Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Sioned Mai Jones 01286 679665
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHAIR To elect a
Chair until the next Annual Meeting of the Joint Committee. Decision: To elect Councillor Mark Pritchard as Chair until the
next Annual Meeting of the Joint Committee. Minutes: RESOLVED
to appoint Councillor Mark Pritchard as Chair until the next Annual Meeting of
the Joint Committee. The Chair thanked the Joint Committee for its support and noted that he would work tirelessly to improve North Wales as a region. |
VICE-CHAIR To elect a
Vice-chair until the next Annual Meeting of the Joint Committee, in the event
of a vacancy. Decision: To elect Councillor Charlie
as Vice-chair until the next Annual Meeting of the Joint Committee. Minutes: RESOLVED
to appoint Councillor Charlie McCoubrey as Vice-chair until the next Annual
Meeting of the Joint Committee. Congratulations were expressed on behalf of the Joint Committee to the Vice-chair. The Vice-chair expressed thanks for the support and reiterated that he would do everything he could to ensure the success of this Joint Committee. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies
were received from: • Councillor Jason McLellan
(Denbighshire County Counci)l with Councillor Barry
Mellor deputising. • Dafydd Gibbard (Cyngor Gwynedd) with
Geraint Owen deputising. |
any declaration of Personal Interest. Minutes: None to
note. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view
of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None to
note. |
propose that the minutes of the previous meeting held on
22 November, 2024 be signed as a true
record. Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 November, 2024 as a true record. |
Williams (CJC Interim Chief Executive) and Iwan
Evans (Monitoring Officer) to present the report. Additional documents:
Decision: To approve the proposed Terms of Reference in appendix 1 of the report
for the Economic Well-being Sub-committee.
To approve the commissioning of the Legal, Democratic, Finance, IT, HR,
Learning and Development, Health and Safety, and Translation services by way of
a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Cyngor Gwynedd within the approved
budgets. To agree to delegate authority to the CJC's Interim Chief Executive and
in accordance with this report, and in consultation with the Chair and
Vice-chair, to agree and conclude a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the
services in 2.2 above with Cyngor Gwynedd.
Minutes: The report was submitted by Alwen Williams, Interim
Chief Executive of the CJC and Iwan Evans, Monitoring Officer. RESOLVED: To approve the proposed Terms of Reference in appendix
1 of the report for the Economic Well-being Sub-committee. To approve the commissioning of the Legal, Democratic,
Finance, IT, HR, Learning and Development, Health and Safety, and Translation
services by way of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Cyngor Gwynedd within
the approved budgets. To agree to delegate authority to the CJC's Interim
Chief Executive and in accordance with this report, and in consultation with
the Chair and Vice-chair, to agree and conclude a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
for the services in 2.2 above with Cyngor Gwynedd. DISCUSSION A summary of the report proposing the draft Terms of
Reference for the Economic Wellbeing Sub-Committee of the Corporate Joint
Committee, which can be found in Appendix 1 of the report, was submitted. It
was explained that the Terms of Reference were particularly focused on the
Growth Deal and its proposed transfer to the CJC on 1 April, 2025..
The proposed Governance Model for the Economic
Well-being Sub-Committee as found in Appendix 2 of the report, was outlined. It
was noted that the Terms of Reference would evolve as an understanding and
agreement emerged as to what the definition of economic well-being was at
regional level and therefore what the wider responsibilities of the Corporate
Joint Committee were in this area. It was noted that the initial focus on the
Growth Deal would allow the Scheme to be transferred into a governance Structure
within the Corporate Joint Committee. The decision sought was elaborated by clarifying there
would be a further report under item 12 of the Agenda
on the draft budget in reference to part 2.2 of the decision which mentioned
the Service Level Agreement with Cyngor Gwynedd. Attention was drawn to part
4.6 of the report which provided greater detail on the resources that would be
provided to deliver the SLA and there was an intention to commission this
arrangement for an initial period of three years. To close, it was confirmed that the SLA requirements
would be funded within the Support Services budgets
and it was hoped that they would be approved today under the Budget item. The Chair thanked the Interim Chief Executive of the
CJC for the report. He suggested adding the clause "and in consultation
with the Chair and Vice-chair" to the third paragraph of the decision
sought. Members expressed support for this amendment and expressed a view that
it was a sensible amendment. A comment was made that it was good to see the arrangements formalised and the appropriate resources in place and that the Joint Committee was aware of the expectation. The members acknowledged the work done by Cyngor Gwynedd officers and thanked them. |
Officer) to present the report on membership co-option onto the Governance and Audit
Sub-committee. Additional documents:
Decision: 1.1 To
approve the appointment of the six nominated Councillors from each constituent
Council as co-opted (voting) Members of the Governance and Audit Sub-Committee.
1.2 To
approve the appointment of three lay members to be co-opted (voting) onto the
Governance and Audit Sub-Committee. Minutes: The report was presented by Iwan Evans,
Monitoring Officer. RESOLVED 1.1 To
approve the appointment of the six nominated Councillors from each constituent
Council as co-opted (voting) Members of the Governance and Audit Sub-Committee.
1.2 To approve
the appointment of three lay members to be co-opted (voting) onto the
Governance and Audit Sub-Committee. DISCUSSION The report
was submitted reminding the committee that it was a statutory requirement for
the Corporate Joint Committee to establish a Governance and Audit
Sub-Committee. It had been previously agreed to seek a Sub-Committee consisting
of three lay members and six elected members. The ensuing work to appoint the
Governance and Audit Sub-Committee was reported and nominations were received
from the Councils' Governance and Audit Committees. It was made
clear in light of the strict quorum requirements
surrounding CJC matters that the proposal also included the election of
deputies. Attention was drawn to paragraph 3.8 of the report which listed the
names nominated by the Councils and from the lay members of Governance and
Audit Committees. It was noted that it was gratifying to report that there had
been an element of collaboration in relation to the nominations as Councils
supported lay members jointly. Gratitude
was expressed for the report reiterating that this was mandatory to comply with
the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee (Establishment Regulations) and that
it was the Joint Committee's responsibility to appoint. The report was
supported. |
Williams (Interim CJC Chief Executive) and Dave Hole (Corporate
Joint Committee Implementation Programme Manager) to present
the report. Decision: To accept the progress to date and mobilisation arrangements. To support the indicative timescales for development of the Delivery
Agreement and authorise its preparation accordingly. Minutes: The report was presented by Alwen Williams, Interim
Chief Executive of the CJC and David Hole, Corporate Joint Committee
Implementation Programme Manager. DECISION To accept the progress to date and the transfer
arrangements. To support the indicative timescales for development
of the Delivery Agreement and authorise its preparation accordingly. DISCUSSION The report was submitted stating that it was a
requirement following the last meeting of the Corporate Joint Committee to
provide the latest information on the progress and challenges in preparing a
Delivery Agreement for the regional Strategic Development Plan. The CJC was
asked to accept this progress and support the indicative timescales for the
development of the Delivery Agreement and authorise its preparation. The tasks to be undertaken by the Regional Strategic
Development Planning Officer were reported and the indicative timetable for
this work was outlined, as seen in part 5.2 of the report. Attention was drawn to part 4.5 of the report, which
highlighted the resource needed to lead on the work. It was confirmed that a
resource had been identified and Andy Roberts had taken up a part-time role as
the CJC's Regional Strategic Development Planning Officer. Andy was wished
well, noting he would be working two days a week in this role. It was noted
that this piece of work was an important work for the region and that Andy
would lead on the work under the leadership of the Planning Sub-Committee on behalf
of the Corporate Joint Committee. The committee thanked the officers for the report and
Andy was welcomed by the Chair on behalf of the Joint Committee, recognising
the importance of the Strategic Development Plan work. It was asked if the Interim Chief Executive of the CJC was aware of any change to the timetables and if she could provide updates quickly in the event of any changes. The Interim Chief Executive of the CJC confirmed that the CJC would be updated in the event of any changes and reiterated the intention of looking at the detail of the timetable and proceeding with the work. It was added that if there was any change to the timetables the reasons for that would be fully explained to the CJC. |
REGIONAL TRANSPORT PLAN FOR NORTH WALES - CASE FOR CHANGE AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN Alwen Williams (CJC Interim Chief Executive) and David Hole (CJC Implementation Programme Manager) to present the report. Additional documents:
Decision: To approve the Case for Change including the Stakeholder Engagement
Plan. To support the commencement of public consultation on the draft Regional
Transport Plan. Minutes: The report was presented by Alwen Williams, Interim Chief Executive of
the CJC and David Hole, Corporate Joint Committee Implementation Programme
Manager. DECISION To approve the Case for Change including the
Stakeholder Engagement Plan. To support the commencement of public consultation on
the draft Regional Transport Plan. DISCUSSION The report was submitted highlighting that the Plans
that had previously been submitted had received approval from the Strategic
Transport Sub-Committee at its meeting on 16 December, 2024. It was explained
that the Case for Change Plan and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan were a
critical procedural step in developing the North Wales Regional Transport Plan
and creating a necessary foundation to begin a public consultation on 20
January. The Joint Committee was asked to approve both Plans and support the
commencement of a public consultation. Information was shared on an approximate timeline
summarising the key milestones for reaching the publication of an RTP. The
intention was to run a consultation from 20 January until 14 April, which was a
period of 12 weeks. It was noted that a copy of the RTP policy document was
included in Appendix 3 of the report and it was noted that all supporting
documents were ready to be launched as part of the consultation if the Joint
Committee was supportive today. Pride was expressed in the work that had been
completed by ARUP and the important work that had been done by Transport for
Wales as part of the process of gathering all the information ready to go out
to consultation. It was highlighted that North Wales would be the first region
to go out to public consultation on the RTP and that this was a source of pride
that recognised the work that had gone on since October 2024 to have all the
documentation ready. The Interim Chief Executive of the CJC and the team
were thanked for their work to ensure everything was ready for the public
consultation, recognising the importance of the work. Further thanks were expressed to the Interim Chief
Executive of the CJC for attending a briefing session for Ynys Môn elected
members during the week which had been very beneficial. It was confirmed that
the elected members had been encouraging their third sector partners to take
part in the consultation. Assurances were sought that the Welsh language would be given due attention in the consultation and that there was also consideration of face-to-face as well as digital engagement. It was added that it was important to have opportunities for people to respond and engage through the medium of Welsh. The Interim Chief Executive of the CJC confirmed that all documentation was bilingual with Welsh appearing first within the consultation. It was reported that a virtual room had been created in collaboration with ARUP and that the Welsh language appeared first on all of these virtual tables. They added that a telephone line had been set up which would be open for the public to call which would also offer Welsh ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
of Finance - CJC’s Statutory
Finance Officer) and Sian
Pugh, (Assistant Head of Finance) to present the report. Additional documents: Decision: To note and accept the Corporate Joint Committee's projected expenditure
for 2024/25 as submitted in Appendix 1. Minutes: The report was submitted by Dewi A. Morgan (Head of Finance - CJC Statutory
Finance Officer) and Sian Pugh, (Assistant Head of Finance). DECISION To note and accept the CJC’s projected expenditure for
2024/25 as presented in Appendix 1. DISCUSSION The financial review report for December 2024 was
submitted, drawing members' attention to the table in appendix 1 of the report.
It was explained that the budget was on the left side and then a projection of
the position up to the end of the financial year on the right side, with the
last column showing the overspend or underspend per heading. It was highlighted, based on the latest information,
that a net under-spend of £270,000 was projected by the end of the financial
year, increasing from the £200,000 forecast in the August Review. An underspend
of £311,000 was forecast on the Workers heading and £5,000 underspend on the
Travel heading. It was noted that the external consultant heading showed an
overspend of £53,000, but £80,000 of the expenditure on this heading related to
consultancy costs funded from a Transport Grant, and the income was shown as a
surplus under grant income further down the table. The £216,700 overspend on set-up costs, an increase
from the £136,000 overspend envisaged in the August review, was highlighted and
this was due to the delay in transferring the Growth Deal functions to the
Corporate Joint Committee with the likely transfer date now in April. The Assistant Head of Finance Department was thanked for the report and the work and the committee was satisfied with what had been noted. |
Dewi A. Morgan (Head of Finance - CJC’s Statutory Finance Officer) and Sian Pugh (Assistant Head of Finance) to present the report. Additional documents: Decision: 1.1 To
approve the Budget for 2025/26 for the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee
(CJC) as presented in the appendix to the report. To approve the budget as
noted below:-
1.2 To approve the levy on the
constituent authorities, as noted below:-
Minutes: The
report was submitted by
Dewi A. Morgan (Head of Finance Department- CJC Statutory Finance
Officer) and Sian Pugh, (Assistant Head of Finance Department). DECISION 1.1 To
approve the Budget for 2025/26 for the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee
(CJC) as presented in the appendix to the report. To approve the budget as
noted below:-
1.2 To approve the levy on the
constituent authorities, as noted below:-
DISCUSSION Submitted - the Corporate Joint Committee's budget for
2025/26 with a run-down of the main additions. It was noted that the
Governments’ recent recommendation to have a dedicated full-time Growth Deal
Portfolio Director had impacted the staffing structure. Previously, the
position of Chief Executive of the Joint Committee was shared with the Growth
Deal, but following their recommendation, the CJC budget had now been adjusted
to include the position of a full-time Chief Executive as well as a full-time Personal
Assistant. It had been reported that four additional positions in
Policy, Procurement, Operations and Administration had been added to the
staffing structure and those were to be funded from the reserve fund for a
period of two years with further discussions to be held in the future to
determine whether they needed to be made permanent and added to the levy. It was explained that the support services budget had
increased, to reflect the resources needed going forward and included Finance
support (including Section 151 Officer), Legal support (including the
Monitoring Officer), Democracy Support, Corporate Services (Translation, Human
Resources, Learning and Development, Health and
Safety) and Information Technology services.
It was noted there was a budget of £180,000 for the
Investment Zone programme with the hope that everything would be in place to
start in April 2025. It was added there would be a contribution of almost
£565,000 from the reserve fund which would then leave a balance of around half
a million in the fund. It was explained that the total net budget used to
calculate the levy for 2025/26 was £902,480 and was an increase of £137,660
from 2024/25, and this increase was mainly due to the impact of the Governments
recent recommendation to have a dedicated full-time Portfolio Director for the
Growth Deal. Gratitude was expressed for the report. There were no
further observations. |