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Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679 878 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors
Elin Hywel, Huw Rowlands, Anne Lloyd Jones, Gareth Coj Parry, and John Pughe. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND PROTOCOL MATTERS To receive any declaration of personal interest and to note protocol matters. Additional documents: Minutes: a)
The following member declared that he was a local member in relation to
the item noted: ·
Councillor Elwyn Jones (not a member of this Planning Committee), in item
5.3 - application number C24/0346/45/LL on the agenda b)
The following officer declared an interest in relation to the item noted: ·
Iwan Evans (Monitoring Officer), in item 5.1 application number
C24/0074/11/LL and 5.2 application number C24/0075/11/CR on the agenda, as the
architect of the plans was a close relative. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: As a matter of order, it was
reported that since the Chair was joining the meeting virtually, the Legal
Officer would announce the results of the voting on the applications. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee, held on the 18th of November 2024, be signed as a true
record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting
of this committee, held on 21 October 2024, as a true record. |
PLANNING APPLICATIONS To submit the report of the Head of Environment Department. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Committee considered the following applications for development. Details of the
applications were expanded upon and questions were answered in relation to the
plans and policy aspects |
Application No C24/0074/11/LL Ysgol Annibynol Bangor, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor, LL57 1DT PDF 237 KB Change of use and conversion of
building into 9 residential units LOCAL MEMBERS: Councillor Dylan Fernley
and Councillor Nigel Pickavance Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the
application subject to the following conditions:- 1. 5 years 2. In accordance with the
plans. 3. Natural Resources Wales condition in relation
to flooding – close the lower ground floor access. 4. Details of any vents and
flues to be agreed beforehand. 5. Welsh Water conditions
relating to safeguarding the sewers. 6. Agree the details of Welsh names for the
development together with signs advertising and promoting the development. 7. Restrict the use to
dwellings within C3 use class. Minutes: a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was a full application to
change the use of a former school to nine self-contained residential units,
which would include two affordable units. It was noted that there was no intention to undertake
any external alterations - the building was a striking four-storey building
within an independent curtilage which was also a grade II listed building. It
was explained that the site was located within the development boundary, in
Bangor city centre and within a conservation area. In terms of the principle of the development, it was noted that policy
TAI 9 permitted the sub-division of existing properties to self-contained
flats. It was considered that the proposal complied with the policy's criteria
as the building did not require an external change. As a result, there was no
concern in terms of the impact on the layout of the listed building or the
conservation area, and it was considered unlikely to have a detrimental effect
on amenities considering its location in the city centre. It was noted that the
site was within its own curtilage, with plenty of parking spaces; the site was
accessible and close to public transport. Considering the housing figures in Bangor, it was reported that the
expected provision was being addressed through the site in the land bank, but
the need for more housing continued in the key centres tier. It was considered
that the proposal was acceptable in terms of need, and it was noted that there
was an intention to set a condition to ensure a main residence C3 use only and
to prevent the use of second homes or short-term holiday accommodation.
Providing two affordable units would meet with policy TAI 15, and this could be
ensured by setting an appropriate planning condition. A Welsh Language Statement was received with the Language Unit
highlighting that the statement did not come to a firm conclusion of the
linguistic risk / impact of the development. However, no evidence was received
which showed that the development would likely be harmful to the language, and
considering that the proposal included two affordable units, it was not
considered entirely contrary to PS1. It was reiterated that a condition could
be set to ensure a Welsh name for the development to fully address policy PS1. In the context of biodiversity, it was noted that a green infrastructure
statement offering measures to improve biodiversity had been submitted with the
application and should the permission include conditions which ensured
compliance with the ecological information, then this would reduce concerns. In the context of flooding and drainage matters, attention was drawn to the discussions with Natural Resources Wales (NRW), because of the lack of information about the danger of flooding on the site. It was explained that the site was located within Zone A, which was associated with the current TAN, which meant that residential use in this location was not contrary to policy. However, it was highlighted that the Flood Map for Planning, which included ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application No C24/0075/11/CR Ysgol Annibynol Bangor, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor, LL57 1DT PDF 196 KB Internal alterations to convert the building into 9 living
units LOCAL MEMBERS: Councillor Dylan Fernley and Councillor Nigel
Pickavance Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To approve the application subject to the following conditions:- 1. 5 years 2. In accordance with the
plans. 3. Photographic record 4. Details of any vents and
flues to be agreed beforehand. 5. Details of any secondary
glazing to be agreed beforehand. 6. Any window replaced to match the
existing window. Minutes: a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application for a listed
building permission to convert a building into nine self-contained residential
units. It was explained that a principle of changing the use of the building
was irrelevant to the application and the decision of application
C24/0074/11/LL (to change and convert the Bangor Independent School, Ffordd
Gwynedd, Bangor building into nine living units). The Committee was requested
to only consider the physical changes to the building in accordance with
Technical Advice Note 24: The Historical Environment and the need to assess
specific matters for this type of application. It was reported that the alterations mainly related to new openings
within some existing walls and to construct new internal walls. It was
reiterated that there was an intention to insulate the walls internally and two
external doors would be closed from the inside to protect the building from
floods. There would be no external changes. The internal stairs in the building
would be retained, with a second less decorated set of stairs being closed up. It was noted that two amenity groups had declared
concerns about the stairs and asked for more details and confirmation about the
work. Confirmation was received by the Agent that the stairs would remain as
they were and be protected. With all the new units, including a new kitchen and bathroom, the need
to install a ventilation system within the building through the new services
and out of the current chimneys was highlighted, which was to be welcomed as
there would be no damage to the building. It was reiterated that there was an
intention to install secondary glazing through the building, which was again to
be welcomed as it meant retaining and restoring the original windows - the
details to be agreed through conditions. It was explained that the proposal was a sensitive one, with the little
internal work respecting the layout and protection of the main characteristics.
The majority of this work could be taken in the future
(if required) - this would ensure that there would be no permanent harm to the
building. As a result, it was considered that the proposal complied with the
requirements of national and local policies. It was reiterated that the report
had been prepared by Cyngor Gwynedd's Senior Conservation Officer who had
delegated rights to decide on applications for listed building permissions.
This meant, should the application be approved by the Committee, there would be
no need to refer the application to CADW. b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application. c)
During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by Members: ·
Although the car park was the flood risk area,
the back door on the lower ground level of the property which opened out to the
car park must be permanently closed from the inside as a flood prevention
matter - was this reasonable? ·
There was a need to
ensure a condition to protect the stained-glass windows. RESOLVED to approve the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Application No C23/0463/18/LL Plas Coch, Penisarwaun, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 3PW PDF 157 KB Retrospective application to convert an outbuilding to holiday let. LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Elwyn Jones Link to relevant background documents Additional documents: Decision: DECISION: To refuse Reason: The application is contrary to Policy PCYFF 3: because the
development would have a detrimental effect on residential amenities and the
gable windows would over-look and cause an intrusive effect. Minutes: a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was
a retrospective application to convert an outbuilding into a self-contained
holiday accommodation - the original building was an outbuilding that was being
used as an ancillary use to the Plas Coch property. The decision on the application was adjourned at the
January 2024 Committee to give the applicant the opportunity to respond to the
observations regarding overlooking on nearby housing and to give him an
opportunity to submit information about mitigation measures and a management
plan for the holiday unit, which would alleviate neighbours’ concerns.
Reference was made to the information submitted in the late observations form,
as well as a photo showing that curtains had been put up very recently on the
large window. A copy of rules for the holiday unit was received which asked
guests not to use the hot tub after 9pm and to keep the noise to a minimum
after 10pm. They do not permit parties including stag or hen parties, nor do
they permit visitors who had not registered to stay in the accommodation. In
the context of the principle of the development, it was noted that Policy TWR 2
was the relevant policy. In terms of the LDP, although the site was in open
countryside, the Policy permitted a new self-contained holiday accommodation in
the countryside on previously developed sites. It was explained, although the
site was within a residential home curtilage, it complied with the definition
of the LDP and Planning Policy Wales of previously developed land. It was
reported that such applications should be supported by a structural report, but
that work had already been completed, it was considered that it was not worth
asking for a further report. It was highlighted that the observations received
raised concerns about the quality of the work and the Building Control Unit was
aware of the situation and could be implemented if required. Another key
element of Policy TWR 2 was to assess the over-provision of self-contained
holiday accommodation - in this case, there was no evidence of over-provision
in this part of the County and the proposal did not mean a loss of permanent
housing stock. In
terms of visual amenities, observations were received noting concerns that the
Holiday Unit did not suit the landscape and that the original materials had
been removed and replaced by more modern materials. In response, although the
original materials had not been retained, it was considered that the materials
used were acceptable and they did not have an impact on the character of the
area significantly enough to cause a negative impact on the landscape. Reference was made to concerns received which noted that the change in the building created a negative visual impact, although the plans did not show substantial change in shape or size of the original building with the height of the building sitting comfortably next to the Plas Coch house. It was accepted that there had been substantial change to the gable of the building ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |