Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Annes Sion 01286 679490
No. | Item |
Chair for 2020/21. Decision: Councillor Phil Wyn, Wrexham County Borough
Council, was elected Chair for 2020/21 Minutes: Councillor Phil Wyn, Wrexham County Borough
Council, was elected Chair for 2020/21 |
ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR To elect a Vice-Chair
for 2020/21. Decision: Councillor Meirion
Jones, Isle of Anglesey County Council, was elected Vice Chair for 2020/21. Minutes: Councillor Meirion
Jones, Isle of Anglesey County Council, was elected Vice Chair for 2020/21. |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies received from Councillor Ian Roberts (Flintshire County
Council), Jonathan Morgan (Special Schools' Representative), Iwan Evans
(Gwynedd Council), Richard Collett (Primary Schools' Representative), Karen
Evans (Wrexham County Borough Council) and Claire Homard (Flintshire County
Council). |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest. Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were
received. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration. Minutes: There were no urgent
matters |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (copy enclosed) Minutes: It was confirmed
that the record presented appropriately reflected the meeting held on 15
September 2020. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to present & request the approval of
the Joint Committee with regard to internal audit arrangements. Decision: Arrangements
were approved as noted in point 4.1 of the report, adding as an exception,
where appropriate, that some individual audit reports will need to be presented
to the Joint Committee as and when the need arises, rather than waiting for the
annual report. Minutes: DECISION Arrangements were approved as noted in point 4.1
of the report, adding as an exception, where appropriate, that some individual
audit reports will need to be presented to the Joint Committee as and when the
need arises, rather than waiting for the annual report. Discussion The report was presented, noting that the item is presented following
the discussion in the last meeting. Thanks were expressed to the Head of
Finance and the Managing Director for outlining the protocol and its context.
The agreed process was explained, noting that at the beginning of an audit year
there will be an agreement as to what will be audited, and this will be shared
with the Joint Committee. It was noted that the Joint Committee needs to make it known whether it
requires an annual report or that audit reports are put before the Joint
Committee. It was emphasised that the
Host Authority Internal Audit Manager will report to the GwE Joint Committee,
not to Gwynedd Council. Comments arising from the discussion:- · The protocol was welcomed, noting that not all audit items as
confirmation of proper administration of grants need to come to the attention
of the Joint Committee when they arise, not counting exceptions where it will
be appropriate to present them individually, rather than waiting for the annual
report. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to share relevant audit reports conducted
by the region’s local authorities on the Pupil Development Grant & the
Regional Consortia School Improvement Grant. Additional documents:
Decision: The reports were accepted, noting that
appropriate and sufficient management and processes are in place. Therefore,
there will be no need to present similar items to the Joint Committee in the
future, except for mentioning them in the host authority Audit Manager’s annual
report to the Joint Committee. Minutes: DECISION The reports were noted and accepted. Discussion The GwE Managing Director presented the audit reports, and he noted
there are two elements, namely the Pupil Development Grant and the Regional
Consortia School Improvement Grant (RCSIG). Attention was drawn to the 'High'
assurance level of the audits, which is a reflection of the appropriate
arrangements in place for the administration of grants. Thanks were expressed to
all staff members who have been a part of the work involving grants, and to the
Host Authority Internal Audit Unit for ratification. Nevertheless, the Chair
noted that the Joint Committee accepts the previous recommendation that this
type of report will not need to be put before the committee in future. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to present the latest GwE Risk Register
to the Joint Committee. Additional documents: Decision: The Joint
Committee reviewed the contents of the register and accepted the information. Minutes: DECISION The Joint Committee reviewed the contents of the register and accepted
the information. Discussion The report was presented, and it was noted that
the risk register is a regular item on the Joint Committee agenda. It was
stated that major risks are highlighted red. The Head of Finance emphasised
that the first risk as regards cuts to GwE's Core
budget depends on the Government's grant settlement for local authorities in
2021/22. In addition, there will be an
announcement on 22 December, therefore it is not possible to look at the budget
until January. During the discussion - ¾ Thanks were
expressed for the work undertaken in such a different situation due to
Covid-19. It was emphasised that the way
of working has had to change, and it was noted that GwE has adapted its work so
as to continue to provide services and support the region's schools and their
communities. |
GwE Managing Director and Dafydd L Edwards, Gwynedd Council Head of
Finance to update Joint Committee
members on the latest financial review of GwE’s budget for the 2020/21
financial year. Additional documents: Decision: The report was accepted. Minutes: DECISION The report was accepted. Discussion Host Authority Head of Finance and GwE Managing Director noted there was
no striking news to report as regards the budget, but that he is providing an
update on the financial situation for the 2021/21 financial year. A net underspend of (£31,502) is estimated, mainly due to a saving in
the core travel expenses budget, as school sites are closed because of the
pandemic. Reference was made to the report that explains in detail the reasons for
the overspend and underspend. In response to a question about reclaiming losses from Welsh Government,
GwE Managing Director noted that GwE will so where possible, and the Head of
Finance confirmed that recompense occurs mainly via the constituent authority
accounts. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to present the self-assessment tool to members
of the Joint Committee which will assist Local Authorities in assessing their
readiness for implementing the reforms as outlined in the Draft Additional
Learning Needs (ALN) Code for Wales. Additional documents:
Decision: The self-assessment tool and the Additional Learning Needs Professional Offer
were both approved, which will support Local
Authorities and schools to implement the reforms as set out in the Draft Learning
Needs Code for Wales. A further report was requested for the next meeting, noting
how the self-assessment tool will work
and any financial
implications arising as a result of the draft Learning Needs Code. Minutes: DECISION The self-assessment
tool and the Additional Learning Needs Professional Offer were both approved,
which will support Local Authorities and schools to implement the reforms as
set out in the Draft Learning Needs Code for Wales. A further report was
requested for the next meeting, noting how the self-assessment tool will work and
any financial implications arising as a result of the draft Learning Needs
Code. Discussion It was noted that Karen Evans is leading this work across the north. The regional ALN Transformation Team produced the self-assessment tool
in order to support Local Authorities to assess their readiness for
implementing the draft Additional Learning Needs
(ALN) Code for Wales. It was emphasised that the tool will enable local authorities to acquire
a better understanding of the areas for improvement and to understand their
current strengths. It was confirmed that
it will also give a regional overview of how ready Local Authorities are for
implementing the ALN reforms. Comments arising from the discussion: It was asked whether there is financial support from
Welsh Government for implementing the Code. It was expressed that the
Government has noted it as a neutral cost exercise. Concerns were expressed regarding the additional cost
from this Code. The importance of raising parents' awareness was noted
when moving to a new plan. A further report was requested for the next meeting,
noting any financial implications arising as a result of the draft ALN Code for
Wales. |
GwE Managing Director, to hold a discussion in the Joint Committee on the
Independent Review of awarding Qualifications in Wales in 2020 following the
Minister for Education’s announcement on 10 November 2020. Additional documents:
Decision: It was agreed that the region's main priority during the next phase is to give secondary schools the appropriate support to help KS4 and KS5 learners to receive fair accreditation. In order to implement
this it was agreed to use reserves, which
are as a result of the underspend. It was decided to write to the Minister for Education, firstly to thank her for her announcement of 10 November on the arrangements for awarding qualifications in 2021, and to note concerns arising
from the meeting. It was decided to write
to Geraint Rees, Chair of the Design and Delivery Group, outlining the concerns noted. Minutes: DECISION It was agreed that
the region's main priority during the next phase is to give secondary schools
the appropriate support to help KS4 and KS5 learners to receive fair
accreditation. In order to implement this it was agreed to use reserves, which
are as a result of the underspend. It was decided to
write to the Minister for Education, firstly to thank her for her announcement
of 10 November on the arrangements for awarding qualifications in 2021, and to
note concerns arising from the meeting. It was decided to
write to Geraint Rees, Chair of the Design and Delivery Group, outlining
concerns noted. DISCUSSION The GwE Managing Director presented the report on the
Independent Review of awarding Qualifications in Wales and comments were
received from the Secondary Schools' representative. It was added that the
Minister had made this announcement one day prior to the Joint Committee
meeting. Thanks were expressed to all Headteachers
and forum Chairs who have been key in conveying the region's standpoint on the
matter to the Minister. Joint Committee members discussed the report and the
Minister's statement was welcomed. It
was noted that the announcement will give Headteachers
and teachers an opportunity to focus on teaching for the time being. However, several
questions were raised as regards implementing the statement and that there is a
need for clarity as soon as possible. Comments arising
from the discussion: ¾
It was noted that the
independent review reflects the needs of learners rather than the examination
system. ¾
It was expressed that Headteachers and teachers need to have the opportunity to
lead on the follow-up discussions and that the Joint Committee should request
to meet members of the committee. ¾
It was suggested that
this could be a new way of assessing without examinations in the traditional
manner. ¾
Clarity was requested
regarding the situation for pupils in the future in 2022, taking into account
that some pupils will have no experience of sitting examinations. The need to
consider the health and well-being of these pupils was noted. ¾
It was noted that the
Joint Committee authorises using revenues as a result of underspend to support
schools with any additional costs that arise as they implement the
recommendations. ¾
It was suggested to
write to the Minister for Education to show appreciation for her statement. ¾
It was agreed that it
would be an idea to convey the concerns of the Joint Committee to Geraint Rees,
as Chair of the Board. |
GwE Managing Director, to share information with Joint Committee members
regarding our strategy and the support available to schools to ensure
continuity of learning. Decision: The report was noted and accepted, and
to support the regional approach and model so as to ensure continuity of learning in north Wales. Minutes: DECISION The report was noted
and accepted, and to support the regional approach and model so as to ensure
continuity of learning in north Wales. Discussion The report was presented, noting that the report gives
an overview of the support available to schools. There will be a library of blended learning resources
available for regional schools, created by teachers, for teachers. Clusters and alliances are in the process of
gathering, co-constructing and sharing resources with each other and across the
region. This resource will be available via the GwE Support Centre and includes
resources from the Foundation Phase up to Key Stage 5. It will allow schools to continue their
strong joint working practices through sharing the resources developed. It will be a means to support colleagues
across north Wales during this challenging time, and beyond. GwE SIAs will be
available to facilitate and support this work. It is hoped that this will
lessen the workload, and allow schools to plan for any eventuality. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to share information with the Joint Committee
members in relation to the regional approach in supporting the well-being of
our children and our workforce. Decision: The
report was noted and accepted, and
to support the regional approach to supporting children's wellbeing and the wellbeing of the region's workforce. Minutes: DECISION The report was noted and
accepted, and to support the regional approach to supporting children's
well-being and the well-being of the region's workforce. Discussion The report on the regional approach to supporting
children's well-being and the well-being of the region's workforce was
presented. The contents of the plan was discussed, noting that a series of
workshops will be offered to school leaders and education officers. . There will be flexibility for schools to participate
in these sessions and use them in their own schools if they wish. Claire Chidley, a
highly respected and experienced expert in the field and who works regularly
with SOLACE, will be facilitating the workshops. GwE Managing Director referred to the report, which
outlines what the programme will offer.
It was noted that the universal offer will be in the form of one 'live'
event to launch the programme, and 185 Headteachers
have registered to date, which is very encouraging. Following this, a series of
webinars will be offered, which will focus on various themes and aspects of
well-being and resilience. Comments arising from the discussion: ¾
It was acknowledged
that the programme is interesting, and notes several methods of supporting
well-being. ¾
Recognition was given
to the authorities who are already providing such workshops so as to support Headteachers and school staff. ¾
Members welcomed the
report, noting its importance in the current climate. |
Thomas, GwE Managing Director, to update Joint Committee members in relation to
the Estyn Thematic Review Additional documents: Decision: The report
was noted and accepted, and it was agreed to hold further discussions following publication of the report. Minutes: DECISION The report was noted and accepted, and it was agreed to
hold further discussions following publication of the report. DISCUSSION The report was presented, and it was noted that the
Joint Committee is already aware of the Estyn
thematic review. It was added that a one
day session was held back in October, and that Estyn
has also held meetings with the Local Authorities. It was expressed that
numerous documents and summaries had been sent to Estyn
as part of the preparation work. It was emphasised that the report is a summary of what
was presented to Estyn and outlines the work
programme, the main outcomes and its impact.
No formal feedback has been received from Estyn
as yet, and a full national report will be published in December. It was added that local authorities and
regional consortia will receive written feedback on their work. The need for
further discussion following receipt of the report was noted. Comments arising from the discussion ¾
Understanding was
expressed as regards the need for the report, but the timing of undertaking the
exercise during this time was questioned.
GwE Managing Director, to update Joint Committee members on the current
situation in relation to schools in Estyn Statutory Category and Estyn Review
Category. Decision: The report was noted and accepted,
and the next steps were agreed.
It was decided to write to
Estyn to request prompt guidance and clarity
as regards the situation. Minutes: DECISION The report was noted and accepted, and the next steps
were agreed. It was decided to write to Estyn to
request prompt guidance and clarity as regards the situation. Discussion Joint Committee members were updated on the current
situation regarding schools in Estyn Statutory
Category and Estyn Review. GwE Managing Director
reported the challenges facing schools due to Covid-19. It was reported that Estyn
and GwE visits have been postponed for a while, but that pastoral visits will
re-commence this half term. It was noted
that no written reports will be produced for the time being. This was elaborated upon, noting that
feedback from these visits will assist Estyn to
identify the appropriate time to re-commence formal monitoring. Comments arising from the discussion: ¾
It was noted that the
region is naturally concerned that there is no clarity as regards the next
steps. ¾
It was expressed it is encouraging
to hear that Estyn has discussed these matters
internally, and that the outcome will be shared in the coming weeks. ¾
It was suggested to
correspond with the chief inspector to seek clarification and hold further
discussions. |