Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from:- ·
Councillor Mark
Pritchard (Wrexham County Borough Council); ·
Councillor Llinos Medi
Huws (Isle of Anglesey County Council) with Councillor Gary Pritchard deputising; ·
Yana Williams (Coleg
Cambria); ·
Professor Edmund Burke
(Bangor University) with Professor Paul Spencer deputising; ·
Neal Cockerton
(Flintshire County Council) with Andrew Farrow deputising; ·
Dafydd Gibbard (Cyngor
Gwynedd) with Sioned Williams deputising. The Chairman welcomed the deputies to the meeting. |
any declarations of personal interest. Minutes: Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director, declared a
personal interest in item 7 as the report involved her secondment as Interim
Corporate Joint-Committee Chief Executive.
She was of the opinion that it was a prejudicial interest, and withdrew
from the meeting during the discussion. Dafydd Evans declared
a personal interest in item 9 as Grŵp Llandrillo Menai was the project
sponsor for the Tourism Talent Network.
He was of the opinion that it was a prejudicial interest, and withdrew
from the meeting during the discussion. |
items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: No urgent matters were raised. |
shall propose that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd
September, 2023 be signed as a true record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 22
September 2023, as a true record. |
Audit Wales, to present the report. Decision: To accept the Audit Wales report which highlighted the NWEAB's Audit
Plan for 2023. Minutes: The report was submitted by Sioned Owen (Audit Wales). It was noted that:- ·
Changes to the ISA 315
was effective for the audit of accounts from 2022/23 onwards. This meant that the Audit Office was required
to undertake far more work to consider risks and then weigh up those risks in
terms of the audit, before reporting to the Joint-committee. ·
The Detailed Plan
highlighted the risks identified, the fee, the audit team
and the timetable of the audit. ·
A materiality level of
£73,000 had been set this year, with a lower level for fields considered more
important to the reader, such as Senior Officer remuneration and Related Party
disclosures. ·
Exhibit 1 on page 10 of
the Accounts set out the risks as a result of the
auditors' risk assessment of the Accounts.
One significant risk had been noted (Management override), namely the
risk that managers could disregard controls.
However, this risk was relevant in all entities and in all audit plans
in Wales, but the auditors were required to respond to that risk as part of the
audit procedures. ·
The two risks in
Exhibit 2 on page 11 of the Accounts where generic in nature also and included
in the majority of audit plans again this year. ·
No risks specific to
the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Joint-committee
alone had been noted this year. ·
Exhibit 3 on page 12 of
the Accounts set out the timetable for the audit work. The auditors estimated completing the work of
auditing the accounts by the beginning of November and to present the report to
the Board by the middle of the months, but were
keeping that timetable under review with officers. ·
The proposed fee for
2023 had increased approximately 15%, namely approximately 5% as a result of inflation and 10.2% for the impact of the
revised auditing standard ISA 315 on the financial audit approach. Should the actual fee be lower than that, the
NWEAB would be reimbursed. The Chair thanked the representative of Audit Wales
for the presentation. RESOLVED
to accept the Audit Wales report which highlighted the NWEAB's Audit Plan for
DECISION In order to fulfil their responsibilities as external auditor and to
fulfil their obligations under the Code of Audit Practice, Audit Wales complete
work each year to meet the following duties:- ·
Audit the North Wales Economic Ambition Board
Joint Committee’s financial statements to make sure that public money is being
properly accounted for; ·
The Joint Committee has to put in place
arrangements to get value for money for the resources it uses, and the Auditor
General has to be satisfied that it has done this. |
Vaughan-Evans, Head of Operations, to present the report. Additional documents: Decision: 1. To note the Quarter 2
Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register. 2. To approve the submission of
the Quarter 2 Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well
as the local authority scrutiny committees. Minutes: The report was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans, Head
of Operations. RESOLVED 1. To note the Quarter 2 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk
Register. 2. To approve the submission of the Quarter 2 Performance Report to Welsh
Government and UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny
committees. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION Quarterly reporting on progress against the North Wales Growth Deal is
one of the requirements of the Final Growth Deal Agreement. Following
consideration by the NWEAB, the reports would be shared with the Welsh
Government, UK Government and the local authority
scrutiny committees. DISCUSSION Concern was expressed regarding the delay to the
timetable of the Connecting the Last Few % project as a
result of the fact that procurement activity on the project had been
suspended until UK Government confirmed the launch date of their new
intervention. It was noted that the Government's £5bn Gigabit Project had been announced
in 2019, but that Wales had not received any benefits from it. It was suggested
that UK Government had a poor record in terms of delivering digital
connectivity in Wales and it was believed that we were jeopardising our own
project while waiting for them to respond. It was suggested that the Board
should set a deadline for this, and consider proceeding ourselves
if the Government did not respond. In response, it was noted that: ·
was full agreement regarding the concerns and that the officers were in regular
contact with colleagues in UK Government in order to
highlight the significance of the risk. ·
the officers' understanding, UK Government intended to launch the procurement
activity for this intervention in January 2024. ·
terms of the suggestion that we should proceed ourselves if the Government did
not respond, there was a need to bear in mind that the ultimate
aim was to ensure the best connectivity for our communities. Should we
proceed to implement the project which had been developed and designed by us,
we would need assurance that this would not jeopardise future Gigabit
connectivity for those places that our intervention could reach. ·
we were ready to move ahead to procure on our own project, we would have to be
accountable for ensuring that we choose the best path to have the best
connectivity for our communities. The best connectivity would be Gigabit
connectivity which our project would not necessarily be able to provide. ·
discussion was a sensitive one, obviously, but we were concerned that the value
of our investment would reduce as we waited for further clarity. It was agreed to write a letter to UK Government, on
behalf of the Board, to highlight the aforementioned concerns. A request was made for further details about the
viability gap on the Former North Wales Hospital project. In response, it was noted that: ·
had been agreed to give a notional additional £3m to this project earlier this
year with the original viability gap. · The gap had increased, probably due to the fact that costs ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Dylan J Williams,
North Wales Councils’ Lead Chief Executive for the Economic Ambition Board, to
present the report. Decision: 1.
the Board supports the extension of the arrangement to release the Portfolio
Director’s time for two days per week until 31 March, 2024 on a part time
secondment basis to undertake the Interim Chief Executive role. 2.
all employment and associated costs are covered by the North Wales CJC. Minutes: The report was submitted by Dylan Williams, North
Wales Councils' Lead Chief Executive for the NWEAB. RESOLVED 1. That the Board supports the extension of the arrangement to release the
Portfolio Director’s time for two days per week until 31 March, 2024 on a part
time secondment basis to undertake the Interim Chief Executive role. 2. That all employment and associated costs are covered by the North Wales
DECISION Taking into consideration the Councils’ decision, in principle, to the
transfer of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board’s functions in assisting
the region to establish a Corporate Joint Committee and to ensure that the
Ambition Board’s interests are safeguarded as the CJC moves forward. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chair shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussions on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in relation to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial and commercial interests that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being publicised. The reports deal specifically with financial and business matters and related discussions. Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the confidence of other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information for consideration. This would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome. Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the
meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 - information about the financial or business
transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that
information). There is an acknowledged public interest in
openness in relation to the use of public resources and related financial
issues. It is acknowledged, however, that there are occasions, in order to protect the financial and commercial interests
that matters related to such information need to be discussed without being
publicised. The report deals
specifically with financial and business matters and related discussions.
Publication of such commercially sensitive information could adversely affect
the interests of the bodies and the Councils and undermine the confidence of
other Growth Deal participants in sharing sensitive information for consideration.
This would be contrary to the wider public interest of securing the best
overall outcome. |
TOURISM TALENT NETWORK - OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE Robyn Lovelock, Agri-food and Tourism Programme
Manager, to present the report (which has
been circulated to Board Members only). Decision: 1. That the Board approve the Outline Business
Case for the Tourism Talent Network project subject to Grŵp Llandrillo
Menai (GLLM) addressing the matters set out in the report, as described in
Section 7, and recommend to the Economic Ambition Board that a Full Business
Case is prepared for the Board to consider following the completion of the
procurement process and the consenting processes. 2. That the Board delegate final approval of
the procurement specifications and social value criteria to be included by GLlM
in their procurement to the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Chair
and Vice Chair. 3. That the Board authorise the Portfolio
Director in consultation with the Host Authority Section 151 Officer and
Monitoring Officer to agree draft terms in accordance with this report for
approval by the Economic Ambition Board as a basis for the final funding
arrangements for the project which will form the basis of the Grant Offer
Letter will be agreed by the Board at the Full Business Case stage. Minutes: The report was submitted by Robyn Lovelock, Agri-food and Tourism Programme Manager. RESOLVED 1. That the Board approve the Outline Business
Case for the Tourism Talent Network project subject to Grŵp
Llandrillo Menai (GLLM) addressing the matters set
out in the report, as described in Section 7, and recommend to the Economic
Ambition Board that a Full Business Case is prepared for the Board to consider
following the completion of the procurement process and the consenting
processes. 2. That the Board delegate final approval of
the procurement specifications and social value criteria to be included by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai in
their procurement to the Portfolio Director in consultation with the Chair and
Vice Chair. 3. That the Board authorise the Portfolio Director in consultation
with the Host Authority Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to agree
draft terms in accordance with this report for approval by the Economic
Ambition Board as a basis for the final funding arrangements for the project
which will form the basis of the Grant Offer Letter which will be agreed by the
Board at the Full Business Case stage. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION To seek the Portfolio Board’s approval
of the Outline Business Case for the Tourism Talent Network project. |
PORTFOLIO BUSINESS CASE UPDATE 2023 Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director and Hedd Vaughan-Evans, Head of Operations, to present the report (which has been circulated to Board Members only). Decision: 1. That
the Board approve the 2023 update of the Portfolio Business Case including the
associated change request and its submission to Welsh Government and UK
Government as part of the annual award of funding process. 2. That the Board request that the
Portfolio Director submit all required documentation and change request form to
Welsh and UK Government as part of the annual award of funding process and
delegate to the Portfolio Director, in consultation with the Chair and the Vice
Chair of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, the Monitoring Officer and
the S151 Officer, authority to negotiate with Welsh Government and UK
Government on the timing of the award of funding and to make any minor
amendments as requested by either government. 3. That the Board notes the need for the
Gateway Review report to be submitted to the Welsh Government and the UK
Government as part of the Portfolio Business Case and requests that the
Portfolio Director develops an action plan for the Board's consideration to
address the recommendations once the final report has been received. Minutes: The report was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans, Head
of Operations. RESOLVED 1. That the Board approve the 2023 update of the
Portfolio Business Case including the associated change request and its
submission to Welsh Government and UK Government as part of the annual award of
funding process. 2. That the Board request that the Portfolio Director submit all
required documentation and change request form to Welsh and UK Government as
part of the annual award of funding process and delegate to the Portfolio
Director, in consultation with the Chair and the Vice Chair of the North Wales
Economic Ambition Board, the Monitoring Officer and the S151 Officer, authority
to negotiate with Welsh Government and UK Government on the timing of the award
of funding and to make any minor amendments as requested by either 3. That the Board note that the draft Gateway Review report must be
submitted to Welsh Government and UK Government as part of the Portfolio
Business Case and request that the Portfolio Director develop an action plan
for the Board's consideration to address the recommendations once the final
report has been received. REASONS FOR THE
DECISION It is a requirement of the
Final Deal Agreement that the Portfolio Business Case is updated on an annual
basis and submitted to Welsh Government and UK Government as part of the annual
award of funding process. |