Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: None to note |
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: None to note |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for
consideration. Minutes: None to note |
Chairman shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting
during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraph 12, Part 4, Schedule 12A of the
Local Government Act 1972. This paragraph should apply because the individuals
in question are entitled to privacy and there is no overriding public interest
that requires the disclosure of personal information relating to those
individuals, nor their identity. Consequently, the public interest in
maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the
information. Minutes: |
an application by Mr A (separate
copy for sub-committee members only) Decision: Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. She explained that the decision would
be made in accordance with Cyngor Gwynedd's Licensing Policy. It was noted that the
purpose of the policy was to set guidelines for the criteria when considering
the applicant's application, with the aim of protecting the public by ensuring
that: • The person is a fit and proper person • The person does not pose a threat to the public • The public are safeguarded from dishonest persons • Children and young people are protected • Vulnerable persons are protected • The public have confidence in using licensed vehicles. The Licensing
Manager presented the written report on the application received from Mr A for
a hackney/private hire driver’s licence. The Sub-committee was requested to
consider the application in accordance with the 'other issues' relating to an
individual's suitability to be a driver of a hackney/private hire vehicle. The Licensing
Authority recommended that the Sub-committee should refuse the application
because the applicant's conduct in a recent collision did not meet the standard
expected of a taxi driver. The applicant's
representative was invited to expand on the application and provide information
about the background of the collision and the applicant's personal
circumstances. He noted that the
applicant had been a reliable taxi driver since 2010 and that no complaint had
been received about his driving. It was explained that although the applicant
left the scene of the accident, he had done so for understandable reasons and
had contacted his employer to deal with the incident. In response to a
question as to why the police had not brought proceedings against the
applicant, it was noted that while the police had responded to the incident, it
was confirmed by letter that there would be no further action. It was RESOLVED that the applicant was not a fit and
proper person to be issued with a hackney carriage/private hire driver's
licence from Cyngor Gwynedd. In reaching its
decision, the Sub-committee had considered the following: ·
The requirements of 'Cyngor
Gwynedd's Licensing Policy for Hackney Carriages and Private Hire
Vehicles' ·
The report of the Licensing
Department ·
The applicant's application
form ·
DBS Statement ·
The report of the Driver
and Vehicle Licensing Agency ·
Driver Licence Revocation ·
Closed Circuit Television
(CCTV) evidence ·
Verbal representations made
by the applicant's representative Specific consideration was given to the following matters Background In August 2024, a
notice was issued to the applicant under section 61 of the Local Government
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 that immediately revoked the applicant's
taxi driving licence – on the basis of CCTV evidence of a collision. The applicant had
driving offences spanning more than 10 years, with one minor traffic offence
resulting in 3 points for speeding which remained on his licence. RELEVANT CLAUSES OF THE POLICY Paragraph 1.5 of the Council's Policy was considered where it stated that if applicants did not disclose any convictions; notices; penalty notices, orders or previous reprimands on their application form, including any pending court proceedings or other matters, ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |