Venue: Zoom
Contact: Einir Rh Davies 01286 679868
No. | Item |
CHAIR To elect a Chair for 2020/21 Decision: Councillor Hefin Underwood was
elected as Chair of Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee for the year
2021/22. Minutes: RESOLVED to re-elect Councillor Hefin
Underwood as Chair of this Committee for the year 2021/22. |
VICE-CHAIR To elect a Vice-chair for 2020/21 Decision: Councillor Peter Read was elected
as Vice-chair of Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee for the year 2021/22. Minutes: RESOLVED to re-elect Councillor Peter Read as
Vice-chair of this Committee for the year 2021/22. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from
Councillor Mici Plwm (Pwllheli Town Council) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received from
any members present. |
consider any items which are urgent matters in the opinion of the Chairman. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
The Chairman will propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee, held on 15th October, 2019, be signed as a true record Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this Committee held on 15 October 2019 as a true record. At the previous meeting, it was proposed to contact the Assembly Member, Dafydd Elis
Thomas, to draw attention to Natural
Resources Wales' strict regulations, along with obstacles in environmental legislation and policy preventing the construction of effective groynes. It was confirmed that there had been contact with Natural
Resources Wales who had referred back to the Act and the fact that
it was compulsory to comply
with it. |
a report by the Harbour Manager. Additional documents:
Decision: To accept the contents of the report and to note the observations
detailed in the minutes. Minutes: A
report was presented by the Maritime Officer and the Harbour Manager for the
period from October 2019 to March 2021, and the following main points were
noted: ·
Harbour Slipway It was noted that there was a need to resolve the matter of
the use of the slipway and the land management lease, with urgency. It was
confirmed that the lease terms referred to the arrangements and that
discussions were ongoing with the Local Member, the Chairman and the Service
and it was agreed that Ifor Hughes would be consulted to keep him in the
picture. ·
Committee's Constitution Representatives were reminded that they needed to submit
their committee meeting minutes to this Committee, along with a copy of their
constitution. This information was mandatory to ensure the Organisations could
continue on the Committee. ·
Port Marine
Safety Code Two inspections had been held by the Marine and Coastguards
Agency which had confirmed that everything was in order and that the Council
was compliant with the requirements of the Safety Code. It was also confirmed
that virtual inspection work had been carried out by the Conwy Harbour Master
and that he, as the Designated Person, was also satisfied with the standard of
the Code in Gwynedd. It was noted that
this would be reported to the Cabinet in due course. Everyone was reminded of the need to report,
at this Committee, of any safety concerns. ·
Dredging It was noted that there was frustration regarding the
dredging situation in light of issues related to Covid.
It was reported that the Royal Smalls company would be
undertaking the work in Pwllheli, following the same
work contract as the one at Doc Victoria.
It was confirmed that the timetable had slipped, mainly as Royal Smalls
was unable to permit its staff to travel due to Covid
restrictions. It was hoped that the work
would commence in September 2021, meanwhile, the work to dredge the harbour
mouth would commence in April 2021 through the contract that could possibly run
for three years. ·
Survey It was reported that the water depth in the marina basin was relatively good although it was shallower towards the harbour mouth. It was noted that the work to dredge the harbour mouth would be completed before the work on the navigation channel. It was confirmed that the £270,000 for the work had been divided to 2/3 for Pwllheli and 1/3 for Doc Victoria, with a significant portion of the investment going to Pwlheli. It was noted that there was disappointment that the work had not proceeded and there was concern regarding the possibility of losing depth in the channel and it was questioned whether there was another plan such as levelling the sea bed for the season? It was confirmed that the work to dredge the harbour mouth would continue and the work to level the navigation channel would also begin soon. Additionally, the need to consider and weigh up the sea bed level was noted ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee will be held on 12th October 2021. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting would
take place on 12 October, 2021 at 6.00pm. |