Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr Adrian Roberts
(Local Resident) |
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: None to
note |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for
consideration. Minutes: None to
note |
APPLICATION FOR A PREMISES LICENCE PDF 475 KB Convenience Store at Brook House, High Street, Llanberis LL55 4SU To consider
the above application Decision: To approve the application in accordance with requirements of the Licensing Act 2003. The sale of alcohol
08:00 – 23:00 daily. No additional hours after 23:00 Incorporate the matters prescribed in the
Operators Schedule (Part M) of the application as conditions on the license. Incorporate the conditions recommended by
the Police as conditions to the license. Note: Ensure compliance with Fire Service requirements before opening Minutes: APPLICATION FOR A
PREMISES LICENCE – Convenience Store,
Brook House, High Street, Llanberis, LL55 4SU. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. a)
The Licensing Department's Report Submitted – the report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a premises licence for a new
business venture in a property that
was currently empty. It was
explained that the proposal was to improve the building for the purpose of a convenience store, selling a variety of goods including alcohol. Reference was made to the standard proposed opening times to sell alcohol off the premises from 06:00 in the morning until 23:00 every day of the week; although an intention was noted as a non-standard time to sell alcohol from the shop from
06:00 to 2:00 the following day,
every day from 1 April for
6 months of the year until 30 September. Reference was made to correspondence that had been received from
the applicant's representative
noting the intention to reduce the hours of selling alcohol from 06:00 to
23:00 (until 00:00 between
1 April and 30 September), which would address some
of the concerns. It was noted that
the Licensing Authority Officers had sufficient evidence that the application had been submitted in accordance
with the requirements of
the Licensing Act 2003 and relevant regulations. Reference was made to the measures recommended by the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it was highlighted that these measures
would be included on the licence. Attention was drawn to the responses received during the consultation period. It was noted that objections to the application had been received from a member of the public, the Community Council and the Local Member making reference to concerns in relation to the Licensing Objectives of preventing Crime and Disorder, Public
Nuisance, Public Safety and Protecting
children from harm. It was highlighted that North Wales Police questioned the significant extended hours for selling
alcohol for half the year as non-standard hours on the application
and the Fire Service noted that it wouldn't be possible to assess compliance with fire provision requirements as there was insufficient information on the ownership of the site. Despite the offer from the applicant's representative to reduce the non-standard hours, it was recommended that the Committee request full clarity regarding
the non-standard hours of
the application, the observations
of the Police and the requirements of the Licensing Act
2003. b)
In considering the application, the following procedure was followed:- ·
Members of the Sub-committee
were given an opportunity to ask questions of the Council’s representative. ·
At the Chair’s discretion, the applicant or his representative may ask questions to the Council’s representative. ·
The applicant and / or his representative were invited to expand on the application
and to call witnesses. · Members of the sub-committee were given the opportunity to ask questions of the applicant and / ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |