Venue: Y Ganolfan, Porthmadog, Gwynedd. LL49 9LU. View directions
Contact: Glynda O'Brien 01341 424301
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from
Andrew Roberts (Ysgol y Berwyn), Edward Bleddyn Jones (Primary Governor), Elin
ap Gwilym (Primary Governor), Anest Gray Frazer (Diocese), Garem Jackson (Head
of Education). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 November 2017. (Copy attached) Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the meeting of the Schools’ Budget Forum that
took place on 13 November 2017 as a true record. |
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Minutes: Item 5 (ch) - School Uniform
Grant The Finance Manager reported that no
further information had been received from
the Welsh Government regarding
the above grant, however,
the Education Department had submitted
a bid to the Cabinet as part of the Council’s Process for setting the budget. Resolved: To accept and note the above. (a) Pupil Development
Grant The Finance Manager reported that schools
had received the forecast
and the grant value per pupil
remained the same as last year. Resolved: To accept and note
the above. (ch) Schools Improvement
Grant The Finance Manager reported that the above matter had received a great deal of attention and there was no good
news, with the grant on a Wales level reducing £26m and on a north Wales level this was roughly equivalent to around £5m. With rising costs
this entailed a reduction of around £7.5m. It was noted that approximately 50% of the
grant related to the Foundation
Phase, and with an impact on
Pay Agreements with an average
reduction to schools of approximately 22-23% over the next two years. Reference was made to a letter sent to Headteachers in December 2017, when it was noted that the figures had not changed and this meant a £600,000 reduction in the 2018/19 budget. It was an extremely difficult situation with the grant reducing 17% at a North Wales level
and inflation at 1%, and through
a reduction in the grant there would be more pressure on Language
Centres and 14-16 years learning pathways. The GwE Management Team will determine
the grant allocation and it was ensured
that the Council would be transparent regarding any impact
on schools. In terms of the time frame, it was trusted that the Finance Department would receive more information in the next fortnight. Huge concern was expressed amongst teachers as over the years schools had to cope with more and more cuts and a cut of approximately
20% to the Foundation Phase
would be damaging and would have an
impact on core services. Evidently, it was noted that there was disquiet throughout Wales regarding this situation and it was not acceptable,
but unfortunately this was the reality with grants reducing
and it was a complex and difficult
situation. Resolved: To accept and note the above and await further information to be sent to
the Headteachers from the
Finance Manager in due course. |
PAYING ON LINE To receive a verbal report on the above. Minutes: (a) Item 4(c) - On-line Payments and Breakfast Club (Care Club) The Senior Manager
Education Resources Services reported
that the book-keeping
system to pay for school dinner ("SIMS Dinner Money") had been introduced in every
school. It was noted that the Pre-School Care Club had commenced on 8 January 2018 - this had been difficult
as schools were closed over Christmas
and this had made it hard to set accounts for parents. Both schemes, namely paying for
dinner and for care, were facilitated
if payments are made on-line
by parents and the more parents
who pay on-line
meant there was less book-keeping work for Dinner
Clerks. It was
noted that the software created an automatic account
for electronic payments from parents. The above issues were discussed
with Primary Headteachers and it was agreed to
promote this further and to encourage more parents to pay on-line. Stemming from the discussion with the Headteachers, constructive suggestions were received from them
regarding how to get more to pay on-line. A further training cycle was organised for schools
that were unable to attend before Christmas, and some schools had noted their wish
for the clerks to attend the training for a second time,
and some headteachers had also expressed a wish to attend the training. Resolved: To accept and note
the above. |
BREAKFAST CLUB To receive a verbal report on the above. |
6th FORM GRANT To receive a verbal report on the above. Minutes: (a) 6th Form Grant The Finance Manager reported that information
had been received but had not been released to schools thus
far. It was noted
that there was a reduction in the budget received as well as a decrease in the number of pupil courses. Unfortunately, for the fifth year running,
the funding continued on the basis of less pupils than the actual figure in the schools. The Head of Finance
and the Head of Education had discussed
the matter and intended to send a letter conveying
their concern regarding the situation to the
Welsh Government.
It was noted that
the grant allocation was based on what had occurred
over the last three years rather than the projected numbers. They had to be careful and watchful regarding
the completion rate. There will be a cut
of 10% for 2019/20 and the following year will be worse. Resolved: To accept and note
the above. |
PUPILS DEVELOPMENT GRANT To receive a verbal report on the above. Minutes: (a) Pupil Development
Grant The Finance Manager reported that schools
had received the forecast
and the grant value per pupil
remained the same as last year. Resolved: To accept and note
the above. |
EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT GRANT To receive a verbal report on the above. Minutes: Schools Improvement
Grant The Finance Manager reported that the above matter had received a great deal of attention and there was no good
news, with the grant on a Wales level reducing £26m and on a north Wales level this was roughly equivalent to around £5m. With rising costs
on inflation this entailed a reduction of around £7.5m in real terms. It was noted that approximately 50% of the
grant related to the Foundation
Phase, and with an impact on
national pay agreements this meant an average
reduction to schools of approximately 22-23% over the next two years. Reference was made to a letter sent to Headteachers in December 2017, when it was noted that the figures had not changed and this meant a £600,000 reduction in the 2018/19 budget. It was an extremely difficult situation with the grant reducing 17% at a North Wales level
and inflation at 1%, and through
a reduction in the grant there would be more pressure on Language
Centres and 14-16 years learning pathways. The GwE Management Team will determine
the grant allocation and it was ensured
that the Council would be transparent regarding any impact
on schools. In terms of the time frame, it was trusted that the Finance Department would receive more information in the next fortnight. Huge concern was expressed amongst teachers as over the years schools had to cope with more and more cuts and a cut of approximately
20% to the Foundation Phase
would be damaging and would have an
impact on core services. Evidently, it was noted that there was disquiet throughout Wales regarding this situation and it was not acceptable,
but unfortunately this was the reality with grants reducing
and it was a complex and difficult
situation. Resolved: To accept and note the above and await further information to be sent to
the Headteachers from the Finance
Manager in due course. |
SCHOOLS' SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS To receive an update by the Senior Manager Education Resources Service. Minutes: A table
was presented to the Forum indicating the position with Service Level Agreements from 2018-21 for Primary, Secondary,
Special and All through Schools. It was reported as follows: Grounds Maintenance - a service
is offered for three years and each school was visited to gather details and the work of transferring the information to a
plan / map of the school sites
continues. It
was noted that there was no need
for Grounds Maintenance SLA
at Ysgol Hafod Lon (new) until
next year. Education Support Unit - it was noted that the work of defining specific roles in the Education Support Unit / Area Office continued. It was proposed to continue with the same service
level agreement for another year
and to trial new support with no
additional cost to the schools.
Personnel, Wages and Legal Support - it was noted that some issues
overlapped with the roles of the Support Unit / Area Office. It was
proposed to continue with the same service
level agreement for another year. It was intended to follow the same system as last year, offering the SLAs to schools giving them an
opportunity to submit observations and note if they wish
to receive them or
not. Following
this, it was proposed to submit a summary report to the Schools’ Budget Forum. Resolved: To approve to extend the following service level agreements, as noted above: (a) Education Support Unit
(b) Personnel, Wages and Legal Support |
GWYNEDD COUNCIL'S BUDGET 2018/19 To receive a verbal report by the Head of Finance. Minutes: A report
was submitted to the Members
during the meeting by the Head of Finance outlining information regarding the 2018/19
budget. The Cabinet Member for Finance reported that they
had spent hours trying to get a balanced budget for the Council and they had never seen such a situation
before. From the table submitted regarding the settlement of the Revenue Support Grant to fund local government, it was seen that Gwynedd Council would receive
a grant increase of £1m by next
year an increase
of 0.6%, with the Wales average
increase at 0.2%.
During the next three years 2018-2019 it was anticipated that the Council will need
to find savings of up to £20m. Currently, all Department Heads had been asked to forward plan cuts of 3%, 10% and 20% and it was envisaged
that the impact of further cuts based
on the above percentages would be dire, with the Council's two largest
budgets in Education and Social Services having to contribute. The Head of Finance explained that when developing
a draft budget for 2018/19 it had become evident that there
was concern regarding the schools budget. Since the announcement of the grant settlement
for local authorities, the Welsh Government's
reference to "additional
funding" and school protection had raised the financial expectations of Headteachers and Governors for 2018/19. The Welsh Government's Minister of
Education had made some misleading statements regarding the financial position of schools. Following a discussion with Cabinet Members, a way forward was agreed to avoid the transfer of further savings targets to Gwynedd schools this year: (a) Demography It was noted that the net position of schools was
-£225,000. (b) ALN Integration It was recommended to agree on a bid of £319,000 to address over-expenditure on the budget for the integration of pupils with additional learning needs, and the
"Education" budget would
gain compared to last year because
of this and inflation of
£1.4m financed by the Council. (c) Centralising Integration £347,000 will transfer from
the schools budget centrally to the Education Department
and whilst the schools budget will reduce,
the need for schools to spend will also be reduced. (ch) Education Difficulties
It was noted that a number
of difficulties had arisen in Education that would mean that
the Council would have to add further
to the Education budget through
a bids process, or for the Education Department to reduce the schools budget, if they
wanted a balanced budget in 2018/19. The total of these issues would
have meant harvesting £1.7m savings from the schools budget and the view of Cabinet members was that this was impractical. Therefore it was agreed to recommend the following solutions: Higher expenditure on transport £516,000 If the above budget was left as it was it would create a need for additional permanent finance of £286,000 in 2018/19 and £230,000 to meet the 2017/18 deficit. It is recommended that corporate under-expenditure ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
PROJECTION OF SCHOOLS' BALANCES 31 MARCH 2018 PDF 345 KB To receive a report on the above by the Finance Manager. (Copy enclosed) Additional documents: Minutes: A report
was submitted by the Finance Manager
to raise awareness of the Schools' Budget Forum of the forecast of school balances on 31 March 2018. Members were guided
through the report and it
was noted that what was before them was a desktop exercise by the Finance Department,
as it was not possible to contact
and discuss with every school individually
within the time-frame. The actual figures would be presented at the next Forum meeting during
the Summer term. It was noted that discussions
were ongoing relating to Tywyn and y Berwyn schools
regarding their financial deficit. It was further recognised that the Finance department continued to work jointly with
those schools that have negative
balances. It was emphasised that the money in the balances
was available for pupils who are
currently at the schools. Resolved: To accept, note and thank the officer for the forecast and we will look forward
to receiving a further report at the next Forum meeting. |