
LEASE OF CANOLFAN CEFNFAES TO PARTNERIAETH OGWEN PDF 228 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Craig ab Iago Additional documents: Decision: To use powers under General Disposal
Consent (Wales) 2003 to lease the Canolfan Cefnfaes site directly to Partneriaeth
Ogwen for less than market rent, to ensure the
provision of social, economic and environmental benefits. Minutes: The report was submitted by Cllr Craig ab Iago RESOLVED To use powers
under General Disposal Consent (Wales) 2003 to lease the Canolfan Cefnfaes site directly to Partneriaeth Ogwen for
less than market rent, to ensure the provision of social, economic and environmental benefits. DISCUSSION The report was submitted noting that it asked the Cabinet to lease Canolfan Cefnfaes to Partneriaeth Ogwen. It was noted that the Partnership was undertaking innovative work and had definite plans for the use
of the building. It was explained
that the Partnership had received a grant to renovate the building and needed
support for the first ten years.
Observations arising from the discussion ¾
was expressed for the scheme, noting the importance of supporting it. It
was explained that a grant
of £200,000 for the centre
had been received and it was noted that they looked
forward to seeing the development and to see the building rejuvenated. Awdur: Carys Fon Williams |
PRIMARY, SPECIAL AND ALL-THROUGH SCHOOLS MEAL PRICE SEPTEMBER 2022 PDF 347 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Cemlyn Williams Additional documents: Decision: To agree not to raise primary,
special and all-through school meal price in September 2022. Minutes: The report was submitted by Cllr Cemlyn Williams
DECISION To agree not to raise primary, special and all-through school meal price in
September 2022. DISCUSSION The report was submitted and it was noted that the item was a straightforward one. It was explained that the Council was required to consider raising school meal prices
annually in line with inflation.
It was noted that Welsh Government had confirmed that there would
free meals for every pupil
in the Foundation Phase as part of the plans to provide free meals for
all pupils and that this needed
to be considered when reaching a decision. The desire not to increase the price of school meals was noted, emphasising that this would be for
Key Stage 2 only. It was explained that there was a need to look at school meals in general
and the department's desire to look specifically at quality within secondary schools. The need to create a working group including Governors, parents and pupils to look
specifically at this matter, was noted. Observations arising from the discussion ¾ The decision not
to increase the price of school meals was welcomed, noting that many families
were under pressure and that the Council had a key role in supporting families.
¾ It was stated
that, for some pupils, the school meal was the only hot meal they would have on
some days and, therefore, this step was the responsible one for the Council to
take. ¾ The department
was thanked for its work and the desire to develop a working group. The need to
ensure that families who were eligible for free meals received them without
shame, specifically in secondary schools. It was noted that a Free School Meals
Promotion Officer would be appointed which would make it easier for families to
apply. Awdur: Bethan Griffith |
THE COUNCIL'S VISION FOR WORKING IN THE FUTURE PDF 143 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Nia Jeffreys Additional documents: Decision: To adopt the vision for Working in
the Future, and not return to the pre-pandemic way of working. Minutes: The report was submitted
by Cllr Nia Jeffreys DECISION To adopt
the vision for Working in the Future, and not return to the pre-pandemic way of working. DISCUSSION The report was submitted
and it was noted that considerable attention was placed on the future of the world of work nationally. It was noted that Welsh Government had expressed an aim of 30% of the Welsh workforce working from home. It was explained that the Council had been planning for future
working arrangements with an Offices
Group meeting to discuss
the matter. It was explained
that the vision was part of the outcome of this group's work
and was based on discussions with groups of staff an representatives of local Unions. The vision of a workforce that can work flexibly
and give their best to deliver
and provide services of quality for the people of Gwynedd, was noted. Also, that
the Council was a good place to work, which promoted a work-life balance for the well-being of staff and in order
to retain and attract quality staff. It was explained that it would build on
the experience of providing
services during the pandemic. It was noted that Welsh Government statements highlighted the likelihood of further relaxation of the rules and the time would
come to implement the vision. It was added that the Chief Executive had shared an outline of the action plan with the staff and that a discussion had been held with
the Governance and Audit Committee the previous week. The Head of Corporate
Support Department added that working from
home would be voluntary for staff in the future and
that it would not be enforced. He explained that not all jobs could be fulfilled from home and that
a workforce assessment would have to be undertaken on individuals'
home locations before making long-term arrangements. Attention was drawn
to an incorrect figure in the report
and that the staff travel cost savings was £997,499 for 2021/22. Observations arising from the discussion ¾ Attention was
drawn to the figure of 25% wanting to work from home in the long-term, and it
was noted that this was because individuals felt more comfortable being at
home. ¾ It was noted
that working from home removed the opportunity for staff to network and meant
that they lost the element of learning from each other. It was stated that it
should be noted that 59% had noted a desire the work in a hybrid way, with 15%
wanting to be in the office full-time. It was stressed that this period was a
trial period and that staff could change their minds before making any
long-term decision. ¾ It was stressed that there was a need to think about how Councillors would be welcomed and have fair opportunities following the election in May. It was explained that the report did not discuss Councillors but that work was being done ... view the full minutes text for item 10. Awdur: Geraint Owen |
GWYNEDD COUNCIL PLAN 2018-2023 - 2022/23 REVIEW PDF 302 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Dyfrig Siencyn Additional documents:
Decision: To approve the Gwynedd Council Plan
2018-23 - 2022/23 Review for submission to the Council on 3 March 2022. Minutes: The report was submitted by Cllr Dyfrig Siencyn
DECISION To approve the
Gwynedd Council Plan 2018-23 - 2022/23 Review for submission
to the Council on 3 March
2022. DISCUSSION The report was submitted noting that this
was the final review of the
2018-23 Council Plan. It was noted
that a new Plan would be developed by the new Council. It was noted that there
were no major
changes to the Plan this year, but that
it provided a clear picture of the Council's responsibilities, together with the responsibility of
Gwynedd Councillors in supporting the lives of the county's residents. The Council's Business Support
Service Manager added that the review stated what the council’s priorities would be for the coming year. It was noted that there
was a need to add the Leader's foreword before it would be submitted to the Full Council in March. Awdur: Dewi Wyn Jones |
PERFORMANCE REPORT OF THE CABINET MEMBER FOR CORPORATE SUPPORT AND THE LEGAL SERVICE PDF 513 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Nia Jeffreys Additional documents: Decision: To accept and note the information
in the report. Minutes: The report was submitted
by Cllr Nia Jeffreys DECISION To accept and note the information in the
report. DISCUSSION The report was
submitted and it was noted that the Legal Service has experienced a challenging
time with a number of vacancies but that the service had continued. It was
explained that the department had been looking at ways of appointing staff and
that the recruitment process was now underway. The Corporate
Support Department was leading on nine of the priority projects, which appeared
in the Council Plan. It was noted, in relation to the Keeping the Benefit Local
Project, that the service was nearing the end of the pilot scheme and that the
Third Sector Group had given its support to the work. It was explained that the
Place Names scheme had been underway for six months and that much research had
been undertaken. It was noted that a further report would be presented shortly.
It was explained that the ten fields performed consistently well and that there
was a continued desire to improve the provision. The Health,
Safety and Well-being Team was thanked for the support they had provided to
support front-line services over the past two years. It was noted that the
Customer Care and Registration Service had been under pressure due to vacancies
as well as absences but that action had been taken to sustain the service. It
was explained that there was a need to continue to monitor the average time
taken to answer telephone calls and this was highlighted as a problem across
the Council. Attention was
drawn to the Research and Information Service which had been key in collecting
and analysing information during the pandemic and had given a firm basis for
the Council's decisions. It was noted that, following the Cabinet's decision to
appoint a Principal Language Officer, the service hoped to appoint at the
beginning of March in order to start the work of establishing Hunaniaith as an independent entity. Observations
arising from the discussion ¾ It was stressed
that working for the Council was a good and honourable job with many
opportunities to develop further. ¾ Appreciation of
the department was expressed as it was central to the work of other
departments. ¾ Attention was
drawn to the scheme to register 16+ young people to vote, enquiring whether it
was possible to move this work forward. It was explained that an individual had
been appointed to the post and that the original plans had been affected by the
pandemic but that the plan was moving forward. Awdur: Gerinat Owen and Iwan Evans |
PERFORMANCE REPORT OF THE CABINET MEMBER FOR ECONOMY AND COMMUNITY PDF 415 KB Cyflwynwyd gan: Cllr. Gareth Thomas Additional documents: Decision: To accept and note the information
in the report. Minutes: The report was submitted
by Cllr Gareth Thomas DECISION To accept
and note the information in the report. DISCUSSION The report was presented,
and it was noted that the department's schemes that featured
in the Gwynedd Council Plan
would be outlined. In relation to the North Wales Growth Vision Plan, that significant progress had been made with the Rural
Economy Centre in
Glynllifon project and the Digital
Signal Processing Centre project in
Bangor University. In relation to the High Value Jobs
project, it was noted that supported for the STEM project
had been extended to
mid-2023 and that work had been commissioned
in order to create research jointly with the Education Department to assist schools to understand the skills needs of local businesses. It was also noted that officers
had been recruited to the
Egino company that had been established to facilitate the attraction of further investment to the
Trawsfynydd Power Station site.
Disappointment was expressed regarding the decision by Welsh Government to suspend the development of the new access road to Llanbedr airfield. It was noted that the decision had already led to losing £7.5m of European funding together with significant
private investment. Pride was expressed in relation to the Arloesi
Gwynedd Wledig Programme and
the fact that the Government had allocated £4m for ARFOR in the draft budget following
the success of the scheme. It was noted that
the department's performance
was generally good and it was good to note that the Neuadd Dwyfor Library had now re-opened. It was noted that further work
needed to be done on the theatre. Observations arising from the discussion ¾ The department
was thanked for its work in leading on innovative schemes that made a
difference to the residents of Gwynedd. Also, staff were thanked for their work
supporting Gwynedd businesses, specifically during the pandemic. Awdur: Sioned Williams |