Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from
Cllr Iwan Huws. |
any declaration of personal interest Minutes: None to
note |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that they may
be considered Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held
on 27th November 2023 to be signed as a true record Minutes: The Chair accepted
the minutes of the meeting held on 27 November
2023 as a true record. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chairman shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There is an acknowledged public
interest in openness in relation to the use of public resources and related
financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to
protect the financial interests of public authorities that matters related to commercial
information need to be discussed without being publicised. Publication of such
commercially sensitive information would be inappropriate having regard to the
legitimate interests of third parties and could undermine confidence to engage
with the Council and therefore the Councils ability make decisions on behalf of
the fund. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing value
for money and the best overall outcome. For those reasons the matters are
exempt from the public interest. Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph
14, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 - Information about the financial or business transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that information).
There was an acknowledged public interest in openness
in relation to the use of public resources
and related financial issues. However, it was also acknowledged that there were
occasions, in order to protect public financial interests, where commercial information must be discussed without being publicised. The reports related specifically to a proposed procurement process. Publicising such commercially sensitive information could be detrimental to the interests of the Council and its partners by undermining competition. This would be contrary to the wider public interest
of securing the best overall outcome. For these reasons,
the matter was closed in the public interest. |
ACQUISITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM To consider the report and approve the
recommendations (copy for
Members only) Decision: ·
To approve the awarding of a contract, in accordance with Regulation 32
of the Public Contracts Regulations, for a Pensions Administration Software
contract for a 5-year contract term ·
To approve a one-off payment in relation to the licence fee in the
current tax year (2023/24) ·
To approve a payment in relation to annual support and maintenance costs
for a 5-year contract. ·
To delegate authority to the Pensions Manager to reach an agreement on
the final contract terms with the company and authorise the implementation of
that contract by Cyngor Gwynedd. Note: To
negotiate the cost for leading on the Welsh language element Minutes: Submitted – a report by the Pensions Manager providing information on the proposal to award a contract for a Pensions Administration System. It was reported that Cyngor Gwynedd as
the Administrative Authority
of the Gwynedd Pension Fund,
had a statutory responsibility
to provide proper administration of the LGPS for
all members of the Gwynedd Pension
Fund. This would include interpreting
legislative changes ensuring that a robust and efficient pension administration system was
in place, one that addressed
the complexities of historical
and recent pension reform and was ready for any future
changes. It was reiterated that it was essential for the Council, in meeting statutory
obligations, to use a pensions management system that can accurately handle the complexities of calculating scheme members' benefits as well as retaining relevant data such as a Document Management and Electronic Records system. Members had been requested to consider a contract for a Pensions Administration software provider to ensure continuity of Service so that the Council
fulfils its statutory pension scheme duties at the conclusion of the current arrangements. The performance of the existing provider was discussed as well as
the proposed costs of the agreement together with the implementation of a direct award (ideally
a tender exercise would have been
initiated at least 18 months before the current contract expired, but as this had not occurred it was necessary to implement a solution). It was proposed and seconded that a Direct Award
be given to the existing supplier for a further period of five years (17 September 2024 - 16 September
2029). Gratitude was expressed for the report. Observations arising from the ensuing discussion: ·
That the cost was quite fixed ·
That new elements were proposed
with the new contract ·
That the service was consistent ·
That there was good collaboration ·
Making good use of Welsh - cost negotiation suggestion that Gwynedd had taken the lead on the Welsh language element. In response to a question regarding choosing not to complete a commissioning /tendering process to test the market and if this was a prudent
decision, the Head of
Finance noted that the process was completed in accordance with
a specific procedure within procurement regulations. ·
To approve the awarding of a contract,
in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Public Contracts Regulations, for a Pensions Administration Software contract for a 5-year
contract term ·
To approve a one-off payment in relation
to the licence fee in the current tax year (2023/24) ·
To approve a payment in relation to annual support and maintenance costs for a 5-year contract. ·
To delegate authority to the Pensions Manager to reach an agreement on
the final contract terms with the company and authorise the implementation of that contract by Cyngor Gwynedd. Note: To negotiate the cost for leading on
the Welsh language element. |
ROBECO ENGAGEMENT SERVICE- ENGAGEMENT REPORT 01.07.2023 - 30.09.2023 To consider and note the contents of the report (Copy for Members only) Decision: DECISION: To accept and note
the contents of the report Minutes: A quarterly report was submitted summarising the work Robeco (Wales Pension Partnership Voting and Engagement Provider) delivers on behalf of the Pension Fund including
engagement work. It was reported that Robeco
offered different levels of engagement, and detailed statistics of the topics of discussion, the number of companies, the number of activities and further details of the engagement completed in the last quarter
were presented. They reiterated that they also
chose an engagement theme for each quarter
and over the last period it had been Zero Carbon Emissions. It was highlighted that it was intended to invite Robeco to future Wales Pension Partnership training sessions and that Members would
be invited to attend these sessions. Observations arising from the ensuing discussion: ·
That consideration needed to be given to how to use / do more with the information that was gathered RESOLVED: To accept and note the contents of the report |
propose that the meeting is to reopen for the press and public Minutes: It was proposed and seconded to re-open the meeting to the press and public RESOLVED to re-open the meeting to the press and public |
WALES PENSION PARTNERSHIP UPDATE PDF 72 KB To receive and note a quarterly update from Wales Pension Partnership Additional documents:
Decision: Minutes: A report was submitted by the
Investment Manager which now appeared regularly
on the Pensions Committee agenda as a means of ensuring that Members
received current and up-to-date information
of the WPP's work. Reference was made to a summary of the discussions and decisions of the meeting of the Joint Governance Committee (the Partnership's decision-making body) held on 13 December
2023, with particular attention to a review of the Business Plan for 2023/24. Reference was made to the update of operator Waystone (previously Link) which provided regulatory services together with information
on all the funds established by the Partnership
(Gwynedd being part of 8 of
them, with 83% of the
Gwynedd Fund pooled with the Partnership) and to a
record of the performance of those
funds. Attention was drawn to the performance of the funds, and to
the analysis and performance
of each sub-fund highlighting that, in the context of equities in particular,
the period had been a challenging one with interest rates
staying higher for longer, and the price of oil causing
inflation to remain high. In the context of future developments, it was reported that work would
be undertaken with the Partnership to consider and develop property pooling options with the tender process already underway to identify a provider. It was also noted that joining
the open-ended Infrastructure
Sub-fund and Schroders private equity mandate continued. Thanks was expressed for the report. In response to a question about what would
happen to the existing property portfolio and whether it would transfer to the new fund, it was noted that this would
be part of the discussion with the new provider
and the need to provide what was best for
Gwynedd. Options would include, transferring the existing portfolio to a new fund or setting
up a new fund for new
finance and keeping the existing finance with the existing management. RESOLVED to accept and note the quarterly update of the Wales Pension Partnership |
and receive the report for information. Decision: DECISION To accept the
report and note the information Minutes: Submitted, for information, a report highlighting the Council's actual Treasury Management activity during the current financial year. In accordance
with the Chartered
Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s
Treasury Management Code (CIPFA’s TM Code) it was a requirement that authorities report on the performance
of the treasury management function at least twice a year (mid-year and at year end). At the Pensions Committee
meeting in March 2023, it
was resolved to allow Pension Fund surplus
funds to be accumulated and
co-invested with the Council's overall cash flow for
the 2023/24 financial year.
It was highlighted that during the six months between 1 April and 30 September 2023 no banks where
the Council had deposited money had failed to repay. It was reiterated that the Council's investment income was estimated to be higher than expected in the 2023/24 budget. The economic backdrop,
money markets and credit reviews for the period were highlighted.
In terms of investment activities, reference was made to the types of investments invested which, in accordance with
practice, included banks and building societies, local authorities, money market funds, pooled
funds and the debt management office. It was confirmed that treasury management activities undertaken during the period had fully complied with the investment restrictions of the CIPFA Code of
Practice. It was highlighted
that the only indicator with non-compliance was the 'Interest Rate Disclosure' and it was clarified that this indicator was set when there were
lower interest conditions at the beginning of
2023, and therefore it was reasonable
that the amounts were so different.
It was reiterated that it
was good news that the interest income was significantly higher. Thanks were given for
the report. In response to a question about Birmingham and Warrington Councils and if the Council had loaned them money, it was noted that the Council had loaned money to Birmingham Council, but the money had been paid back. It was reiterated that Arlingclose was keeping track of the current position of Councils and shared a list of those Councils that were acceptable
to invest in. In response to a question about the interest rate indicator and if there should
be concern about this or if it should
be corrected, it was noted that the Gwynedd Pension Fund was not dependent on this interest
income and it was only a bonus, however the importance of keeping an eye on
the situation was noted as interest rates were likely to fall. RESOLVED To accept the report and note the information |
BUDGET APPROVAL FOR 2024/25 PDF 77 KB To consider and approve the 2024/25 financial year budget for the Pensions Administration and
Investment sections Decision: To
accept the report and approve the budget for the 2024/25 financial year for the
Pensions Administration Unit and the Investment Unit. Minutes: The Investment Manager submitted a report seeking the Committee's approval of a budget for the Pensions Administration Unit and
the Investment Unit for the 2024-2025 financial year. It was reported that the budget was approved on an annual
basis by the Pensions Committee. Reference was made to the Administration Unit budget, reporting that 24 staff members were employed along
with the costs of systems, printing, and central reimbursements. It was noted that costs
were consistent apart from an
inflation figure, with an adjustment
of £28,600 for an increase in the annual cost for software fees. Reference was made to the costs of the Investment Unit which
are shared between the Fund and Cyngor
Gwynedd as the Unit was also responsible
for Treasury Management. The Investment Manager noted that
adviser costs and investment managers' costs were part
of her responsibility but these varied depending
on the performance of the investments and the work needed to be carried out by the consultants. It was considered that setting a detailed budget for consultant
costs would not be beneficial as expenditure was changing, however it was reiterated that the expenditure was fully reported within the final accounts and in the Fund's Annual
Report. Gratitude was expressed for the report. RESOLVED: To accept the report and approve the budget for the 2024/25 financial year for the Pensions Administration Unit and the Investment Unit. |
REVIEW OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE FUND'S INVESTMENT CONSULTANTS PDF 103 KB To consider the report of progress against current objectives and to note future objectives Additional documents:
Decision: ·
accept and note the information ·
To accept the progress made on the
objectives of the advisors during 2023 Minutes: It was reported that Hymans
was performing good work and over the past year had been collaborating
and providing advice on the Strategic Asset Allocation in the recent re-assessment of the funding level; assisted in determining
the appropriate level of commitments to the private markets and ensured that the Fund had adequate cash flow
to pay the pensioners on a monthly basis.
It was reiterated that Hymans had also worked with the officers in reviewing
internal policies and ensuring compliance with any relevant
pension regulations. Hymans did not provide training as part of its direct contract with the
Gwynedd Fund, however appropriately-timed training was
available through the Wales Pension Partnership, with significant contributions
from Hymans. Whilst accepting also that the fees were high (which was also true
for some other companies in the market), Hymans had worked well throughout the
year with all partners e.g. the actuary and WPP. Reference was made to the current objectives and the progress made against those
objectives during 2023 together with the objectives for 2024. The main objectives for 2023 were identified and combined into 10 key objectives for 2024. Reference was also made to the projects that were
likely to take place in 2024 and the support needed from the investment consultants to implement them. It was reported that Hymans
had given a service to the Council for years,
but in the next 6 months the Council would issue
a tender for the consultative work establishing a specific contract
(which would also include a transitional period). This was reiterated as an appropriate step to take and would be an opportunity to look at what the market had to offer and add a competitive element. Gratitude was expressed for the report. RESOLVED • To accept and note the information. • To accept the progress made on
the consultants’ objectives
during 2023 |
CLIMATE SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC MODELLING PDF 98 KB To note the contents of the report
and consider any associated risks Additional documents: Decision: DECISION To accept and note
the contents of the report Minutes: The Investment Manager presented
a report, responding to how the Gwynedd Pension Fund had considered the climate in setting
its funding and investment strategy, and how this would
develop in the future. It was reported that several
articles had been published recently which stated that
the advice that pension funds received
did not follow climate science, and therefore risked these investments
(this was based mainly on a report
by Carbon Tracker (July
2023)). It was noted that some Pension Board
members had also drawn officers' attention to the articles and shared their concerns. In response to those concerns it was resolved to investigate how the Gwynedd Pension Fund had taken the climate into account
when setting the funding and investment strategies, and how this would evolve
in the future. The main message from
Carbon Tracker, a not-for-profit
company that examined climate risk, was that economic papers ignored climate 'tipping points' which meant that
changes in the economic impact from global warming
were "much more likely to be disruptive and sudden, rather than continuous
and relatively gradual". It was noted that concerns had been shared with Hymans
Robertson, the Fund's investment
consultants who, agreed that the report raised valid
points, but that the aspects they referred to had been taken into
account when setting the Fund's investment strategy. These issues were
considered using 'scenario analysis' with examples of those situations shared with Members.
It was recognised that this aspect needed
to evolve as an understanding of climate risk developed, and that Hymans would
investigate more detailed
and more extreme scenarios.
It was reiterated that measuring exposure to climate hazards and developing a climate transition action plan would be
the next key steps for the Fund
to address and to implement
TCFD requirements (namely disclosure of the Fund's governance in the context of climate-related risks and opportunities). Gratitude was expressed for the report and to the Pension Board for highlighting
the issue. In response to a question about the Gwynedd Fund's use of the three scenarios and if they used all three
options, it was noted that the Gwynedd Fund would use a relative
(not extreme) scenario with the situation assessed every three years (unless
there was a startling change and the Committee chose to adapt this). RESOLVED To accept and note the contents of the report |
LAPFF CONFERENCE 2023 PDF 11 KB To receive feedback
and relevant information from the conference Additional documents: Decision: DECISION To accept and note
the information Note: That Members share information from the conferences attended, as
a standing item on the agenda. Minutes: Following attendance at the LAPFF Conference
in Bournemouth, 6 December 2023, the Chair presented verbal information of what had been discussed. He noted that this
year's conference was entitled "Impact - Stewardship in a time of Global Crisis", with Environmental,
Social and Governance issues at the heart of conference presentations and sessions. He reiterated that the presentations and sessions were intended
to focus attendees' minds on the big issues and themes of the day and ask members
to consider, when using their position
and responsibilities as investors,
how best to move these issues
forward and make an impact. A brief
summary was given of the information and examples gained from the individual sessions. He noted that the conference was a good one and had included complex issues. He reiterated that there was value in sharing information
from the conferences and he intended to offer a regular item on
the committee's agenda. RESOLVED
To accept and note the information. Note: That Members share information
from the conferences attended, as a standing item on the agenda. |