Venue: Virtual Meeting - Zoom
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any
apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Hugh Evans
(Denbighshire Council), Maria Hinfelaar (Glyndŵr University), Yana
Williams (Coleg Cambria), Askar Sheibani (Business Delivery Board), Professor
Iwan Davies (Bangor University), Colin Everett (Flintshire Council) and Ian
Bancroft (Wrexham County Borough Council). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declarations of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items
that are urgent business in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None to
note. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS PDF 229 KB The Chair shall propose that the minutes of the meetings held on the following dates be signed as true records:- · 30th July, 2021 · 26th August, 2021 (Special Meeting) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the meetings held on 30 July and 26
August 2021, as a true record. |
PROGRAMME ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2021 PDF 380 KB Report by Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director. Additional documents: Decision: (1)
That the Board note the
findings of the 2021 Programme Assessment Review. (2)
That the Board note that the
report will form part of the 2021-22 annual funding award submission. (3)
That the Board note that the
Portfolio Management Office will be developing an action plan to deliver
against the recommendations. Minutes: The report was submitted by Alwen Williams, Portfolio
Director. RESOLVED (1)
the Board note the findings of the 2021 Programme Assessment Review. (2)
the Board note that the report will form part of the 2021-22 annual funding
award submission. (3)
the Board note that the Portfolio Management Office will be developing an
action plan to deliver against the recommendations. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION It is a requirement of the Final Deal Agreement that the North Wales
Growth Deal undertakes an annual external gateway review of the portfolio and
five programmes. DISCUSSION Details were provided about the background and
relevant considerations and the consultations held. With reference to recommendation 3 of the review, the
Monitoring Officer noted:- ·
he had circulated a briefing note to Board members with a vote to remind them
of the procedure for appointing deputies. ·
it was likely that the concept of an "out of committee" mechanism to
approve urgent matters merited a report on a further delegation procedure by
the Board, but that there was provision within GA2 to extend the delegation as
needed, as long as the Board was satisfied with that. During the discussion, the following matters were
raised:- ·
response to a question, it was confirmed that there was a requirement to notify
both Governments of any changes to the agreement in terms of the viability of
programmes and projects, and for those decisions to be brought back to the
Board for agreement. It was explained
that the Programme Assessment Review requested that the Portfolio Office be
aware that some projects could become inviable during the process of creating
the final business cases, and therefore we should be scanning the horizon for
other projects that could come forward if that were to happen. However, that would have to happen with the
Board's approval. ·
response to a question, it was explained that it was important to define
criteria for determining that a project was no longer viable. In terms of
scanning the horizon, it would be beneficial to work with the Portfolio Board
in order to understand how this was happening and what the opportunities were
for projects across the local authorities which could be suitable for
consideration should a project within the Growth Deal portfolio become
inviable. This would all have to be included as part of the work of creating
these criteria over the coming two months. ·
was noted that it was important that the work of scanning the horizon happened
in accordance with the Growth Vision and the three fundamental principles,
namely Smart, Connected and Resilient North Wales, and came back to the Board
for a political discussion. In response, it was stressed that all our work was
based on the three principles, and that any projects would have to be measured
against those principles, as well as their sustainability and contribution to
the North Wales economy. |
Report by Alwen
Williams, Portfolio Director. Decision: To
approve the revised logo for the North Wales Economic Ambition Board and the
North Wales Growth Deal. Minutes: The report was submitted by Alwen Williams, Portfolio
Director. RESOLVED to approve the revised logo for the North Wales Economic
Ambition Board and the North Wales Growth Deal. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION The Economic Ambition Board’s current brand and website were developed
during the early days of the Board’s establishment. With the Final Deal Agreement
signed, and the Portfolio Management Office moving to the delivery phase of the
Growth Deal projects, it was timely to refresh and relaunch the brand and
website. At the 30th July 2021 meeting of the North Wales Economic Ambition
Board, the Board endorsed the overall Brand (style, colours etc.) and requested
that further work was undertaken to revise the logo taking account of the
feedback received at the meeting. DISCUSSION Details were provided about the background and
relevant considerations and the consultations held. It was noted that, further to preparing the report,
the Business Delivery Board had considered and endorsed the approved logo on 14
September. Members expressed their support to the number and size
of the component parts of the logo, and the importance of the brand and the
need to sell ourselves to the rest of Wales and further afield was stressed. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chairman shall propose that the press and public
be excluded from the meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of
Schedule 12A of the Local Government
Act 1972 Information relating
to the financial or business
affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). . There is an acknowledged public interest in openness
in relation to the use of public resources
and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are
occasions, in order to protect the financial and commercial
interests that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being publicised.
The report deals specifically with financial and business
matter and related discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine
the confidence of other Growth Deal participants
in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary
to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the
meeting during the discussion on the following item due to the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 - information about the financial or business
transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that
information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in relation
to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also
acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial and
commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be
discussed without being publicised. The report deals specifically with
financial and business matter and related discussions. Publication of such
commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the
bodies and the Councils and undermine the confidence of other Growth Deal
participants in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be
contrary to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. |
Williams, Portfolio Director
(report circulated to Board members only). Minutes: The report was submitted by Hedd
Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager). RESOLVED (1) That the Board approve the 2021 update of the
Portfolio Business Case and its submission to Welsh Government and UK
Government as part of the annual award of funding process. (2)
the Board notes the four projects currently forecasting a potential financial
variance from the 2020 Business Case will be subject to a review by the PMO and
the Portfolio Board with an update provided at the next meeting. (3)
That the Board
request that the Portfolio Director submit all required documentation and
change request form to Welsh and UK Government as part of the annual award of
funding process and delegate to the Portfolio Director, in consultation with
the Chair of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, the Monitoring Officer
and the s151 Officer, authority to make any minor amendments requested by Welsh
Government and UK Government. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION It is a requirement of the Final Deal Agreement
that the Portfolio Business Case is updated on an annual basis and submitted to
Welsh Government and UK Government as part of the annual award of funding
process. DISCUSSION Details were provided about the background and
relevant considerations and the consultations held. The report was discussed. |