Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Eirian Roberts 01286 679018
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for
absence. Minutes: None to note. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declarations of personal interest. Minutes: Referring to item 7, the Chair, Mr
Hywel Eifion Jones, noted that he was a lay member for the Adjudication Panel
for Wales. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any items
that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chair for consideration. Minutes: None to note. |
The Chair shall propose that the minutes of the meetings of this committee held on 6th November,
2023 and 10th January, 2024
(Special Meeting) be signed as true records:- Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meetings
of this committee held on 6 November, 2023 and 10 January, 2024 (Special
Meeting) as a true record. |
the report of the Monitoring Officer. Additional documents: Decision: To approve the criteria for monitoring and reporting
compliance with the duty on Political Group Leaders in relation to conduct
standards of Group Members (Appendix 1 of the report that was presented to the
committee), together with the report form template (Appendix 2). Minutes: Submitted – the report of
the Monitoring Officer inviting the committee to approve the criteria for
monitoring and reporting compliance with the duty on Political Group Leaders in relation to conduct
standards of Group Members. The Monitoring Officer
noted:- ·
That the recommendation to the committee was based on suggestions that
were developed by the Welsh Monitoring Officers as possible indicators for
quantifying and measuring the duty. ·
That the recommendation would allow the committee to receive a meaningful
report at the end of the year regarding how the duty had worked, and also
allowed him, as Monitoring Officer, to report to the committee in a context
where everyone understood what the expectations were, etc. ·
The recognition that
the duty was not one that attributed itself to data or statistics easily, and
it was more to do with culture and evaluating views. ·
That the criteria included 8 matters that could be put forward as a
starting point to report against them in terms of how the Leaders have worked
together in a practical way and to promote the duty. ·
That it was recommended not to include the following options in the
criteria for the reasons noted:- Ø The Leaders of the Groups to ensure, where
there was a policy decision by the Council, that members of the Group adhered
to them. - it was believed that this
matter entered challenging grounds in terms of members' right of expression and
members' right to disagree. Ø The Group Leaders to ensure that incorrect
information was not handed out in the public realm to avoid harming the
Council's reputation. – it was considered that this was open to interpretation and matters
such as bringing a Council into disrepute under the Code would be more
relevant. Ø The Group Leaders to ensure that DBS checks
took place appropriately- it was believed that this matter, attributed itself to specific
circumstances in some councils, rather than in Gwynedd. ·
To arrange useful and constructive discussions with the Group Leaders
individually during January regarding matters arising and to agree on a
direction, etc. ·
That the collaboration appeared to be a constructive process, that would
hopefully contribute towards maintaining behaviour standards in the Council,
and perhaps a medium to discuss matters before they developed. ·
That the Code of Conduct course was the same challenge for members and
there had been less interest than expected in the course to be held on 21
February. It was intended to run the
campaign again during April and it would also be an opportunity to have a
discussion with the Leaders and to encourage attendance on the courses. RESOLVED to approve
the criteria for monitoring and reporting compliance with the duty on Political
Groups' Leaders in relation with Group Members' behaviour standards (Appendix 1
of the report that was presented to the Committee), together with the reporting
form template (Appendix 2). In response to a question, it was confirmed that the Leaders of the Political Groups would receive a copy of the reporting form ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
the report of the Propriety and Elections Manager. Additional documents: Decision: To note the
information. Minutes: Submitted – the report of
the Propriety and Elections Manager presented information to the committee
about the Ombudsman's decisions on formal complaints against members. On a point of clarity, the
Propriety and Elections Manager noted that the Welsh version of the last
sentence of the summary to the second complaint (Appendix 2 of the report)
should read 'Dewisodd yr aelod gyfeirio’r mater at yr
Ombwdsmon i’w ystyried yn hytrach na mynd drwy Drefn Datrys Lleol y
Cyngor’. The Monitoring Officer noted
that the second complaint highlighted how difficult it was to remove the
boundary between free speech and saying something that could be offensive to
some people, and he was glad of the Ombudsman's support to the local resolution
procedure in his observations on the case. It was enquired whether the
Ombudsman, possibly, suggested that there was a lack of trust in the local
resolution procedure, and was it possible to be confident that the procedure
was robust and efficient. In response,
the Monitoring Officer noted:- ·
That the procedure was in place and adaptations had been made to it by
now and a discussion had also been held with the Leaders of the Political
Groups. ·
That it was natural, whilst going into a procedure like this, that
questions arose, but the members were encouraged to have a conversation with
him first regarding the steps that were put in place to ensure that the process
was fair and appropriate. RESOLVED to note the
information. |
the report of the Monitoring Officer. Additional documents: Decision: To note the report
for information. Minutes: Submitted – the report of the Monitoring Officer
appending a copy of the 2022-23 Annual Report of the Adjudication Panel for
Wales for the attention of the committee. The Monitoring Officer noted that the APW/008/2021-022/CT
case on page 34 of the programme was noticeably crossing the boundary in terms
of rights of expression, and underlined, that although members could judge
concepts or disagree with someone's opinion, that making declarations that were
factually incorrect, etc., meant that the protection quickly disappeared. It was noticed that the summary of the
APW/009/2021-022/CT case, also on page 34 of the programme, noted that it
appeared, at the time of writing the report, that the Council in question did
not comply with the recommendations within the required timescale, and it was
asked what the result of that would be. In response, the
Monitoring Officer noted:- ·
That the report
recommended that all present councillors of the Council in question should
attend Code of Conduct training, etc., but that there was currently no specific
power to force such matters on an entire council. However, if another case arose in the same
council, the Ombudsman would take notice of the fact that training was not
provided etc,. ·
That one of the
discussions as a result to the Penn review concerned expanding power, for
example, Standards Committee, to demand that specific steps, such as attending
training, would take place. ·
In terms of the case in
question, if the problem continued and that there were further findings, the
matter may ultimately be referred to the auditors if the council's culture
reached that level. RESOLVED to note the report for information. |