Venue: Virtual Meeting - For public access please contact us:
Contact: Annes Sion 01286 679490
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Ian Roberts (Flintshire County
Council), Cllr Mark Pritchard (Wrexham County Borough Council), Professor Iwan
Davies (Bangor University), Yana Williams (Coleg Cambria) and Jane
Richardson. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declarations of Personal Interest Minutes: A
declaration of Personal Interest was received from Dafydd Evans in item 8 – as
it was an application involving Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and he therefore
withdrew from the meeting for the discussion on the business case. A
declaration of Personal Interest was received from Professor Paul Spencer in
item 9 – as it was an application involving Bangor University, and therefore he
withdrew from the meeting for the discussion on the business case. A
declaration of Personal Interest was received from Askar Sheibani in item 9 –
as he was involved in the application and therefore he withdrew from the
meeting for the discussion on the business case. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are urgent business in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None to
note. |
shall propose that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2021
be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair
signed the minutes of the previous meeting of the NWEAB held on 18 June 2021 as
a true record. |
Operations Manager to present
the Quarter 1 (March-June) Growth Deal report
and updated Portfolio Risk Register. Additional documents:
Decision: To note and accept the
Quarter 1 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register. To approve the submission of
the Quarter 1 Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well
as the local authority scrutiny committees. Minutes: The report was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans,
Operations Manager. RESOLVED To note and accept the Quarter 1 Performance Report
and updated Portfolio Risk Register. To approve the submission of the Quarter 1
Performance Report to the Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the
local authority scrutiny committees. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION In December 2020, the NWEAB and the Welsh and UK
Governments agreed the Final Deal Agreement for the North Wales Growth Deal.
Regular reporting on progress against the North Wales Growth Deal is one of the
requirements of the Final Deal Agreement. DISCUSSION The report was presented noting that the format of
the report was similar to the previous reports submitted to the NWEAB. An overview was given on the progress of the
Growth Deal programmes and projects. It
was explained that Morlais was the first Outline Business Case to be considered
and approved by the Board and it was noted that the assurance process had been
approved by Welsh Government. It was
stated that another two Outline Business Cases had commenced the approval
process and would be submitted to the Board later on in the meeting. It was noted that the majority of programmes and
projects reported as 'Amber' in the report following a review of the timeframes
for developing business cases. Attention
was drawn to the four issues that reported 'red' namely Full Fibre in key
sites, Connected Campus, Bodelwyddan Strategic Site
and Caergybi Port.
It was explained that they reported as 'red' as a result of risks in the
scope of the projects or significant delay in the timeframes. It was stated that a number of Procurement
activities had now been completed and these included a Study to support
Connected Corridors. In terms of the portfolio risk register it was noted that
the risk profile of the Plan was stable. It was highlighted that the risk on
affordability had increased as a result of a significant increase in building
costs over the last few months. It was
explained that this had an impact on Growth Agreements and other Towns and was
being monitored. In addition, it was highlighted that there were some
significant risks involved with some individual projects as well as
safeguarding the private sector investment in the Plan. During the discussion, the following matters were
raised:- ·
It was noted that in terms of building costs
increasing in the last few months there was a need to highlight this problem to
the Governments before costs were confirmed.
It was explained that the Governments were aware of this and the plan
had some advantage as there was plenty of planning time that gave an
opportunity for the market to settle down. ·
It was asked if the status of some plans were red,
and did not move to amber or green, if there was a need to ask if such a plan
was viable. It was explained that the
plans were flexible and were being developed in accordance with their readiness
and not priorities. |
Alwen Williams,
Portfolio Director to update the Economic Ambition Board on the
development of the new website and brand. Decision: To endorse the proposed new brand for the North Wales Economic Ambition
Board and the North Wales Growth Deal subject to adapting the logo following
consultation with the members at the next meeting. Minutes: The report was submitted by Alwen Williams (Portfolio
Director). RESOLVED To endorse the proposed new brand for the North Wales
Economic Ambition Board and the North Wales Growth Deal subject to adapting the
logo following consultation with the members at the next meeting. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION The Economic Ambition Board’s current brand and
website were developed during the early days of the Board’s establishment. With
the Final Deal Agreement signed, and the Portfolio Management Office moving to
the delivery phase of the Growth Deal projects, it was timely to refresh and
relaunch the brand and website. DISCUSSION The report was presented and it was noted that the
Economic Ambition Board’s current brand and website had been developed during
the early days of the Board’s establishment. It was noted that with the Final
Deal Agreement signed, and the Portfolio Management Office moving to the
delivery phase of the Growth Deal projects, it was timely to refresh and
relaunch the brand and website. It was stated that the logo was dated and it did
not reflect the ambitious nature of the Board in terms of transforming the
economy of North Wales. It was added that the website was currently hosted by
Business Wales and it was proving complex to use. Tinint had been
commissioned to re-brand and develop the new website following a successful
tendering process. The brief given to
them to highlight a fresh, innovative, ambitious and professional brand was
noted together with a website that would be a platform to promote the region,
the work of the Ambition Board and to share progress and information about the
Growth Plan. The brand that Tinint had worked upon to
develop with the Portfolio Management Office was submitted, it was explained
that the brand name had been modified to ‘Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru / Ambition North
Wales’ and this would be the general name for the Growth Vision and what the
board is seeking to deliver for the region.
It was highlighted that market research had been
conducted regarding the logo and the new brand with a sample of 160 individuals
split into three groups – Public Sector, Young People and Businesses. It was stressed that Ambition North Wales was
the brand that was favoured in the market research. The favoured Brand, colours and logo were
also presented, requesting the Board's support. During the discussion, the following matters were
raised:- ·
Support for the brand and the name were
highlighted, however attention was drawn to an issue with the logo. It was noted that although it was an abstract
logo it had 6 sections as the region's counties and that Conwy appeared to be
smaller than the others. It was explained that it did not represent this,
however, it was suggested that there was a need to look again at the size. ·
Support was expressed for the brand and website,
and it was noted that it highlighted that the plan was much more than a Growth
Deal. · The brand and the colours were ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
propose that the press and public
be excluded from the meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local
Government act 1972 Information
relating to the financial
or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in relation to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial and commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being publicised. The report deals specifically with financial and business matter and related discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the confidence of other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. Minutes: It was
agreed to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the discussion
on the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as
defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 –
Information about the financial or business transactions of any specific person
(including the authority that retains that information). There is an
acknowledged public interest in openness in relation to the use of public
resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are
occasions, in order to protect public financial and commercial interests, where
matters related to such information need to be discussed without being
publicised. The report is specifically
regarding financial and business matters together with associated discussions.
The publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely
affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the
confidence of other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information
for consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of
securing the best overall outcome. |
Lovelock, Programme Manager to present the Glynllifon
Rural Economy Hub Outline Business Case for consideration by the Board. Minutes: The report
was submitted by Robyn Lovelock, Programme Manager. DISCUSSION The
presentations were accepted, however, no resolution was made as a result of
being inquorate. |
Whitfield, Digital Programme Manager to present Digital Signal Processing
Centre Outline Business Case for consideration by the Board. Minutes: The report
was presented by Stuart Whitfield, Digital Programme Manager. DISCUSSION The
presentations were accepted, however, no resolution was made as a result of
being inquorate. |