Venue: Virtual Meeting -Zzoom
Contact: Einir Rh Davies 01286 679868
No. | Item |
Opportunity for Prayer or Quiet Reflection Minutes: The meeting was opened with a prayer from Councillor Paul
Rowlinson, with an opportunity for quiet reflection. |
APOLOGIES To Receive any Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies
were received from Councillor Beca Brown, Nathan Abrams, Bethan Davies
Jones, Siôn Huws, Edward Parry-Jones and Gwawr M Williams, and a late apology
came to hand from Eirian Bradley Roberts |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To Receive any Declaration of Personal Interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous
meeting of this committee held on the 4th July, 2023 be signed as a true record Minutes: RESOLVED to accept the
minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 4 July 2023 as a true record,
and they were signed by the Chair. |
in Relation to : i. SACRE Annual Report 2021 – 2022 ii. Specialist Support to the SACRE iii. Correspondence sent on behalf of SACRE Decision: To accept the above updates, and look forward to
welcoming Bethan James to her new role with the SACRE Minutes: Gwynedd updates in relation to: i. SACRE Annual Report 2021 - 2022 ii. Specialist Support for the SACRE iii. Correspondence sent on behalf of the SACRE i. SACRE Annual Report
2021 - 2022 It was confirmed that the changes discussed at the previous meeting had
been completed and that the work on the SACRE Annual Report 2022-2023 would be
addressed in due course. ii. Specialist Support for
the SACRE Everyone was reminded that the specialist support by a GwE Officer had
been withdrawn in 2018, and as a result the Committee had been operating
without expertise ever since, which had proved frustrating. It was confirmed
that the Head of Education at the time had been in discussions with GwE to
reinstate the support, and it was confirmed that Bethan James would be
supporting from now on. It was reported
that the support would not be at the same level as previously, but Bethan James
would be attending the SACRE meetings and would provide half a day's support.
As a starting point, she would give a presentation at the next meeting. iii. Correspondence sent on
behalf of the SACRE In the previous meeting it had been agreed to write to GwE to ask for
clarity on GwE's role, but it was confirmed that the letter had not been sent –
instead, Bethan James would give a presentation at the next meeting on the
support that GwE provided in this area of learning. Also at the previous meeting, it had been agreed to send a letter to the
WJEC and the Welsh Government asking them to ensure that they provided
Welsh-medium resources; again, it was noted that a letter had been drafted but
had not been sent. RESOLVED:
To accept the above updates and look forward to
welcoming Bethan James to her new role with the SACRE. |
on the Work of Developing the Collective Worship Guidelines Decision: To accept the report and the proposal by the Reverend Nick Sissons that we
as a SACRE send a letter to WASACRE and the national
bodies of all the churches in
Wales to enquire
how they could assist in moving the matter forward. The Reverend Sissons agreed to draft the letter Minutes: Everyone was reminded of the background to the situation, where
nominations were requested some months ago by now to look at the current
guidelines as they had dated. Everyone
had agreed that the guidelines were no longer suitable, and as a result the
Reverend Nick Sissons and Councillor Elin Walker Jones had offered to review
the current Guidance. The Reverend Nick Sissons reported that, after studying the current
guidance, it had become clear how much work was required, and he suggested that
there was no value in going through the current document and altering it since
there were wider issues that needed to be addressed, particularly the need to
review the legislation on collective worship. He wondered whether anyone was
aware of what the schools were doing at present? The Reverend Sissons felt that
there was a role here for the Churches to lead on the work, as there really was
a need for a more suitable document by now. He referred to the paper where four options had been proposed, which
were: Option 1: Do nothing Option 2: Review the existing Policy Option 3: Write to the Welsh Government asking them to take the issue of
Collective Worship or assembly seriously, and review the legislation as a
matter of urgency. Option 4: A compromise? Write to the Welsh Government and create a new
policy that takes children and young people’s mental health, spiritual and
moral needs seriously. A policy that is written by those who undertake these
tasks within schools regularly: A policy that values the idea of a whole-school
community. The Reverend Sissons noted that the situation would continue to cause
concern until the legislation was changed, and he stated his concern that
collective worship was too important a matter to be left to one side. Councillor Walker Jones elaborated on the above and noted that an
opportunity was being missed to address the matter of collective worship, and
that merely revising the current document would not address the issue. She also reported her concern that it appeared that neither the Welsh
Government nor ESTYN were taking the matter seriously, and consequently there
was a need for the SACRE to do something urgently in order to address the
situation. The Reverend Nick Sissons and Councillor Elin Walker Jones were thanked
for their work in delving to the root of the matter, and the floor was opened
to comments. Concern was noted that it was not very clear what currently took place
in schools, and it was questioned why ESTYN reports were no longer being
brought to the attention of the SACRE?
The Assistant Resources Officer and SACRE Clerk confirmed that the
layout of ESTYN reports was now quite different, with very little reference to
collective worship. She noted the feeling that it was a duty for the SACRE Members to monitor what went on in the schools, but she questioned whether the receipt of an invitation to attend a school assembly truly meant that a service was held ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Report of the Activities of the Association
2022-2023 (Chair) II.
Report for 2022/2023 Financial Year (Treasurer) III.
Membership of WASACRE Executive Committee 2023/2024 IV.
Draft Minutes of the Summer WASACRE Meeting held on
19 June 2023 V.
An opportunity to give feedback on the consultation on the new GCSE
Religious Studies (beginning of teaching 2026 (on the WJEC website) VI.
An opportunity to contribute to the
creation of an exciting program for the 2024 Conference which will include free
interactive online seminars, as well as the physical conference day event Additional documents:
Decision: To accept the correspondence
by the WASACRE and the relevant updates. Minutes: I. A Report on the Activities
of the Association: Chair II. Report for the 2022/2023
Financial Year: Treasurer III. Membership of
WASACRE Executive Committee
2023/2024 IV. Draft Minutes of the Summer
WASACRE Meeting held on 19 June 2023 V. An opportunity to give feedback on
the consultation on the proposed new GCSE Religious Studies qualification (teaching beginning in 2026) (on the WJEC website) VI. An opportunity to contribute to the creation of an exciting programme
for the 2024 Conference which will include
free interactive on-line seminars, as well as the physical conference day event. The above items were referred to, which had been shared for information,
and members shared updates from the previous WASACRE meeting as follows: Schools' Data – concern
was raised that the usual data was not available, but confirmation was given that more data would become available,
with a health warning that it was not to be used to make comparisons. Reference was made to the
National Teaching Resources,
drawing particular attention to the Governors module, and the committee was asked to promote the Resources. It was confirmed that
Collective Worship would be a topic in the Annual Conference
2024. The Consultation on
the proposed new qualification was highlighted, noting that it was extremely important for teachers in
particular to take the opportunity to respond to the consultation. It was noted that
the question regarding KS4
Learning required consideration,
and the opportunity was taken to confirm that it would be assessed formally. RESOLVED: To accept the correspondence by the
WASACRE and the relevant updates. Everyone was thanked for their
observations. |