Venue: Neuadd Dyfi, Aberdyfi, LL35 0NR
Contact: Sion Owen 01286 679665
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr Brian Bates (RNLI), Mr Barry Davies (Maritime and Country Parks
Officer) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declarations of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal connection were received from any member present |
To receive and confirm the minutes of a meeting of the Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee held on 13 November 2018. Minutes: Submitted - Minutes of a meeting of the
Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee held on 13 November 2018. Resolved: To accept and approve the minutes as a true
record. |
REPORT BY THE SENIOR HARBOURS OFFICER PDF 72 KB To receive and consider the report of the Senior Harbours Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Update on
Harbour Management Matters The Senior Harbours Officer submitted his report, noting the following main
points: -
He anticipated that the
moorings contractors would install moorings in the harbour at the end of March
and would issue a Moorings Quality Certificate to the Harbour master before any
boat could be moored. -
That the review of Gwynedd harbour
safety arrangements had been conducted by the Coastguard and Maritime Agency. -
That the post of full time assistant harbour master was
about to be advertised, and it was proposed to have the new assistant harbour
master in post by Easter. -
He presented a report on the Harbour's budgets and noted
that whilst there was an underspend when the financial report was produced at
the end of February, this finance would be spent on completing the programmed
work by the end of the financial year. -
That the expenditure on
grounds and buildings noted was spent on rent and maintenance around the
harbour. The Harbour master's office had
been included here, and it was noted that the location of the office was being
reviewed as the existing building did not meet with modern requirements. Observations and questions arising from the discussion: -
How many applications had been received for moorings? -
Concern was noted that the process of appointing an
assistant harbour master was slow, and the schedule was tight if it was
proposed to appoint by Easter. -
How had they managed not to spend any of the budget on
boats and vehicles? In response, the Harbour master noted that he estimated that 75 to 80
application forms had been received. He
would share the final number with interested Committee members when the number
was available. The Senior Harbours Officer added that he shared the concern of committee
members regarding the slow process of appointing an assistant harbour master,
however, there had been interest in the post.
He noted that the costs of Harbour boats and vehicles came from other
budgets and therefore had not been shown on the balance sheet. However, it was
noted that the Harbour master's boat had been out of the water and repair work
was required before it was safe to use, but there was no budget available to
undertake this work until the next financial year. (b) Harbour master's
Report The Harbour
master presented his report, noting the following main points: -
Aberdyfi Harbour had been inspected by Trinity House on its safety and
navigation arrangements, and it was found that appropriate arrangements were in
place. -
the course of Aberdyfi Harbour navigation channel had narrowed and had moved
northwards. This had caused a great deal
of adaptation work in order to aid navigation and ensure safety. Emphasis was placed on the importance of
contacting the harbour's office in order to obtain current information about
navigation safety. -
maintenance work had been done, and he asked for observations on the
maintenance programme scheduled for the winter of 2018-19. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next meeting of the Aberdyfi Harbour Consultative Committee is likely to be held on 12 November 2019. Minutes: It was noted
that the next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for 12 November 2019 at
Neuadd Dyfi, Aberdyfi. |