Venue: Virtual Meeting -Zoom
Contact: Einir Rh Davies 01286 679868
No. | Item |
PRAYER OR QUIET REFLECTION An Opportunity for Prayer or Quiet Reflection Minutes: The meeting was opened with a prayer by Councillor Menna
Baines and time was taken for quiet meditation. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies
were received from Miriam Amlyn (NAS/UWT), Beca Brown (Education Cabinet
Member), Garem Jackson (Head of Education Department), Heledd Jones (NEU),
Edward Pari-Jones (Humanist) and Gwawr M. Williams (The Presbyterian Church of
Wales) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view
of the Chair for consideration Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 134 KB The Chair shall propose that the minutes of the previous
meeting of this committee held on the 29th November, 2022 be signed as a true
record Minutes: RESOLVED to accept the
minutes of a meeting of this Committee held on 29 November, 2022, as a true
record and the Chair signed them. An update was provided on Item 7: How can SACRE monitor
Standards within Gwynedd Schools from 2022? It was confirmed that there
currently was no intention to visit schools, but that the matter would be given
further consideration at a future meeting following receiving guidance from WASACRE |
An Update regarding the Cyngor Gwynedd Plan in relation to the Agreed Syllabus for Religion, Values and Ethics Decision: To approve the Cyngor
Gwynedd Plan. Minutes: |
discussion on the Present Collective Worship Guidelines Decision: As the Guidance had now become dated, it was agreed that the Guidance
needed to be updated. It was decided to
establish a Working Group, to include representatives of the Religions,
Councillors and Teachers, to look at updating the Guidance. The offer made by Councillor Elin Walker
Jones and Reverend Nick Sissons to be part of the Working Group was accepted
and it was agreed to enquire about more members, outside the meeting. Minutes: It was noted that
there was a feeling that the Guidance needed to be updated in terms of: Getting to grips
with the Imbalance in the Guidance: Need new examples
as there was a great deal about the Christian calendar, as well as offering
Christian examples, and not much mention of faith or calendars such as those of
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Judaism. The concern on the imbalance was noted
and the value being lost by not learning about other religions. Dated observations
or vocabulary: e.e. "an act
of worship must be held every day" and it was felt that the requirement to
maintain this remained but not in the same way. Regular use of the
word "worship" and the need for a definition of the term The language of
the Guidance reflects the present world by now, such as the need for the
reference to calming down and to consider mental health issues and spiritual
wellbeing. Maybe some
teachers would be more willing to lead on meditation rather than worshipping. The way forward It was suggested
that establishing a Panel/Sub-panel/Working Group was a way forward to include
representatives from the faith and education groups. It was also noted that this would be a way to
bring different media together. RESOLVED: As the Guidance had now become dated, it
was agreed that the Guidance needed to be updated. It was decided to establish a Working Group,
to include representatives from the Religions, Councillors and Teachers to look
at updating the Guidance. The offer made by Councillor Elin Walker Jones and
Reverend Nick Sissons to be part of the Working Group was accepted and it was
agreed to enquire about more members, outside the meeting. |
Letter from the Chair of
Nominations for the WASACRE
Executive iii.
Date for the Diary : WASACRE Spring Meeting Additional documents:
Decision: i.
send a letter to the WASACRE to thank them for their support during the
production of the New Agreed Syllabus for Religion, Values and Ethics. ii.
As no
nominations for the Executive Committee were received during the meeting, it
was decided to ask again outside the meeting. iii.
The date was
noted for the Spring Meeting of the WASACRE. Minutes: WASACRE Matters i.
A letter from the Chair of the
Nominations for the WASACRE
Executive Committee iii.
Note the date of the WASACRE
Spring meeting RESOLVED: i.
To send a letter
to the WASACRE to thank them for their support during the production of the New
Agreed Syllabus for Religion, Values and Ethics. ii.
As no
nominations for the Executive Committee were received during the meeting, it
was decided to ask again outside the meeting. iii.
the date of the WASACRE Spring Meeting. The meeting commenced at 3.30pm and concluded at 4.25 p.m. CHAIR. |