Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
a Vice-chair for 2023/24. Decision: To elect Councillor Arwyn Herald
Roberts as Vice-chair of the Democracy
Services Committee for the year 2023/24. Minutes: Two names were proposed and
seconded for the post of vice-chair, namely Councillor Arwyn
Herald Roberts and Councillor John Pughe. RESOLVED To elect Councillor Arwyn Herald Roberts as Vice-chair of the Democratic
Services Committee for the year 2023/24. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Gwynfor Owen
and Councillor Stephen Churchman. |
any declarations of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: No urgent matters were raised. |
The Chair
shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee held
on 16th March, 2023, be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting,
held on 16 March 2023, as a true record. |
the report of the Head of Democracy Services. Decision: To accept the report and the information contained therein. Minutes: The item was presented as a continuation to the annual
report of the Head of Democracy Services concentrating on two of the four
priority fields noted as part of this report: personal development discussions
and a paperless council. It was explained that work had already started on
trying to ensure that the Council was moving to be as paperless as possible, to
reduce carbon footprint and reduce printing and posting costs, in accordance
with the decision of the Full Council. The intention was to try and move to be
as paperless as possible from the start of the autumn term, recognising that
changing habits can take time and can be challenging at the beginning. It was noted that such a change will not happen overnight and it was emphasised that support and guidance
was available to guide the councillors through this gradual change. The
intention was to offer a screen to the councillors that hadn't received one
already as well as offering an opportunity for councillors to arrange 1:1
training on how to use ITC equipment. It was noted that it was likely there
would be exceptions to the rule and by undertaking the changes gradually, it
could be ensured that there's an opportunity for councillors to contact and
present evidence in order to justify why they should
be excluded and continue to receive paper copies. Other matters raised during the discussion:- -
In response to the report,
some councillors made reference to their current
situation noting why they would need to continue to receive paper copies. The
Head of Democracy Services noted that the meeting was not an opportunity to
discuss personal circumstances but by introducing the changes gradually
consideration could be given to the personal situations of individual
councillors. -
The Democracy and
Language Services Manager noted that there would be an opportunity for members
to arrange a session with the Development Officer to address any concerns they
had and asked the members to spread the word on the sessions amongst their
co-members. She noted that the Council's officers had already undertaken the
change to be as paperless as possible and had seen a benefit in doing so. RESOLVED to accept the report for
information. |
the report of the Democracy and Language Services Manager, the Assistant Head
of Corporate Support and the Members’ Development Officer. Decision: To accept the report and the information contained therein. Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Democracy and Language
Services Manager as an update of what was available as support for councillors.
Attention was drawn to the Members Intranet, which was a comprehensive source
of support for councillors, the members bulletin which includes a monthly item
on the well-being of councillors, and the training opportunities available for
them. It was noted that the numbers attending the training sessions were low
and the Democracy and Language Services Manager asked the members to share the
information on the training opportunities with their co-members. Other matters raised during the discussion:- -
It was noted that the
safety pack for councillors had improved compared to the situation a few years
back but that there was still room to develop and increase the pack. -
Some members made reference to the way councillors had to be
thick-skinned when dealing with the public out in their wards and that
observations from members of the public could be extreme at times. -
It was noted that
councillors were used to being judged by members of the public but that the
situation had significantly worsened over the past few years. It was argued
that the public were far more willing to challenge things today and this was
highlighted by current matters. -
Reference was made to
the way that the use of social media had increased the criticism of
councillors. It was asked if it was possible for the Council to do anything to
help councillors that receive nasty, false messages from fake profiles on
social media. -
In response, the Head
of Democracy Services noted it would be difficult for the Council to intervene
in the context of personal specific messages, but it would be possible to send
out a general message against this type of behaviour. -
The Democracy and
Language Services Manager noted that the safety pack that was available for
councillors sought to get to grips with the different elements and there was a
need for councillors to ensure they draw the attention of Council officers to
the matters that were a cause of concern to them. -
The Head of Democracy
Services added that councillors needed to report any matter that caused them
concern for the Council to be able to respond and take appropriate seps. He
noted that this meeting was a valuable opportunity to identify the different
concerns and risks that face councillors and was an opportunity to develop a
fuller risk assessment. -
Praise was given to the
support of the Democracy Team and the Legal Service. RESOLVED to accept the report for information. |