Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
ELECT CHAIR To elect a
Chair for this meeting Minutes: RESOLVED to elect Councillor Medwyn Hughes as
chair of the meeting. |
Apologies To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor John Brynmor
Hughes and Councillor John Pughe Roberts (Cyngor Gwynedd) |
Declaration of Personal Interest To receive
any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of
personal interest were received from any member present. |
Urgent Business To note any
items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that they may
be considered Minutes: None to note |
the Pension Fund’s Annual Report for 2023/24 Minutes: Everyone was welcomed to the
annual meeting of the Pension Fund. The
Head of Finance introduced the Fund Officers together with Members of the
Pensions Committee and Members of the Pension Board to everyone. He referred briefly to the main
responsibilities of the Committee including its role as 'Quasi-trustees' to the
Fund, determining the general policy objectives, strategy and operation of the
Fund in accordance with relevant legislation. He added that they also
determined the strategy for investing the Pension Fund's money and monitored
and reviewed investment arrangements. Reference was made to the Committee's
work during 2023/24 and it was noted that the reports and minutes of the
Committee meetings could be viewed on the Council’s website. Referring to the
work of the Pension Board (the membership
included three member representatives and three employer representatives), it was explained that the
Board was an oversight body and although the Board had no decision-making
powers it would oversee the operation of the Fund ensuring that it met the
legal and administrative requirements. Former Board member,
Councillor Beca Roberts, was thanked for her contribution during the year. Pensions Administration: The Pensions Manager referred
to the main duties of the Administrative Unit and presented the Fund's
statistics for 2023/24 and the Unit's performance. Reporting on the 'My Pension
Online' system he noted that over 6,000 had registered with the new site and
that the response had been very positive. He added that Gwynedd had been
progressive in establishing the Welsh language on the system, and it was hoped
that it would be useful for other funds in Wales. He drew attention to the
Members' Satisfaction Survey which was sent out to all Fund members at the end
of each process, e.g. retirements and payment of back payments, for members to
give their opinion on the quality of the service received, and on the service
provided by the department's staff. He reported that over 99% of members either strongly agreed or agreed that
the quality of the service was high, and 99% of users either strongly agreed or
agreed that the quality of the service provided by the staff was high. To
achieve these high scores, it was noted that the employers' cooperation was
crucial, and he thanked the employers for their readiness to provide the
information promptly and for their commitment to using the i-connect system
that reconciled the data. Attention was drawn to the work / new projects that would continue into 2024/25,
noting the McCloud case, the Pensions Dashboard, establishing new
administration processes and completing work on Shared Cost AVC benefits as
some examples. Investment Performance The Investment Manager presented details about the value of the Fund and noted that the value had increased gradually (apart from the impact of Covid in 2020) over the past 10 years, and in 2024 ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |