Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from
Osian Richards (Member Representative) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: None to note |
note any items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that
they may be considered Minutes: None to
note |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held 18th
December 2024 be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee, held on 18-12-23, as a true record. |
for information, minutes of the Pensions Committee meeting held on the 22nd
of January 2024 Minutes: Submitted for information - the minutes of the Pensions Committee held on 22-01-2024. Anthony Deakin attended the meeting on behalf of the Pension Board. He asked the following questions. ·
Procurement of Administrative System - after seeing other Pension
Funds using the same system, would there be an option
in the future to consider a joint procurement system? ·
Treasury Management - Local Authorities Loans - was there a risk to this considering
that Local Authorities across the country had expressed financial deficits and a potential of issuing a section 114 notice? ·
In the context of
Wales Pensions Partnership
(WPP), it was asked out of interest, whether a financial matters strategy had only been considered compared to a strategy with the aim of trying to ensure balance between principles, such as good returns, climate
matters, politics etc.? In response to the above comments: ·
Procurement of Administrative System - the Pensions
Manager noted that the biggest barrier that prevented
joint agreement was that everyone's contracts would come to an end
at different dates - it was
difficult to get the same date for
re-tendering. In response to a supplementary question, was there certainty of value for money and a proposal to host a full procurement process, it was noted that the current company received a five-year contract,
and a full tender would be released in 2029. ·
Local Authorities Loan Treasury Management
- the Head of Finance Department
explained, in accordance with Arlingclose's advice, that there were
good opportunities for Local Authorities to give a loan to other Authorities, because the short-term interest rate was higher than the bank's interest rate and, even if the authority
had issued a section 114 notice, the money, in accordance with
statutory requirements, should be repaid. He also noted that
Arlingclose monitored the situation regularly and would send warnings
in advance to the Council that recommended,
as they would do with banks, which
Local Authorities to avoid. ·
WPP – For attention that it was possible to draw up a strategy that would
ensure better returns, the Chair of the Pensions Committee noted that there
would be a need to ensure balance and avoid compromising the fund's function / performance, which was currently amongst the highest 10% in the UK. He reiterated that there was no need
to take risks but make wise
investment decisions based on the correct
information. |
BUDGET 2024-25 PENSIONS AND INVESTMENT UNIT PDF 78 KB To consider the report and note the 2024/25 financial year budget for the Pensions Administration and
Investment sections. Minutes: The Investment Manager submitted, for information, the budget for the Pensions Administration Unit and
Investment Unit for the 2024-2025 financial
year. It was noted that the budget had been approved by the Pensions Committee on 22-01-2024. Reference was made to the Administration Unit’s budget, reporting that 24 staff members were employed
along with the costs of systems, printing, and central reimbursements. It was noted that the costs were consistent except for the inflation levels, with an adjustment
of £28,600 for increases in supplies and services - this was a result of renewing systems agreement during the year with an increase
in the cost of the agreement
(that had been approved by the Pensions Committee on 22-01-24). Reference was made to the Investment Unit that
had three members and costs were shared
between the Fund and Cyngor
Gwynedd as the Unit was also responsible
for Treasury Management. It was reiterated that adviser costs
and investment managers' costs were part
of her responsibility but these varied depending
on the performance of the investments and the work needed to be carried out by the consultants. It was considered that setting a detailed budget for investment
managers' fees and advisers would not be beneficial as the expenditure varied, but agencies
such as Pensions & Investment Research Consultants (PIRC)
looked at value for money across
the Funds. In addition, it was reiterated, by going to tender for advisers and actuary contracts in the near future,
a budget for the fees would be considered. Thanks was given for the report. It was resolved to accept the report for information,
and note the Pensions Administration Unit and the Investment Unit's
budget for the 2024/25 financial year |
CONSULTANT OBJECTIVES 2023 PDF 104 KB To consider the report, the progress against current objectives and future objectives Additional documents:
Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Investment Manager,
reporting on progress against current objectives and requesting that the Board noted the progress and the objectives for 2024. It was reported, following a review of the investment consulting and fiduciary management markets, that the Competition and Markets Authority had noted that Pension Scheme
Trustees should set objectives for their investment consultants, and clearly stipulate what was expected from them. It had been reported for
several years by now, that the Fund
had set objectives for the current advisers, Hymans Robertson, and to ensure that the work that
they deliver corresponded with the fund's strategic objectives, and in addition, was part of good governance. However, during the next six months,
the Council would issue a tender for the consultative work establishing a specific contract (which would also include
a transitional period). This was reiterated as an appropriate step to take and would be an opportunity
to look at what the market had to offer and would add a competitive element. It was reported that last
year had been busy with advisers
providing advice on the investment strategy in the recent re-assessment of the funding level, assisting with determining the appropriate level of commitments to the private markets and ensuring that the Fund had adequate cash flow to pay
the pensioners on a monthly basis. It was reiterated that Hymans also collaborated
with the officers to review internal policies and ensure compliance with any relevant pension
regulations. Although Hymans did not provide training as part of its direct contract with the Gwynedd Fund, appropriately timed training was available through the Wales Pension Partnership, with significant contributions from Hymans. Whilst also accepting that the fees were
high (which was also true for
some other companies in the market), Hymans had worked well throughout the year with all partners
e.g., the actuary and Wales
Pensions Partnership. Referring to the objectives for the next year, it was highlighted that the current objectives had been combined to ten key objectives
for the future and the investment consultants were aware of the support that the Fund would need
to implement additional projects in 2024. Gratitude was expressed for the report and for updating the objectives. In response to a question regarding the potential companies available to fulfil the work, it was noted that there
was a framework for the tendering process and qualified companies had signed that framework
(which included four actuaries and eight consultants). Although it was accepted that some companies
were more well-known than others, the tender looked at two functions
and did not look at offering
a whole package to one company. RESOLVED to note the information and accept the progress made on the objectives
of the consultants during
2023 |
the report and note the information Minutes: An update was presented by the Pensions Manager on the work that
had been done to upgrade the My Pension Online system. It was reported that the system in its current
form was old-fashioned with many members
having problems logging into the site, which meant
that it was not being used to its full
capacity. The new version was developed with support from Heywood
Pension Technologies (the Fund's
software provider). It was noted that the site had a completely new form, and with
the new technology used, it would mean that there
was much better practicality across the website with further
updates underway for better engagement
with the members. An integral element to the Gwynedd Pension Fund was to ensure that the new site was available
bilingually and, therefore,
Gwynedd had led on the work
of preparing Welsh text for the site and ensured that the Welsh was standard and correct. It was hoped that the rest of Wales’s funds would take
advantage of this provision. Gratitude was expressed for the update and for the good work - it was pleasing to see Gwynedd leading the way on the Welsh language provision. Resolved to accept and note the information |
Minutes: The Investment Manager submitted a report, providing a summary of the training given to Members during 2023/24, as well as a brief
Training Plan for 2024/25. It was considered that the 2023/24 Training Plan had been successful, and the Members were thanked for
attending the various conferences and training sessions of the Wales Pensions Partnership (WPP) that were useful and timely sessions. It was reiterated that those Members that
needed to complete
Fundamentals training had now
done so and the only training that
had not been completed was that the Investment Manager had
not attended a closing accounts course and that was because there had been no changes to the guidelines. It was reiterated that the 2024/25 Training Plan followed the same process as the 2023/24 plan with WPP sessions, courses and conferences that had already been identified. Gratitude was expressed for the report. An observation
was made that the plan was
a good one and that the training sessions and webinars were great, even
though the notice period was short. In response, the Investment Manager noted that
a recording of the training
sessions was available if someone could
not attend. RESOLVED to accept and note the information |
AMENDED WORK PLAN 24/25 PDF 77 KB To consider the program and suggest additional items or changes Minutes: An amended work programme
was submitted for 2024/25.
It was noted that the plan included matters noted following consideration by the Board at previous meetings and matters arising. It was highlighted that matters arising during the year could be included in the programme in accordance with
the demand and along with any matters
/ ideas arising from members after
training sessions and / or relevant events. The Chair of the Pensions Committee noted that he had presented
feedback to Committee Members of the LAPFF conference that he attended
in Bournemouth in December 2023. He highlighted that there was value in sharing information
from training sessions / conferences and his intention was to offer a regular item on the committee's
programme. He suggested that the Board Members do the same. RESOLVED to accept the report and note the
information. |