Venue: Cyfarfod Rhithiol / Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Lowri Haf Evans 01286 679878
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from John Pughe Roberts and Dewi Morgan (Head of Finance). |
any declaration of personal interest Minutes: None to note. |
URGENT ITEMS To note any
items which are urgent business in the opinion of the Chairman so that they may
be considered Minutes: None to
note. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the meeting of this committee held
on 18th September 2023 to be signed as a true record Minutes: The
Chair accepted the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September
2023 as a true record. |
To consider
the auditor’s report, approve the Statement of Accounts and authorise the Chair
and Head of Finance to certify the letter. Additional documents:
Decision: ·
accept and note the ISA 260 report by Audit Wales ·
approve the Gwynedd Pension Fund’s post-audit Statement of Accounts for 2022/23 ·
authorise the Chair and Head of Finance to certify the Letter of Representation
(electronically) Minutes: Yvonne Thomas (Audit
Wales) was welcomed to the meeting. Submitted - a report and a Statement
of Accounts for the Gwynedd
Pension Fund 2022/23 (post audit), by the Investment Manager
providing details of the Pension Fund's financial activities for the year ending
31st March 2023. Members were
reminded that a draft of the accounts had been submitted to the meeting held on
26 June 2023 and although there were no
significant changes following the audit carried out by Audit Wales, there was an amendment to Note 13: Income Investment breakdown, although there was no change
to the total. It was added that Note 23 - Related Party Transactions
- governance membership of
the Committee and the Pension Board needed
updating prior to its final publication. Yvonne Thomas (Audit Wales) was invited to submit the 'ISA260' report. It
was reported that the auditors intended to issue an unqualified
audit opinion on the accounts this year, once
the Letter of Representation
had been signed. It was explained that the auditors could never provide complete
assurance that the accounts had been accurately stated, but rather that they worked to a level of ‘relevance.’ A materiality level of £27.6635 million had been set for this year's
audit, in an attempt to identify
and rectify misstatements that might otherwise cause a user of the accounts to be misled. Reference was made again to the misstatement in the original accounts (Note 13 Investment Income) and it was confirmed that this had now been
corrected by managers. Attention was drawn to the following headings: ·
Propose a recommendation that the Gwynedd Pension Fund should run
and save the report on membership
details as recorded in the Altair system to support the figures reported in the accounts. It was noted that the Managers accepted the recommendation and had noted an
intention to provide a report supporting the membership numbers in future financial
statements – with the report 'saved' on the day as evidence. ·
The submitted information was of high quality and was extremely positive - a good reflection of the effective arrangements in the Finance Department. ·
Officers were thanked for
completing the accounts in a tight timescale.
The Auditors were thanked for
their cooperation and thorough work.
Appreciation was expressed for the commitment and the accuracy of the work, and the Investment Manager and the team were thanked
for preparing the accounts. During the ensuing discussion, the following observation was noted: ·
The report was encouraging and positive - and provided confidence that things were
going well and the result of the audit highlighted the officers' good work. Thanks were expressed for the report. RESOLVED
To accept and note
the 'ISA 260’ report by Audit
Wales ·
To approve Gwynedd Pension Fund’s post-audit Statement of Accounts for 2022/23 · To authorise the Chair and Head of Finance to ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
quarterly update from Wales Pension Partnership Additional documents:
Decision: Minutes: Submitted - the report of the Investment Manager.
It was noted that the report was one that appeared regularly
on the Pension Committee's agenda as a means of ensuring that Members
received current and up-to-date
information. Reference was made to a summary of discussions and decisions of the Governance Joint Committee (the Partnership's decision-making body) held on
20 September 2023, drawing specific attention to the review of the Business Plan for 2023/24. Members were reminded that
Waystone (previously Link) was the operator providing the service regulated by the FCA;
Russell Investments provided
the investment options for the listed assets; Northern Trust was the appointed global custodian; Hymans Robertson was
the governance and oversight advisor and Robeco provided
voting and engagement services to the WPP, in accordance with
its responsibilities and stewardship commitments. Reference was also made to the operator's update regarding information about all the funds that had been established
by the Partnership (Gwynedd was one
of eight, with 83% of Gwynedd's Fund pooled with the Partnership) and to the record of
the performance of those funds. In the context of the funds' performance, it was noted that this financial
year had been slow initially, although the equity performance had started to improve by June due to American markets. In the context of future developments, it was reported that work was ongoing
with private markets, on-boarding with the open-ended infrastructure sub-fund and Schroders private
equity mandate soon to receive investments. Finally, it was noted that work
was continuing to develop
real estate solutions for the partnership, and that the tendering
process was ongoing to find a real estate provider. Thanks were expressed for the report. In response to the report, the Chair noted that
the UK Government had recently
been critical about the slow progress of the pooling work. It was pleasing to report that Gwynedd, and the Wales Pension Partnership were at the forefront in this
respect. RESOLVED to accept and
note the quarterly update of the Wales Pension Partnership. |
conference dates and confirm interest in attending the events noted by
15th December 2023. Decision: Minutes: Submitted - a report listing the dates of the pensions conferences for 2024. It was noted that the conferences gave Members an
opportunity to expand their knowledge and discuss matters
of relevance. Dates were discussed and Members stated
their interest in the events that
were convenient for them. RESOLVED to accept the information
and note the dates |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Chairman shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion on the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). There is an acknowledged
public interest in openness in
relation to the use of public resources and related financial issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions,
in order to protect the financial interests of public authorities that matters related to commercial information need to be discussed without being publicised.
Publication of such commercially sensitive information would be inappropriate having regard to the legitimate interests of third parties and could undermine confidence to engage with the Council and therefore the Councils ability make decisions on behalf of the fund. This would
be contrary to the wider public interest of securing value for money and the best overall outcome.
For those reasons the matters are exempt from
the public interest. Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude
the press and public from the meeting during the discussion on the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 - Information
about the financial or business transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that
information). There is an acknowledged public interest in openness in
relation to the use of public resources and related financial
issues. It is also acknowledged that there are occasions,
in order to protect public financial interests that matters related
to commercial information need to be discussed without being publicised.
The reports were specifically regarding the proposed procurement process. Publishing commercially sensitive information of this type could
be detrimental to the interests
of the Council and its partners by undermining competition. This would be contrary
to the wider public interest of securing the best overall outcome.
For these reasons, the matter was closed for the public interest. |
strategic asset allocation (copy to Committee Members only) Decision: Minutes: Submitted - a report proposing a new strategic allocation
for the Fund's assets further to the improvement in the funding situation since the three-year valuation in 2022. It was expressed that the Strategic Asset Allocation was
the most important decision
for any Pension
Fund, and it was emphasised that there was no right
or wrong way of determining the Strategic Assets Allocation, as this was a matter of trying to find the best solution to restrictions and opportunities. The solution would also be influenced
by the investors' personal philosophies. Thanks were expressed for the report. The proposed new assets
were discussed RESOLVED to approve
moving to the proposed strategic assets allocation for the Fund Note: The Total Defensive
figure needed correcting. |
ROBECO ENGAGEMENT SERVICE- ENGAGEMENT REPORT Q2 2023 To consider and note the Quarterly
Report by Robeco (copy to Committee Members
only) Decision: To accept and note the contents of the
report. Note: In future, ensure that more detail and background information is included
in the report Minutes: A quarterly report was submitted summarising the work Robeco (WPP Voting and Engagement Provider) undertook on behalf of the Pension Fund, including
engagement work. The content of the
report was discussed RESOLVED to accept
and note the contents of the report Note: In future, ensure that the report included more detail and background information |