Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item | ||
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were
received from Huw Trainor (Employer Representative) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: None to note |
note any items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that
they may be considered Minutes: None to note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held
on July 12th 2021 be accepted as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee, held on 12 July 2021, as a true record. |
for information, minutes of the Pensions Committee meeting held on the 21st of
October 2021 and 17th of November 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Submitted, for information, the minutes of meetings of the Pensions Committees held on 21 October
and 17 November 2021. It was noted that two
meetings were held because the audit of the Pension Fund's final accounts
had not been released by Audit Wales until mid-November. Consequently, an additional meeting
had to be arranged on
17-11-21 to approve the final
post-audit accounts. Reference was made to the minutes of 21 October 2021 - item 6: Timetable for the 2022 Valuation for the attention of the Board. It was noted that the Committee had approved the timetable and that plans
were in the pipeline to seek to include the employer in the process. It was reiterated that there was an intention
to draw up a questionnaire for employers to obtain a suggestion of what they sought
from the valuation. In response to the suggestion of drawing up a questionnaire, it was noted that including
the employer in the process was a good idea but there
was a need to clearly highlight the implications of the
valuation. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Submitted - a report regarding the Gwynedd Pension Fund Statement
of Account 2020/21 (post-audit)
from the Head of Finance, detailing the financial activities of the Pension Fund during the year ending 31 March 2021. Members were reminded
that a draft of the accounts had been submitted to the 12 July 2021 meeting, and that
minor alterations had been made to the narrative only, and not to the figures. It was noted that the Pensions Committee, which was responsible for formally accepting the accounts, had approved the accounts on 17 November 2021. Thanks were expressed for the report The officers were thanked for
their work and for the presentation
received at the Annual Meeting. Considering that the value of the Fund had increased annually over the past 20 years, this was a good measure of the success and work
of the Finance Department. Gratitude was expressed to the Head of Finance,
the Investment Manager and
the team for completing the work - their commitment and the accuracy of the work was appreciated. RESOLVED to accept for information • Statement of Accounts 2020/21 (post audit) • 'ISA260’ report
by Audit Wales in respect of Gwynedd Pension Fund • The Letter of Representation |
WALES PENSION PARTNERSHIP UPDATE To consider the report Minutes: Submitted, for information, a report from the
Investment Manager, updating Members on the Partnership's work, the performance
of the Fund, and ongoing developments since its establishment in 2017. It was
reported that the collaboration continued to go from strength to strength and
by December 2021, 83% of Gwynedd's Fund had been pooled with the WPP (56%
through the main funds and 27% through passive investments). As the WPP played
a prominent role in the performance of the Gwynedd Fund, the importance of
providing a regular update on the Partnership's work was considered. In the context of Equity Funds, which had
been established in 2019, it was noted that although the performance of the
last quarter had been lower than the benchmark, the performance in general had
been very good and had made a good contribution to the fund's performance. It
was reiterated that the last quarter had been challenging, with concerns about
the economic recovery expected following such a strong period. In the context of Fixed Income Funds, which
had been established 12 months ago, it was suggested that the general
performance appeared to be good, yet again, the performance of the last quarter
had been lower than the benchmark due to concerns about inflation and various
other factors. It was reported that the Fund's proportion of
Emerging Markets had moved from Fidelity to the WPP Fund on 21 October 2021 and
that the new Fund Managers were Artisan, Bin Yuan, Barrow Hanley, Axiom,
Numeric and Oaktree. It was reiterated, in line with the advice from Russell
Investments, that Bin Yuan had been selected due to their location in China and
thus they were experts on the country's character and its markets. It was expressed that the Partnership's
latest work was to establish Private Markets with BFinance, a specialist search
advisor, assisting the Partnership with the process of appointing Investment
Managers for Infrastructure and Private Credit. It was reiterated that the
intention was to launch these funds in 2022 with the Gwynedd Fund investing any
new private markets money in them. In the context of a member representative on the Joint Governance
Committee, it was noted that Gwynedd Council had approved the modifications to the Inter-Authority
Agreement on 7 October 2021. All WPP Authorities will be expected to approve
the modifications before proceeding to the next step of nominating Member
representatives. In accordance with the agreed procedure, in January 2022, a
period of three weeks would be available for each Pension Board to nominate one
Member Representative to undertake this role. In February, a short-list would
be drawn up and a member representative would be formally appointed at the
Joint Committee meeting on 23 March 2022. The Head of Finance expressed that he would
support the application of Osian Richards as a member representative on the
Joint Governance Committee (as an observer for a period of two years). It was
confirmed that one individual across the 8 Wales Pension Boards would be
appointed. Gratitude was expressed for the report. Osian ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
board of performance of Pension Fund investments Minutes: A report was submitted
by the Investment Manager, providing
an update on the fund's performance.
It was explained that the Fund had performed very well and had seen gradual progress
over the past 20 years. By
30 September 2021, the fund
was in a very healthy situation and was worth £2.7 billion. Reference was made to the Fund's investment performance and it was highlighted that although the fund had underperformed during the past quarter due to very challenging
conditions, that the performance over the year remained above
the benchmark.
In relation to the performance of the Equity
Investment Managers, it was reported
that the performance was very good, as was the performance of the Fixed Income investments, which were above
the benchmark over the year. In respect of the performance of Property Managers, it was highlighted that the year had been very challenging,
with uncertainty in some sectors
such as offices and retail. It was reiterated that the retail sector was starting to stabilise but the uncertainty remained in relation to the future of offices at this point in
time. It was reported that growth had continued in the industrial and logistics field, with the impact of e-commerce on the supply chain. It was noted that it would be interesting to see how property would
stabilise in future. It was also expressed that the Property Managers had a very good GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) score, which was a very important factor these days. Details were presented on the Partners Group, explaining that it was not possible to see the actual profit and returns on
these investments until the individual assets were sold.
It was reiterated that the situation was continually monitored by Hymans Robertson and that there
were no concerns
to report. Gratitude was expressed for the report During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by members: ·
That the figures were
good and encouraging ·
There were no
negatives in the report, despite the need to keep an eye on property
investments ·
The Department was
congratulated for its work - the Fund was in good hands In response to the news that Mr Dafydd Edwards, the Head of Finance, would be starting his flexible retirement from January 2022 and the succession plan, it was noted that Mr Dewi Morgan had been appointed as Gwynedd Council Head of Finance. Consequently, Mr
Dafydd Edwards would take on the role of Director of Gwynedd Pension Fund for an
18 month period, which would ensure
consistency and a smooth transition for the future. It was reiterated that Mr Dewi Morgan would be invited to the investment discussions and the Investment Manager and Pensions Manager
would evolve into their roles.
In response, it was noted that the succession plan reassured Members. In response to a question regarding the Investment Strategy, it ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |