Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
ELECT CHAIR To elect a Chair for
2020/2021 Decision: To elect Councillor Peredur
Jenkins as Chairman of the Committee for 2020/21. Minutes: It was resolved to elect Councillor
Peredur Jenkins as Chair of this Committee for the year 2020 / 21. Councillor John Pughe Roberts was thanked for his work as the Chairman of the Pensions
Committee 2018 / 20. With additions to the responsibility of the post
regionally and nationally, he was thanked for his commitment to the post
especially given that it had been a challenging and difficult time for him.. |
ELECT VICE CHAIR To elect a Vice Chair for 2020/2021 Decision: To elect Councillor Stephen
Churchman as Vice-chair of the committee for 2020/21. Minutes: To elect Councillor Stephen
Churchman as Vice-chair of the committee for 2020/21. |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes: None to note |
any declaration of personal interest Minutes: The Members highlighted an interest that did not prejudice them as they were Members
of the Pension Fund. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that they may
be considered Minutes: None to note |
The Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held on 23rd July 2020 to be signed as a true record Minutes: The Chair accepted the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2020 as a
true record. |
FINAL ACCOUNTS 2019/20 - GWYNEDD PENSION FUND PDF 202 KB a) To submit the revised statutory financial statements b) To submit the formal “ISA 260” report for the Pension Fund Additional documents: Decision: Accepted for information ·
The Statement of the
Accounts 2019/20 (post audit) · The ISA260 Deloitte Report for the Gwynedd Pension Fund · The Letter of Representation Minutes: Submitted - a
report along with the Gwynedd Pension Fund’s 2019/2020 Statement of
Accounts (post audit), by the Head of
Finance Department providing details of the Pension Fund's financial activities
for the year ending 31st March 2020. Members were reminded that a draft of the
accounts had been submitted to the 23 July 2020 meeting and although the
figures had not changed, attention was drawn to some
amendments to the narrative following the audit by Deloitte. Reference was made to the ISA260 report that had been submitted on
behalf of the Auditor General for Wales, detailing the auditor's findings. It was reiterated that the Audit Committee bore the
responsibility for formally accepting the accounts and they would be submitted
to the Audit Committee on 15 October for approval. Reference was made
to additions by the Auditors to Notes 4 and 5 which
included information on property fund valuations. After property fund trading had been suspended in March, it was reported that the
property funds had now recommenced trading and the suspension had been lifted
since the beginning of September. Although the current amount was slightly
lower that noted at the end of March 2020, according to Hymans, it was not
substantially lower than what was reasonable. Given that the portfolio was
broad, it was reported that the portfolio had held its
ground well and it would be possible to hold a discussion and highlight any
concerns with the Managers who were investing on behalf of the Fund at the
Panel meeting in November. It was reported that although the Auditors had not highlighted
any specific matters to the Gwynedd Pension Fund, they had noted three cases
that were likely to affect the Fund. - GMP Equalisation - The McCloud case - The Goodwin case It was reiterated that these cases were common across all
pension funds and that Gwynedd had already begun working with the actuary in
the case of Mc Cloud and Goodwin. During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were noted: ·
With a shift in equity investments and values away
from the high street and into warehouses, there was a need to consider changes
to working arrangements in the long term. It was essential to be open to
opportunities and to respond to these changes. Gratitude was expressed
for the commitment and accuracy of the work and the Investment Manager and the
team were thanked for preparing the work. It was reported that Marina Parry Owen (Pensions
and Investments Officer) was suffering from Addison’s Disease.
It was the Committee's wish to send their best wishes to Marina and to thank
her for her work for the Pensions and Investment Unit. RESOLVED: To accept for information ·
The Statement of Accounts
2019/20 (post audit) · The ISA260 Deloitte Report for the Gwynedd Pension Fund · The Letter of Representation |
report Decision: The information was accepted. Minutes: Submitted for
information - the report of the Investment Manager providing an update on the
Fixed Income fund. It was reported that an investment
of £166,119,549.08 with Fidelity Global Equity had been successfully
transferred on 27 July 2020 to the Multi Asset Credit Fund. Additionally, it was noted that it had been intended to launch the Absolute
Return Bond Fund in July 2020 but it had been discovered that current
investments did not qualify for the ACS structure. Following further research
by Paul Potter - Hymans Robertson, and a discussion at the Investment Panel in
September, the Absolute Return Bond Fund had been launched
on 1 October with the £291,238,172.22 investment with Insight now transferred
successfully to the fund. RESOLVED to note the information. |
Chairman shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting
during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local
Government act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs
of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in relation to the
use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged
that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial interests of public
authorities that matters related to commercial information need to be discussed
without being publicised. The report relates specifically to the award of
contracts and includes details of bids as well as the status and business of
proposed suppliers. Publication of such commercially sensitive information
could undermine supplier’s confidence to engage with the Council and therefore
the Councils ability to procure effectively. This would be contrary to the
wider public interest of securing value for money and the best overall outcome.
For those reasons I am satisfied that the matter should be exempt in the public
interest. Minutes: To exclude the
press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following item
due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14,
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 - Information about the financial
or business transactions of any specific person (including the authority that
retains that information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness
in relation to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to
protect the financial interests of public authorities that matters related to
commercial information need to be discussed without being publicised. The
report specifically involves awarding contracts and includes details about the
proposals along with the status and business of prospective suppliers. Publishing commercially sensitive information
of this type could undermine the provider's confidence in submitting prices to
the Council and, therefore, the Council's ability to procure successfully. This
would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing value for money and
the best overall outcome. For these reasons, I am satisfied that the matter was closed for the public interest. |
for members only) Decision: To approve the Sub-fund structure Minutes: Submitted - the
report of the Investment Manager asking the Committee to agree on the structure
of the Wales Pension Partnership Emerging Markets Equity Sub-fund. It was reported that
the options had been submitted to the Partnership and had already been approved
by the Governance Joint-Committee on 12 March 2020. The Sub-fund was expected
to be launched in Spring 2021. . RESOLVED to approve the Sub-fund structure |
REOPEN MEETING FOR PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chairman shall propose that the meeting be reopened for
the press and public Minutes: RESOLVED to re-open the meeting to the press
and public |
report Decision: To approve moving its current
holding in the ACS World Low Carbon Equity Tracker -
ACS World LOW Carbon
Equity Tracker Fund (MSCI World Low Carbon Target ex Fossil Fuels Index) in accordance with the discussion at the last Investment
Panel meeting Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Investment Manager, requesting the Committee to agree to transfer the current Black Rock Low Carbon Fund to the ACS World Low Carbon Equity Tracker Fund. The members were reminded that a decision had been made at the meeting
in July to transfer an amount from the Black Rock fund, however; since that
time Black Rock had developed a new fund that had a greater focus on carbon
reduction than the current fund. It was highlighted that the new fund included the following
changes; -
fossil fuel
screens prior to the low
carbon optimisation - For an
increase in tracking error from 0.30% to 0.50%, carbon is reduced
by It was noted that the Investment Panel had recently
held a discussion on the new fund
and that the advisers had agreed that it would be beneficial to move this new fund. During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were noted: ·
that the decision to invest in funds that reduce
carbon was in keeping with the beliefs of the investment strategy that had been
approved in November 2019. ·
the transfer
did not involve any major costs RESOLVED To approve moving
the current holding in the ACS World Low Carbon Equity Tracker Fund (MSCI World Low Carbon Target to the ACS World LOW
Carbon Equity Tracker Fund (MSCI World Low Carbon Target ex Fossil Fuels Index) in accordance
with the discussion at the last Investment Panel meeting |
PENSION ADMINISTRATION PDF 379 KB To consider the report Decision: Resolved to accept the information Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Pensions Manager on the response of the Service to working
through the covid 19 pandemic. It was reported that the Service had been working successfully
from home since 25/03/2020. It
was highlighted that the service had not suffered due to the change in work patterns
and despite the challenges of being flexible with some
staff and others transferring to other departments, it appeared that this change
has been beneficial to the administrative department. The work had been prioritised and use had been made of Teams to
communicate and keep in touch locally and regionally. It was
noted that there had been an increase in the use of the Members
self-service system and the crisis had encouraged the team to work in a
paperless way (this was more effective, quicker and cheaper). It was added that various tasks and projects required attention
and these had been timetabled for the next few months. The members expressed their thanks for the positive
report and for operating the pensions so effectively. In response to a question regarding
the payments of staff on furlough, whether they would suffer a loss, had the
Unions drawn attention to the matter?
It was noted that the situation depended on whether
the employer was paying the additional 20%.
It was suggested that the larger companies were
more likely to pay the supplement. It was explained,
if the supplement was not paid, the deductions would be taken from the 80% and
therefore, staff would be worse off. It was reiterated that the contributions were in line with the
pension and that Unions were likely to challenge the Employer rather than the
Fund. It was also noted that those on
furlough who were retiring this year were at a slight disadvantage as there was
a need to consider the last three years of service to determine the final pay
to ensure fairness. In response to a question regarding reducing the
number of paper letters posted every week, it was noted
that this was not always possible in practical terms as some people wished to
receive the letter in paper form and there was a need to respond to some
letters with a signature. Nevertheless, it was noted
that using Gwynedd Council's printers or a private company to distribute the
letters more effectively had been considered along with ensuring that every
attempt was made to use e-mails wherever possible. RESOLVED to
note the information. |